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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
派生[pài shēng, ㄆㄞˋ ㄕㄥ,  ] to produce (from sth else); to derive (from raw material); derivative #31,625 [Add to Longdo]
派生[pài shēng cí, ㄆㄞˋ ㄕㄥ ㄘˊ,    /   ] derivative word #131,321 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
派生[はせい, hasei] (n, vs) derivation; (P) #4,061 [Add to Longdo]
派生[はせいご, haseigo] (n) { ling } derivative (word) [Add to Longdo]
派生需要[はせいじゅよう, haseijuyou] (n) derived demand [Add to Longdo]
派生[はせいてき, haseiteki] (adj-na) derivative; secondary [Add to Longdo]
派生文献[はせいぶんけん, haseibunken] (n) { comp } derivative document [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Improved medical technology has been one of the spin-offs of the space program.改良された医療技術は、宇宙開発計画の副産物として派生したものの一つである。
Sometimes a verb is derived from a noun and sometimes it is the other way around.名詞から動詞が派生していることもあれば、その逆のこともある。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
When the rotten oranges, what we hear about is unsound loans, derivatives and credit default swaps were finally discovered, everyone was impacted.[JP] 腐ったオレンジ... つまり、不良債権や金融派生商品 クレジットデフォルトスワップなどがついにバレると Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
How come the company sent us a goddamn robot?[CN] 公司怎么会派生化人来? Alien (1979)
- Yeah. I'm gonna need a Hazmat and two backup ambulances at 8922 65th Street.[CN] 65街8922号需要增派生化防护队 以及两辆后备救护车 Wow Me (2014)
Maybe chloroform or an ether derivative.[CN] 也许是氯仿或一种醚的派生物. Red Corner (1997)
It's the top-shelf Martini of Sodium Pentothal derivatives.[JP] ナトリウム・ペントサルの派生物で極上のマティーニのように、 Pilot (2013)
So, Germany has much, much higher per person emissions of carbon dioxide than neighboring France because France is nuclear and Germany is trying to get out of nuclear.[CN] 德国派生这么多 二氧化碳 - 因为法国使用核能 - 虽然德国是分阶段实施。 Pandora's Promise (2013)
Because violence is the supreme authority all authorities derive their power and legitimacy from.[CN] 就是因为暴力是至高无上的权力 所有机关派生他们的权力和合法性。 Cleanskin (2012)
Derivative structures?[CN] 派生结构? Arbitrage (2012)
I'll take responsibility for the things I've done but not for the things I have no control over.[JP] 自分がやった事の責任は取るが そこから派生した事は関係ないさ Answer (2016)
But that was the business, right? The American way.[CN] 但那就是正派生意,对吧? From Where to Eternity (2000)
The convent evokes the image of helpless women, fearful of the thought of any emotion other than those derived from scripture and prayer.[CN] 除了派生出 圣经章节和祈祷者 修道院还唤起了我 对无依无靠女人们的影像, 对所有感情都产生恐惧 Episode #2.20 (1991)
In the past 24 hours, reruns of the gaffe have played non-stop on TV news programs and the internet.[JP] YouTube の動画再生は 30万回を超え 派生作も生んでます Chapter 6 (2013)
Now, varmint is a stretch.[CN] 猎狐鼠是个派生物种. Phenomenon (1996)
Could I go to Wall Street and just ask them to set up a derivative on anything?[CN] 我可以去华尔街让他们 随便在什么上面派生出一个衍生产品吗? Capitalism: A Love Story (2009)
Blood serum data on the victim show elevated alkaloid levels, including derivatives of lysergic acid and agroclavine that is consistent with fungal poisoning.[JP] 犠牲者の 血清のデータ値は アルカロイドレベルが高い リゼルギン酸とアグロクラビンの 派生物による Densho (2015)
That have anything to do with your visitor? Kenny?[CN] 一個三十天體驗的路德教派生活夥伴的網站 Ex Communication (2015)
Secret Kung Fu of the South.[JP] 南部で派生した The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)
We're a financial derivatives broker.[JP] 私たちは 金融派生商品 デリバティブの ブローカーです Red Rover, Red Rover (2012)
And that compromise is how the Churches which descend from the Emperor's Christianity, the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox, have understood the mystery of Jesus ever since.[CN] 这个妥协就是从皇帝的基督教派生 出来的天主教、新教和东正教等教会 所理解的耶稣的奥秘。 The First Christianity (2009)
Every part of her body becomes an appendage... a derivation of the look.[CN] 她躯体的每部分都变成附属物... 看的派生 Body of Love (1972)
A lesson in the rewards of righteous living.[CN] 这是从正派生活中获得报答的榜样 12 Years a Slave (2013)
You concentrate everything on her... excluding all else from your field of view... as though there were nothing else to look at.[CN] 看的派生物 你聚精会神在她身上... 把你视界的所有其它排除在外... 仿佛没有看见其它 Body of Love (1972)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
派生文献[はせいぶんけん, haseibunken] derivative document [Add to Longdo]

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