“Demure” : The word redefines elegance and confidence in 2024 (เรียนภาษาอังกฤษ in English) “Demure” เป็นคำศัพท์ที่ได้รับความสนใจจากโซเชียลมีเดียโดยเฉพาะ Tiktok ซึ่งสะท้อนถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางวัฒนธรรมที่หันมาให้ความสำคัญกับความเรียบง่าย ความมั่นใจ และความใส่ใจในรายละเอียดทั้งในรูปลักษณ์และพฤติกรรม โดยคำนี้ได้รับการนิยามใหม่จากความหมายดั้งเดิมที่เกี่ยวกับความสุภาพถ่อมตัวและความสงวนท่าที ให้กลายเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความสง่างามที่มาพร้อมความมั่นใจอย่างมีชั้นเชิงในโลกที่เต็มไปด้วยความโดดเด่นฉูดฉาด การเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้ซึ่งได้รับอิทธิพลอย่างมากจากเทรนด์ในโซเชียลมีเดียและทัศนคติของสังคมที่พัฒนาไป ชี้ให้เห็นถึงการยอมรับในรูปแบบการแสดงตัวตนที่แฝงด้วยความลึกซึ้งและงดงามในปัจจุบัน The word “demure” was selected as Dictionary.com’s 2024 Word of...
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示警[shì jǐng, ㄕˋ ㄐㄧㄥˇ,  ] to warn; a warning sign #42,404 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Which means the police still don't know![CN] 那表示警方还不知道 Ghost Mother (2007)
You have my word... when I'm done, I will carve out their hearts and send them back marked for your attention.[CN] 我保证 完事之后 我会挖出他们的心脏 寄回去给你 以示警 Shadow Warfare: Part 4 (2013)
All drivers on the track, caution flags are out.[CN] 所有車手就位,出示警告旗 Rush (2013)
It's new evidence showing the cops are connected to the murder.[CN] 它的新证据显示警察被连接到了谋杀罪。 Kajinek (2010)
Leave our dead here as warning.[CN] { \2cH0080FF }并弃尸以示警 Rambo (2008)
We fire a warning shot across their bow[CN] 就对空开火示警 Thirteen Days (2000)
I fired a warning shot.[CN] 我是开枪示警 Kill the Messenger (2014)
A jackal barks an alarm.[CN] 一只豺狼吠叫示警 { \3cH202020 }A jackal barks an alarm. Kalahari (2013)
We fire some warning shots and run.[CN] 鸣几枪示警,然后撤退就行了 Welcome to Dongmakgol (2005)
There's only one dart.[CN] 枪里就一支飞镖 你怎么鸣枪示警? There's only one dart. Taxi 4 (2007)
Fire a warning shot.[CN] 开炮示警 Battleship (2012)
Were you wearing a badge, a uniform, anything to distinguish yourself as a police officer?[CN] 你當時出示警徽 你穿制服了麼 Were you wearing a badge, a uniform, 或者展示任何能讓別人看出來你是警察的東西 anything to distinguish yourself as a police officer? Second Degree (2013)
Not too loud. The red line's there for a reason.[CN] 别太大声,红线标示警 Say Anything... (1989)
Throw them some warning shots.[CN] 开枪示警 Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Now I find that odd, Mr. Henson, because the security company logs show the alarm sounded.[CN] 是的 我觉得这很奇怪 约翰先生 因为安保公司记录显示警报持续了 Like Father, Like Daughter (2013)
So, if you so much as try and signal...[CN] 如果你胆敢向他们示警... Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
No warning shot?[CN] 不先鸣枪示警么? No warning shot? Taxi 4 (2007)
You know, as a warning to other perverts.[CN] 向其他性变态的示警 Little Children (2006)
If you think he does, you gotta hang up the phone, 'cause that means the police have told him, and the phone's probably tapped.[CN] 若你认为他知情便挂断电话 那表示警方对他说了 电话给监听 Thelma & Louise (1991)
Come on. Throw caution to the wind.[CN] 来吧,向风中示警 Kronk's New Groove (2005)
Anyone here so much as hinting at the possibility of a killer robot being apprehended will be deemed to be inciting irrational panic.[CN] 发言暗示警方逮捕了一具 会杀人的机器人 将会被视为是煽动不理性的恐慌 I, Robot (2004)
The witnesses' testimonies have been suggesting that all the Prosecution's evidence are false.[CN] 现在有很多证言表示警方所提出的证据是虚假的 Unbowed (2011)
We were firing over it![CN] 只是对空示警 Thirteen Days (2000)
If she blinks kill her.[CN] 如果她敢眨眼示警 马上杀了她 The Specialist (1994)
On the other hand, it's evident that the family dog, who still awaits the impossible return of his masters, did not realize to sound the alarm or chase the criminal off[CN] 另一方面 明显家犬仍然在 等着他主人不可能的回家 却没有吠叫示警或赶跑罪犯 La corrupción de Chris Miller (1973)
They left his body here as a message.[CN] 他们只是把尸体留在这以示警 Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
On this occasion, you fired without warning and fled with jewelry valued at $150, 000.[CN] 这次事件 你未先示警 直接开枪 抢走了价值15万元的珠宝 The Sicilian Clan (1969)
Your badge![CN] -出示警官证 A Gang Story (2011)
And the same person who warned Raqim Faisel and Aileen Morgan that we were onto their safe house near the airport.[CN] 也是向Raqim Faisel和Aileen Morgan示警 我们要前往他们在机场附近的安全屋的人 Representative Brody (2011)
Throw them the chains as a reminder.[CN] 向他们投掷铁链以示警 Marketa Lazarová (1967)
"cross the border, go where you want."[CN] 有人放空枪以示警戒,枪走火了,打到人群中。 The Last of the Unjust (2013)
You're not gonna need the badge.[CN] 你不用出示警 Cackle-Bladder Blood (2010)
I'm going to take your head and put it on a pike outside my tent as a warning.[CN] 我打算把你的头 并把它放在一个长枪 外面我的帐篷以示警告。 Aladdin and the Death Lamp (2012)
Call it a warning shot.[CN] 就当这是鸣枪示警吧 { \fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1 }Call it a warning shot. 亚伦还活着 暂时 { \fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1 }Aaron is still alive... Last Call (2014)
We get an ultimatum, a warning shot, then a galactic week to respond.[CN] 他们下了最后通牒,然后示警弹 之后要在银河1周时间回覆 Men in Black (1997)
So the plate reader will alert us just as soon as it appears again.[CN] 所以只要它一出现 车牌读取器就会向我们示警 Matsya Nyaya (2012)
Who warned him?[CN] 是谁向他示警的? Representative Brody (2011)
If you see soldiers, throw a stone for a signal. Wait.[CN] 如果你看到士兵 抛一块石头下来示警,等一下 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Enough to give warning.[CN] 在可示警的距离内 Red River (1948)
That should give me enough time to figure out the pass code.[CN] 在向任何人示警前会给你 a minute to 90 -second grace period 一分钟到90秒的宽限时间 before they alert anyone. Copper Bullet (2015)
We go to the drag club, flash our badges and interrogate her.[CN] 我们去酒吧, 出示警徽然后审问她 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous (2005)
-Excellent. Sound an alert. Send a squad out to eliminate them.[CN] 太好了 ,示警 立刻派部队去消灭它们 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001)
Intel thinks this is just a warning shot across the bow.[CN] 軍事情報稱這還是鳴槍示警 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2013)
What's your Miami-Dade badge number and date of birth?[CN] 示警徽号码和生日 Miami Vice (2006)
You'll receive no warning shots.[CN] 这里没有鸣枪示警 Felon (2008)
Fire a short round![CN] 鸣枪示警 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
She's implying corruption.[CN] 她在暗示警察失职 Pilot (2009)
He didn't grab the left side of his chest to indicate the police notebook![CN] 他在临死前之所以紧抓左胸 并不是想暗示警察手册 Detective Conan: Captured in Her Eyes (2000)
"ran into the street, firing a warning shot...[CN] 跑进街道鸣枪示警 The Killers (1946)

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