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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
猜忌[cāi jì, ㄘㄞ ㄐㄧˋ,  ] be suspicious and jealous of #32,230 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'm not a jealous woman. But I am a careful one.[CN] 我不是個猜忌的女人 但我是個謹慎的女人 And Then There Were 7 (2005)
And the walls of doubt crumbled tossed and torn[CN] 猜忌的墙壁,崩塌倾泻 Golden Chicken (2002)
At times I'hate him for all the harm he's done to me.[CN] 並沒有真愛 只有互相J僧限和猜忌 Tristana (1970)
You were so busy worrying about each other, you never even saw me coming.[CN] 你们俩忙着猜忌 根本没怀疑过我对吗? The Long Con (2006)
Instead, they started getting frightened of each other.[CN] 他們開始互相猜忌。 巫婆! - Bowling for Columbine (2002)
And on both of us keeping an agreeable tension between them, mistrust, hostility.[CN] 还要我们保持他们关系紧张 猜忌 敌对 And on both of us keeping an agreeable tension between them, mistrust, hostility. The Smoke Screen (1986)
Lies, deceit... creating mistrust are his ways now.[CN] 谎言,欺骗... 制造猜忌是他的拿手好戏 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
All that anger, all that mistrust, all that unhappiness... forgotten for that one perfect moment when they get off the plane.[CN] 一切愤怒、猜忌、忧愁 全抛开了! 在下飞机的刹那 Dogma (1999)
But if we're twins and I was jealous of Moyoko?[CN] 我们是双胞胎 是我猜忌木优子? Dogra Magra (1988)
There's a lot of suspicion and hate.[CN] 有很多猜忌和憎恨 Platoon (1986)
My good lord, I wot not by what power, but by some power it is, my love to Hermia melted as the snow, and all the faith, the virtue of my heart, the object and the pleasure of mine eye[CN] 我知道你们两人是情敌 怎么竟会如此融洽 仇恨之中竟毫无猜忌, 和仇人酣睡竟毫无敌意? A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)
Ray, now I know that jealous bastard planted that lie in your head.[CN] 雷,我知道那个擅长猜忌的杂种 在你脑袋里制造了假象 Ray (2004)

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