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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
欧亚[Ōu Yà, ㄡ ㄧㄚˋ,   /  ] Asia and Europe; Eurasian (continent); same as 歐亞|欧亚 #24,574 [Add to Longdo]
欧亚大陆[Ōu yà dà lù, ㄡ ㄧㄚˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄨˋ,     /    ] Eurasia #47,580 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Over the last 30 million years, the Indian subcontinent has been pushing northwards into Eurasia.[CN] 在过去的3000万年间 印度次大陆持续向北挤压欧亚大陆 Shangri-La (2008)
Seal off Eurasian Zone Three.[CN] 立刻封锁欧亚z -1 -3管区 Casshern (2004)
But pockets of resistance fighting the oppressive new regime, remain in Eurasian Zone Seven.[CN] 但是,有小部分反抗势力 仍在反抗这种难以忍受的新政权 在欧亚第七管区活动 Casshern (2004)
There's the Eurasian triangle.[CN] 着是一个欧亚三角区 Syriana (2005)
That was right about the time that the pointless war for control over Eurasia...[CN] 那时候,赌上了欧亚霸权的 无聊大战好不容易才刚结束 (1999年第四次世界大战[ 非核战争 ]爆发 起因来自欧洲共同体[ E. Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)
Eurasia, Zone Seven.[CN] 欧亚第七管区 Casshern (2004)
Gentlemen, as you know, we've beaten Eurasia and brought it under control.[CN] 诸位,诚如各位所知 我们击败了欧亚 片名 再造人卡辛 顺利取得控制权 Casshern (2004)
They'll make you kill the Eurasian dude.[CN] 他们会逼你杀那个欧亚佬的 Zoolander (2001)
About the time Japan split off from Eurasia.[CN] 2千万年前 日本列岛从欧亚大陆分离了出来 Nihon chinbotsu (2006)
After fifty years of bitter warfare the Eastern Federation has beaten Europa's armies and taken control of the Eurasian continent.[CN] 在经过五十年的残酷战争后 大亚细亚联邦共和国击败欧洲联盟 控制了欧亚大陆 Casshern (2004)
this crater lake is the largest spawning ground for sockeye salmon in the world.[CN] 拥有保温毛皮的欧亚狼 也不把酷寒当一回事 这些社会性动物生活和猎食都是成群结队 Kamtschatka (2009)
...covered some hot spots over in central Eurasia.[CN] 我们谈过欧亚中部的地区 Mission: Impossible III (2006)

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