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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
袒护[tǎn hù, ㄊㄢˇ ㄏㄨˋ,   /  ] to cover up; to take sb's side; unprincipled support #45,458 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I think your parents wanted to make it plainly understood that you are Anglo-Saxon.[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }意指威尔在节目里过度袒护支持方了 News Night 2.0 (2012)
Are you defending witches, Countess?[CN] 您是在袒护女巫吗? The Countess (2009)
It was her who brought her up.[CN] 她一直在袒护着她 Suzanne's Career (1963)
To protect a client, he became the personal servant of a large and violent criminal- - How's that sound?[CN] 为了袒护客户 变成一宗大案的协犯 这个听上去如何? A Dozen Red Roses (2009)
- Jim, you can't protect him anymore.[CN] -不能再袒护他了 吉姆 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
Protecting her like this.[CN] 袒护你母亲 Dolores Claiborne (1995)
Him vouching for his own guy?[CN] 袒护自己的人 With an X (2011)
Larry, I can't keep covering for you.[CN] 拉里 我不能总袒护你了 Blame the Victim (2007)
You're covering for someone who's trying to bury me.[CN] 你在袒护一个想弄死我的人 Rampart (2011)
Police officersaren't allowed to take sides.[CN] 警察不允许有袒护行为 Like It Was (2006)
You'd make excuses for him no matter what he did.[CN] 你什么都袒护他. 嘘. Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)
She defends him.[CN] 袒护 What Kate Did (2005)
We're not here to defend rich settlers and exploit Arabs.[CN] 我们不是来袒护富足的移民者 开发阿拉伯的 The Colonel (2006)
That Carrie goes around saying that everyone but her and her mother are going to hell and you stuck up for her?[CN] 那个嘉莉到处宣称除了她和她妈 That Carrie goes around saying that everyone but her and her mother 所有人都要下地狱,你还袒护她? 疯了吧! Carrie (2013)
If tom had done something like this, do you really think I would protect him?[CN] 如果Tom真的做了这样的事情 你觉得我会袒护他吗? Hello, Little Girl (2008)
Because you defended him.[CN] 因为你袒护 The Prey (2011)
If the police arrives, I won't spare you.[CN] 要是警察来抓你,我可不会袒护你的 8 Women (2002)
You favor him so much! Do you have some special relationship?[CN] 你这么袒护他,难道你们有一腿? Royal Tramp (1992)
And now there's no one left to protect.[CN] 现在没有人需要我袒护 Route 666 (2006)
Why did I come up here? I'm scared...[CN] 不要再袒护人类了! Kitaro (2007)
- She's just a child... - Don't spoil her![CN] 她还是个孩子别袒护她! What Have I Done to Deserve This? (1984)
Why does everybody shelter her?[CN] 为什么大家都要袒护她? Daddy-Long-Legs (2005)
He was always there for me.[CN] 他总是袒护 Shortbus (2006)
Only one reason why she'd help scum like me...[CN] 袒护我这样的人渣 恐怕只有一个理由吧 For Love's Sake (2012)
You are shielding your stepfather.[CN] 你在袒护你继父 The Speckled Band (1984)
God.[CN] 他总是袒护 Shortbus (2006)
If you protect someone who did this, you'll do time.[CN] 你要是袒护他人 是要进监狱的 Red Hair and Silver Tape (2008)
Actually, not to defend Raymond, that is a guy thing, Debra.[CN] 事实上,不是袒护雷蒙德, 那不过是男人们惯常的事,黛比拉 Debra Makes Something Good (2000)
Anyone who speaks for the offender is equally guilty.[CN] 袒护者同罪呀 皇上 On His Majesty's Secret Service (2009)
But he'll do anything for a friend, hood or cop.[CN] 他会为了朋友赴汤蹈火 他更袒护流氓而 不是警察 Le Doulos (1962)
If you're protecting him, you'd get life.[CN] - 你还袒护他. 这可是终身监禁啊 Chaos (2005)
European photographer, Felice Beato, took an amazing top shot of the whole city.[CN] 袒护英军的暴行的失职行为 「印度军的野蛮」他说 「只是英国人自己在印度行为的写照 Freedom (2007)
You're going to have to take a chain saw to those apron strings, girl.[CN] 你得拿把链锯 把那些袒护的东西 全锯掉女孩 Once Were Warriors (1994)
I'm tired of protecting him.I just want to talk to him.[CN] 我受够了袒护他 只是想和他谈谈 She Spat at Me (2007)
People, you can't help each other like that.[CN] 拜托! 你们别再互相袒护 The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
Why wouldn't you want to protect him?[CN] 可是为什么现在你不想袒护他了呢 We Are Not Animals (2007)
He'll back his partner to the moon, But his wife might be less steadfast.[CN] 他会拼了老命袒护他搭档 但她老婆就没那么坚决了 The Thin Red Line (2008)
Sinners understand each other![CN] 罪人总是互相袒护 8 Women (2002)
- She's a cold woman and you bend to her![CN] - 她是个冷血的女人 你还袒护她! The Crucible (1996)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't take sides![CN] 哇 你不能袒护他啊! Like It Was (2006)
I find him with my father's body, and you defend him.[CN] 他杀死我的父亲,而你却一直袒护 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Because I was trying to protect you![CN] 为了袒护你,我说钱是我偷的呀 Memories of Matsuko (2006)
Why are you always defending her, Joan?[CN] 你为什么总是袒护她 琼? The Runaways (2010)
-l won't.[CN] - 我不会袒护 Blood and Chocolate (2007)
Why'd you do that?[CN] 为什么要袒护我? Memories of Matsuko (2006)
Stop protecting her. And lecturing me.[CN] 别再袒护她了,也别再说教我了 8 Women (2002)
Why did you defend her?[CN] 袒护他作什么? Martyrs (2008)
Underwriting whatever sick business that fucking geologist was involved in... guarantees his fucking position, but what fucking happens, Dan?[CN] 任由地质工程师做变态勾当 袒护他 结果他妈的发生什么了,丹? E.B. Was Left Out (2005)
Why do you always shelter her?[CN] 为什么你总是要袒护她? Daddy-Long-Legs (2005)
You gotta take a side.[CN] 你必须袒护 Gone Baby Gone (2007)

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