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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
橙色[chéng sè, ㄔㄥˊ ㄙㄜˋ,  ] color orange #13,523 [Add to Longdo]
橙色[chéng sè jì, ㄔㄥˊ ㄙㄜˋ ㄐㄧˋ,    /   ] agent orange [Add to Longdo]
橙色战剂[chéng sè zhàn jì, ㄔㄥˊ ㄙㄜˋ ㄓㄢˋ ㄐㄧˋ,     /    ] Agent Orange [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
橙色(P);だいだい色[だいだいいろ, daidaiiro] (n) orange-colored; orange-coloured; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Overdue orange, repo red, poorhouse purple.[CN] 逾期缴费知书 有橙色 红色 紫色 Mucked Up (2010)
You should join a union.[CN] 橙色的,你会看见的 The Van (1996)
"May you be turned orange and may your head fall off at an awkward moment."[CN] "愿你渾身變成橙色 愿你的頭在一個尷尬的時刻掉落在地" The Archbishop (1983)
This stuff is orange.[CN] 这玩意是橙色 Currahee (2001)
-The orange book. -Orange?[CN] -橙色这本 Mozart (1997)
It's orange, Rick, and I don't want to depress you, but you're standing in a huge mound of lentils...[CN] 橙色的,里克 我不想让你抑郁之类的 但是你正站在一大堆炖扁豆上面 Demolition (1982)
Orange.[CN] 橙色 The Full Monty (1997)
Arat, what do you got?[CN] 我们发生橙色警报 We have an orange situation. The Cell (2016)
He's orange. Ochre.[CN] 那是橙色的,赭色的 Wings of Desire (1987)
When the orange water hit the Centennial Committee table, [CN] 橙色的水打 百年委员会表 Drive Me Crazy (1999)
Those are the stains of drug use.[CN] 是明亮的橙色 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
So before I could drive an inch-- and this is gonna sound totally cheesy, but-- she bought me one of those little troll key chains with the-- the spiky, orange hair.[CN] 所以之前,我可以驾驶英寸 - 这怎么听起来完全俗气,但 - 她给我买的那些小地痞钥匙链 - 尖尖的,橙色的头发。 Trojan War (1997)
They looked at me in such a strange way, and they said, "ls that you, this girl, this voice?"[CN] 他们以这样一种奇怪的方式看着我, 他们说, "那是你吗,(橙色电台里的) 这个女孩,这个声音?" Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
You see, Albertik asked for a green one, but they only had orange in the shop.[CN] 我的小阿里别尔让我带绿色的 可商店里只有橙色的。 Mimino (1977)
Like blue ones?[CN] 也给我一个橙色的 你喜欢蓝色吗 Un orange pour moi. Love Me If You Dare (2003)
Spaghetti ain't supposed to be orange.[CN] 意大利面可不是橙色 Currahee (2001)
Helen wants you just write down each of eight the Susan, the Orange and Lily.[CN] 海伦希望你只要写下每八 苏珊,橙色和莉莉。 Simply Irresistible (1999)
You have seen these orange wires running throughout this building and outside.[CN] 你们已经看到 大楼里外布满了这种橙色的线 Toy Soldiers (1991)
- Orange.[CN] 橙色 Rainbow Song (2006)
Did you remember that orange notebook on the couch?[CN] 你是否还记得在沙发上那个橙色的笔记本电脑? Married to the Mob (1988)
They ought to have big orange cones all around you.[CN] 他们应该有 在你周围的大橙色的圆锥体。 Hope Floats (1998)
- After sunset... the horizon will turn orange... melting upwards into a tender violet.[CN] 日落之後 地平線變成了橙色 上空則溶合為淺紫色 Oh, Woe Is Me (1993)
So I had to send my guys after him.[CN] 橙色警报就摆在我面前了 I'm dealing with an orange situation. The Cell (2016)
Oh, man. You don't think he's gonna wear that orange jumpsuit on our date.[CN] 哦,天啊,你不会认为在我们的约会时,他将穿一身橙色的衣服吧 Where the Heart Is (2000)
(translator) First it would start, "Beep beep beep" and "Radio Orange".[CN] (J·B·鲁德波尔) 首先它会以"哔哔 哔哔 哔哔"和"橙色电台"开始 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
Should I keep the teeth orange?[CN] 应该继续用橙色吗? The Cider House Rules (1999)
- Orange is my favorite color.[CN] 橙色是我喜欢的颜色 The Cider House Rules (1999)
The radio urged patriots to daub up signs "OZO" - "Orange will win", and "V" for "victory".[CN] 该电台敦促爱国者们涂抹"OZO" 的标记..."橙色会赢", 以及"V"代表"胜利" Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
I just don't remember it being this orange.[CN] 我只是不记得这个是橙色 While You Were Sleeping (1995)
Sprinklers with orange water.[CN] 橙色水喷头。 Drive Me Crazy (1999)
Till the world turned to orange[CN] 直到太阳变成橙色 Thelma & Louise (1991)
You need more orange. Let me do it[CN] 多点橙色,我替你涂 Showgirls (1995)
- Orange?[CN] 橙色 The Full Monty (1997)
Just orange?[CN] 就只有橙色 Chef (2014)
They're all in orange roll-neck sweaters with a blue armband.[CN] 他们全部都穿橙色高领的毛线衫 佩戴蓝色的臂章 They're all in orange roll -neck sweaters with a blue armband. Rain over Santiago (1975)
Shouldn't you be guarding the Orange Julius.[CN] 如果你不守着 橙色朱利叶斯。 Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth (2000)
Orange. Good color for you.[CN] 橙色,这颜色很适合你 Honey (2003)
Orange sweaters![CN] 橙色的毛线衫! Orange sweaters! Rain over Santiago (1975)
Four lemon-yellow lamps... with a glare of orange and green... in an atmosphere of pale sulfur, like a furnace.[CN] 四盏淡黄色的灯... 有橙色和绿色的闪光... 气氛是苍白的硫黄色,像是一个炉子 Lust for Life (1956)
"Where's my orange cup with the teddy bear?"[CN] 我的橙色小熊杯在哪里? The Fisher King (1991)
Pretty orange balls.[CN] 漂亮的橙色球. Jonah Hex (2010)
I have never done an orange with tentacles. Your if?[CN] 我没有做一个橙色Palmjdzisat的,你呢? Flowers in the Attic (1987)
You seen my orange cup with the teddy bear?[CN] 你看到那个印着狗熊的橙色杯了吗? The Fisher King (1991)
There's an orange layer, and a blue layer, and a pink layer.[CN] 分了好几层 在橙色,蓝色和粉红色 Better Than Chocolate (1999)
... rightdowntotheorangeroof on Howard Johnson's outhouse.[CN] 就沿着江侯活外屋的橙色屋顶 Blazing Saddles (1974)
It was a female body dressed in an orange jumpsuit.[CN] 是另一个穿橙色装束的女人 Terminal Velocity (1994)
We used the tunes of these records and put new words to the tunes, so that every Dutchman could whistle the tune and then every other Dutchman knew he had heard that from Radio Orange.[CN] 因为我们使用这些唱片的曲调 并把新词用在了曲调上, 那样每一个荷兰人都能吹那个调子 然后其他每一个荷兰人都知道 他从橙色电台中听到过那曲调 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
You skipped the blue book.[CN] -橙色的? 你跳过了蓝色那本 Mozart (1997)
'Cause they got you wearin' one of them orange murder suits.[CN] "因为他们得到了,还穿 其中一个谋杀橙色西装。 Freeway (1996)
Ochre or orange?[CN] 橙色还是赭色? Wings of Desire (1987)

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