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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
相亲[xiāng qīn, ㄒㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄣ,   /  ] date; arranged blind date with intention to marry #10,781 [Add to Longdo]
相亲相爱[xiāng qīn xiāng ài, ㄒㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄣ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄞˋ,     /    ] to be kind and love one another (成语 saw); bound by deep emotions #30,654 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yah yah...[CN] 那个死丫头要是肯去相亲 Episode #1.5 (2004)
No. It's not a blind date.[CN] 不 不是相亲 Last Chance Harvey (2008)
#We will always be sweethearts #[CN] 我们依然相亲相爱 One Hour with You (1932)
I'm not with it.[CN] 我不适合相亲. Truth or Consequences, N.M. (1997)
With this ring, I thee wed, with my body, I thee worship, with all my worldly goods I thee endow.[CN] 戴上这个戒指 我娶了你 你我相亲相爱 所有的财产你我共同拥有 Night Creatures (1962)
She was mad you turned down that guy's proposal.[CN] 不过 她在生你的气 你是不是没去相亲? Only Yesterday (1991)
What's that?[CN] 金医生 你今天要相亲 Episode #1.2 (2016)
Also match-making?[CN] 无缘,不如相亲 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
They love each other more and more each day[CN] ~ 他们每一天都相亲相爱 ~ James and the Giant Peach (1996)
- Nino is sweet and we're in love. - Alright don't get mad.[CN] 尼诺是个好人,我们相亲相爱好了,别生气了 Paprika (1991)
"and peace enough to love each other,[CN] ...和平安定的生活... ...and peace enough... ...我们就能籍此 彼此相亲相爱... Carrie (1976)
Are those two children getting romantic by any chance?[CN] 看上去这两个孩子 正在相亲相爱呢 相亲相爱? Cavalcade (1933)
#We will always be sweethearts the same #[CN] 我们依然相亲相爱 One Hour with You (1932)
(Man) While most people seek out the pleasure of touch, the sensation of pain which also releases a flood of feel-good endorphins can be just as energising.[CN] 大多数人寻求肌肤相亲的愉悦 然而痛感也会释放出大量内啡肽 一样能产生兴奋 The Lovers' Guide (1991)
I never go on blind dates, but, uh...[CN] 我从未相亲过 但是... Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
Match-making![CN] 叫你去相亲呀! Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
Now you want us to love each other in Jesus?[CN] 现在你想让我们在主的庇佑下相亲相爱 对吧 Total Eclipse (1995)
We would have been so close.[CN] 我们本可相亲相爱 Haunted (1995)
Well yeah.[CN] 也对如果恩彩肯去相亲 Episode #1.5 (2004)
Tomorrow, I'll arrange the meeting, you'll see.[CN] 明天, 我就会去安排相亲, 你等着瞧吧 America America (1963)
in a spirit of good-fellowship, in the true spirit of camaraderie.[CN] 相亲相爱 志同道合 The Dead (1987)
Wouldn't it be fabulous if we someway stayed in love forever?[CN] 我们要是一辈子相亲相爱 岂不棒透了 Wild at Heart (1990)
#We will always be sweethearts #[CN] 我们将会永远相亲相爱的 One Hour with You (1932)
If not Arizona, then a land not too far away... where all parents are strong and wise and capable... and all children are happy and beloved.[CN] 如果不在亚历桑那州, 那就在一个并不太远的地方... 那里所有的父母都健康, 睿智, 有才能... 所有的孩子都快乐而且相亲相爱 Raising Arizona (1987)
My hand on your skin.[CN] 我与你肌肤相亲 Five Dolls for an August Moon (1970)
#We will always be sweethearts #[CN] 我们将会永远相亲相爱 One Hour with You (1932)
A man who is on a first name basis with the truth.[CN] 一个与真相亲密无间的人 52 Pick-Up (1986)
In my first year at law school, everybody loved everybody else because we were all studying the law, and the law was a noble thing.[CN] 我在法学院的第一学年, 大家都是相亲相爱的. 因为我们都是学法律的, The Rainmaker (1997)
About 26 yo...[CN] 光是手头上的存款... 谁啊你的相亲对象 Episode #1.5 (2004)
- Lovely. Well, at least ex-Gogol agents have real identities that we can track.[CN] 相亲相爱啊 至少前"果戈理"成员有 Consequences (2012)
Maybe you two would Iike to finish debriefing each other at Guantanamo. Maybe you two would Iike to finish debriefing each other at Guantanamo.[CN] 你们不如到关塔那莫去 继续互相亲热呢 GoldenEye (1995)
Ninotchka, why do doves bill and coo?[CN] 妮诺契卡鸽子 为什么互相亲吻? Ninotchka (1939)
We'll kiss[CN] 我们互相亲 A Life Less Ordinary (1997)
-Give it up, mom.[CN] 如果宋恩彩小姐肯去相亲 Episode #1.5 (2004)
Having a blind date?[CN] 年轻点儿就行 相亲去吧 My Love, My Bride (2014)
- Are you on a blind date?[CN] - 你是在相亲吧? Last Chance Harvey (2008)
We wish to inform all engaged and married couples that they may kiss on the lips![CN] 我们通知订婚的和结婚的人 他们可以互相亲 Il Posto (1961)
Love conquers the world.[CN] 相亲相爱,千万不要互相残杀! A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
If it weren't fοr Pa's need οf a grandchild, and yοur cοnstant matchmaking.[CN] 其实我要不为了应付让爸爸抱孙子 还有你给我安排的这些相亲 The Wedding Banquet (1993)
You never should've left the Village People, David.[CN] 我从来不该离这些相亲父老而去的, David. The Underneath (1995)
I was in the house of the neighbor, we kiss in them and we said:[CN] 我穿过院子去我邻居家, 我们互相亲吻并告诉对方: Red Star: The Soviet Union - 1941-1943 (1974)
I'll go on the date.[CN] 我愿意去相亲 Episode #1.5 (2004)
Once in a while, you almost make sense. Of course I do.[CN] 可是看到年青人相亲相爱 我就觉得命也长了不少呢 Asobi ja nainoyo gakkou wa (1989)
We're in love we've got two good, bright boys I've got a job I like.[CN] 我们相亲相爱 有两个漂亮 聪明的孩子 有一个我喜欢的工作 The Wrong Man (1956)
That Lilli and Richard love one another, and take care of one another and keep up with their lessons and be prepared for the ship when it comes.[CN] 莉莉跟理查会相亲相爱 彼此照顾... 谨记所有的教诲 准备好迎接来救他们的船只 "阿门" Return to the Blue Lagoon (1991)
This isn't some horrifyingly elaborate matchmaking scheme, is it, Mom?[CN] 不是你安排的相亲吧? One Fine Day (1996)
Your "date"...[CN] 妈我要相亲 Episode #1.5 (2004)
Since when are you interested in a match, Chava?[CN] 卡哇,你什么时候对相亲有兴趣的? Fiddler on the Roof (1971)

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