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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
目撃情報[もくげきじょうほう, mokugekijouhou] (n) eyewitness report; eyewitness information [Add to Longdo]

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Why aren't there more sightings?[JP] なぜもっと目撃情報がないのかしら? Unleashed (2009)
Last unconfirmed sighting, Attersee in Austria. Four months ago.[JP] 最後の目撃情報は アッターゼで 4ヵ月前 Spectre (2015)
I just might. There have been reports of some sort of animal down in the sewers.[JP] 下水道である種の動物の 目撃情報 Grodd Lives (2015)
Witnesses swear they saw soldiers Shooting the place up, so I contacted the army's[JP] 兵士が襲撃したという 目撃情報があってー Fallout (2015)
Last unconfirmed sighting, Attersee in Austria.[JP] 最後の未確認の目撃情報は アッターゼで... Spectre (2015)
Somebody had to have seen something suspicious.[JP] 怪しい人物の目撃情報とか... Things You Can't Outrun (2014)
All available units, suspect spotted at Central City train station.[JP] セントラル駅にて容疑者の 目撃情報です Going Rogue (2014)
There has been a sighting of humans in your area.[JP] - 人間の目撃情報がありました The Host (2013)
We lost contact with our reporter on the streets, but we have over two dozen confirmed sightings of masked men attacking numerous municipal locations.[JP] 街頭レポーターと 連絡が途絶えました ですが、目撃情報を20件以上 確認しており、マスク男が... 多数の公共の場所を 襲ったもようです Streets of Fire (2014)
There were several unsubstantiated reports Of the so-called "burning man" In the area following the attacks.[JP] その同時間帯に"燃える男"の 目撃情報が報告されています The Nuclear Man (2015)
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers...[JP] 犯罪防止センターでは 目撃情報を・・・ Parker (2013)
Another sighting?[JP] 別の目撃情報 Unleashed (2009)
- They have a trace.[JP] 目撃情報 Sky Palace (1994)
A CBI spokesman told this reporter that all leads and tips are being pursued and that police are looking for a possible suspect.[JP] CBIの広報官によれば 当局は あらゆる手がかり 目撃情報を求めて 容疑者を捜索中とのことですが Pretty Red Balloon (2011)
It was last spotted in Randolph County. South of...[JP] 最後の目撃情報は... Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
We're responding to the monster sighting on Route 30.[JP] 30号線のモンスター目撃情報に対応中 Unleashed (2009)
He's been sighted at the shipyards.[JP] 造船所で目撃情報 The Manster (1959)
In each one, witnesses describe seeing the same woman.[JP] 同じ女の目撃情報 The Equation (2008)
Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Naples. There was a sighting in Tehran.[JP] 東京、テルアビブ、ナポリ テヘランでも目撃情報 The Accountant (2016)
Reports have placed the killer in Florida, Detroit and Seattle, although the police have discounted most of these.[JP] フロリダやデトロイト... シアトルでの 目撃情報が寄せられましたが... 警察はそれらを 重視しておりません The Hitch-Hiker (1953)
Every tip, every rumor, every strange sighting.[JP] タレコミ 噂 目撃情報... The Trap (2015)
We got another call. About twenty people in dark clothes.[JP] 「ずきん姿」の目撃情報が20件あった Regression (2015)
Okay, well, there's been reports that he's in the area.[JP] 目撃情報が出ています Mud (2012)
No one at the morgue saw or heard anything.[JP] 目撃情報はありません Out of Time (2015)
All right.[JP] サラ・テンクレディーが, パナマの目撃情報 Scylla (2008)
We got a Hood sighting, heading down Lemire Avenue.[JP] フードの目撃情報です レミール通りに沿って向かってます Identity (2013)
Any more sightings?[JP] 他の目撃情報は? Unleashed (2009)
Sightings were posted.[JP] 目撃情報があった Logan (2017)
No one at the morgue saw or heard anything.[JP] 目撃情報はありません Deadly Nightshade (1991)
- What sightings?[JP] - 何の目撃情報か? Logan (2017)
Anything that says "Horsemen," brags about seeing the Horsemen, tag them and bundle them.[JP] ホースメンの目撃情報を集めろ Now You See Me 2 (2016)
We got report of a suspicious vehicle at the first bomb site. Describe it.[JP] 葛西第二公園から目撃情報 公園の駐車場で不審車両 Negotiator: Mashita Masayoshi (2005)
Observation of the object, and are fighting helicopters.[JP] 包囲との目撃情報も あります Attraction (2017)
Heading to Greenwich Market. Get me Thaddeus.[JP] 2件の目撃情報 グリニッジ・マーケットへ Now You See Me 2 (2016)
Eyewitnesses say they saw Komarov... with an American.[JP] 目撃情報によると コマロフは― アメリカ人と居たと A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
In the last eight hours, I've received 37 calls from people who have met a young man named John Baum or his sister, Cameron or Sarah Baum, the mother.[JP] 8時間で37件の通報があった ジョン・バウム、妹のキャメロン それに 母親のサラの目撃情報 Born to Run (2009)
There's been some reports she's in Athens[JP] アテネで目撃情報があったが The Fate of the Furious (2017)
Last known sighting was a month ago, [JP] 最後の目撃情報は1か月前だった Birds of Prey (2014)
I was hoping you'd be able to tell me if there've been any sightings.[JP] 何か目撃情報があったら 教えて欲しい Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
8-Adam-16, we got a witness puts suspect heading north on Sierra.[JP] アダム16 目撃情報よ 容疑者は北へ向かっているわ The Call (2013)
Our missing pusher, Dennis Moran, he's been spotted downtown.[JP] 探してた売人の目撃情報 Stakeout (2008)
A little Chinese man that no one in town has seen or heard of.[JP] 町での目撃情報が無いんだ しかも... The Hangover Part III (2013)
Well, Arya Stark hasn't been seen since her father was killed.[JP] 父親が殺されて以来 アーヤ・スタークの目撃情報はない Two Swords (2014)
Said she was having a drink at a bar in the South Village.[JP] ビレッジバーで飲んでいたのが 最後の目撃情報 Beasts of Prey (2015)
Hey, did anybody report seeing the thing that got away?[JP] - ごめん あれの目撃情報は? Nothing As It Seems (2012)
All the sightings are near major storm drains.[JP] 全ての目撃情報は主要雨水管の近くだわ Unleashed (2009)
I don't know. No one's ever seen anything.[JP] 目撃情報がないので 判りません La Llorona (2012)

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