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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
木炭[mù tàn, ㄇㄨˋ ㄊㄢˋ,  ] charcoal #33,413 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
木炭[もくたん, mokutan] (n) charcoal; (P) [Add to Longdo]
木炭[もくたんが, mokutanga] (n) charcoal drawing [Add to Longdo]
木炭自動車[もくたんじどうしゃ, mokutanjidousha] (n) wood or charcoal fueled automobile [Add to Longdo]
木炭[もくたんしゃ;もくたんくるま, mokutansha ; mokutankuruma] (n) wood or charcoal fueled automobile [Add to Longdo]

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I'll be sending some milk 'round, and we should be ordering coals.[CN] 我会去送牛奶, 然后我们还会准备点木炭 Howards End (1992)
We won't be so messy tomorrow. We're gonna try charcoals.[CN] 明天我们画木炭画 不会弄得这么脏的 The Towering Inferno (1974)
With carbon.[CN] 我画了木炭 Moscow, Belgium (2008)
How about some charcoal to absorb the toxins?[CN] 来点木炭吸收毒素怎么样? We Own the Night (2007)
It's like a piece of charcoal![CN] 快变成木炭了! Raging Bull (1980)
- Where's the charcoal?[CN] 木炭在哪儿 { \3cH202020 }Where's the charcoal? Frank Gallagher: Loving Husband, Devoted Father (2011)
Macrobotanical charcoal found on the bones and clothing samples confirm that gasoline was used as an accelerant to ignite the wood and thus burn the body.[JP] 木炭が骨から見つかった 衣服にはガソリンを 使った形跡も 遺体を燃やすための 促進剤として The Nazi on the Honeymoon (2013)
Just ashes. Charred wood.[CN] 只是木炭 The Haunting (1999)
Well, you made it. I'll do the cruets if you light the charcoal.[CN] 恩 来了就好 如果这次你负责点木炭 我就负责圣器 Doubt (2008)
This is how they transform your forest in charcoal for barbecue.[CN] 他们就是这样把你们的雨林 变成烤肉的木炭 Amazon Forever (2004)
Over two billion people— almost a third of the world's population— still depend on charcoal.[CN] 超过20亿的人 也就是全球将近1/3的人口 都要仰赖木炭生活 Home (2009)
All right, girls, hang up your aprons. Clean up your charcoals.[CN] 好了 姑娘们 挂好围裙 清干净木炭 The Trouble with Angels (1966)
At least it's useful. Not like messing around with carbon.[CN] 至少有一卡车有用没有 喜欢用木炭涂鸦! Moscow, Belgium (2008)
This one prefers darker colours, decorating his bower with deer dung ... and charcoal.[CN] 这只雄鸟喜欢比较暗沉的颜色 它装饰棚架用的是鹿粪 还有木炭 Birds (2009)
Charcoal for sale.[CN] 木炭 1900 (1976)
Sulfur 5.[CN] 木炭,4. Battle Royale (2000)
Sulfur charcoal potassium nitrate[CN] 硫磺 木炭 硝酸钾 Cold War (2012)
Charcoal must be made from willow trees.[CN] 木炭必须用柳木做成 The Divine Weapon (2008)
But, I think you have a crush on that Charcoal Head.[CN] 可是,我看你对那块木炭... The Twins Effect II (2004)
I am interested in Charcoal head at all.[CN] 我对那木炭... 一点兴趣都没有 The Twins Effect II (2004)
In Haiti, one of the world's poorest countries, charcoal is one of the population's main consumables.[CN] 海地是非常贫穷的国家 木炭是人民主要的消耗品 Home (2009)
Oh, great. Raj, why don't you and Howard go get the charcoal?[CN] 哦 太好了 Raj 你和Howard去拿木炭 The Work Song Nanocluster (2009)
Horse piss is poured on hot coal.[CN] 就是用马尿浇在烧红的木炭 The Emperor's Shadow (1996)
Before you go upstairs to a customer... stand over this hibachi[CN] { \fn微軟雅黑\bord1\shad0\1cHC8C8C8\b0 }在你上楼前... { \fn微軟雅黑\bord1\shad0\1cHC8C8C8\b0 }站在这个木炭火盆上... Street of Joy (1974)
I've discovered that if I put carbon Nitre and sulphur in a small space say, inside one's mouth[CN] 我发现将木炭、琢石、硫磺 摆在一个小小的空间里 比如, 人的口中 Forbidden City Cop (1996)
Charcoal![CN] 木炭 Night of the Demons (2009)
Charcoal![CN] 啊! 木炭 Night of the Demons (2009)
1 part sulphur, 6 parts potassium nitrate, 1 part charcoal, mix them in a lead pot.[CN] 一份硫磺 六份硝酸钾 一份木炭 混合装进铅罐 My Twentieth Century (1989)
Soot is merely carbon residue from coal and wood.[JP] すすは木炭とまきの 炭素かすに過ぎない The Raven (2012)
I like working with carbon.[CN] 我喜欢的木炭。 这是非常... Moscow, Belgium (2008)
- Oxy, stay with us.[CN] 氧化铁... 木炭 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
We need more firewood, Bruno. - Huh?[CN] -我们得买木炭了 布鲁诺 The Immigrant (2013)
Charcoal.[CN] 木炭 1900 (1976)
You catch one of those flame bursts, you're a corpse. - Thank you.[CN] 你要是被火喷到,你就变成木炭 The Rock (1996)
Charcoal. Charcoal.[CN] 木炭 木炭 1900 (1976)
Hey, we could liberate some micro-porous charcoal from the chem lab.[CN] 我们可以从化学实验室弄点微孔木炭 The Work Song Nanocluster (2009)
A spoon of charcoal.[CN] 木炭1勺 The Divine Weapon (2008)
Max – next to me, by the hearth 'cause he was always cold and got up to poke the fire.[CN] 马克思在我的边上... ...在烟囱边上 他总是很冷,然后把木炭通旺 I Always Wanted to Be a Gangster (2007)
And a stocking full of coal for me.[CN] 给我的就只有一袋木炭 Donkey's Christmas Shrektacular (2010)
A bunch offuckin' charcoal?[CN] 被烧焦的木炭 Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009)
Yeah. But that was a hibachi. That was for traveling.[CN] 是啊 但那是旅行用的木炭火盆 Last Holiday (2006)
Where are my charcoal tablets?[CN] 我的木炭片剂呢 The Secret of Moonacre (2008)
In--in my basement In a charcoal lighter fluid bottle.[CN] 在我的地下室里 液体木炭燃烧剂的瓶子里 Red Brick and Ivy (2008)
A spoon and a half of sulfur.[CN] 木炭1勺 The Divine Weapon (2008)
He was like a lump of charcoal. Johnny's build.[CN] 他就像一块木炭 约翰尼的体格 Dead Reckoning (1947)
Trees are not violet, grass is not charcoal, and a man cannot... fly.[CN] 树不是紫色的 草也不是木炭 人也不会... 飞 Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
Sulfur and charcoal...[CN] 还有硫磺和木炭 Battle Royale (2000)
Lena, when you buy charcoal, you have to buy lighter fluid.[CN] 你买木炭就得买点火石 The Joy Luck Club (1993)
We'll make it![CN] - 没有 - 木炭? The Divine Weapon (2008)
Charcoal, charcoal my mule is white my charcoal is black i'll sell my charcoal two bits a sack charcoal, charcoal charcoal[CN] 木炭木炭 我的骡子是白色 我的木炭是黑色 Saratoga Trunk (1945)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
木炭[もくたん, mokutan] Holzkohle [Add to Longdo]

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