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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: rizza, -rizza-
Possible hiragana form: りっざ
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It seems Pato Rizaro, a guy from the suburbs, was part of his gang.Zu seiner Bande hat Pato Rizzaro gehört, ein Typ aus San Isidro. The Clan (2015)
It is cheeky, Rizza!Der wird frech, Rizza! The Escapist (2008)
It's Muscatto, only frizzante.นี่ไวน์มัสคาโต ฟริซานเต้ The American (2010)
- I'm Eugene Griz... I'm Eugene Grizzard. - I'm Velma Davis.Ich heiße Eugene Grizzard. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)
Friz, Frizzana, Frizzlecar?Friz, Frizzana, Frizzlecar? Double or Nothing (2002)
Tamburitza orchestra, even here?Auch hier Tamburizzaspieler? The Professional (2003)
Rizza will not like.Das wird Rizza nicht gefallen. The Escapist (2008)
To find out Rizza, nowhere to go.Wenn Rizza das mitkriegt, geht ihr nirgendwo hin. The Escapist (2008)
Rizza and get behind us. No way.Dann haben wir Rizza am Hals. The Escapist (2008)
And that stops me in a coffin, I Rizza no liver.Das wäre mein Todesurteil, wenn ich Rizza nicht beliefern kann. The Escapist (2008)
Rizza...Rizza... The Escapist (2008)
Rizza!Rizza! The Escapist (2008)
Rizza!Rizza! The Escapist (2008)
As soon as he finds Sykes, Rizza is from his roof.Sobald Rizza Sikes findet, weiß er, was los ist. The Escapist (2008)
Rizza know nothing.Rizza denkt anders. The Escapist (2008)
That makes for Rizza.Dafür sorgt Rizza schon. The Escapist (2008)
Let him Rizza about?Wir überlassen ihn Rizza? The Escapist (2008)
Hi, Rizza.Hi, Rizza. The Escapist (2008)
You have not done much... and now you take it some way.Du hast nicht viel... und nimmst davon noch was weg. - Rizza... The Escapist (2008)
Rizza in his cell waiting for you.Rizza wartet in seiner Zelle auf dich. The Escapist (2008)
He is gone, Rizza.Er ist weg, Rizza. The Escapist (2008)
It's like Moscato, only frizzante.- Wie Moscato, aber frizzante. The American (2010)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. [ Etymol. uncertain. ] To dry in the sun; as, rizzared haddock. [ Scot. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

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