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据称[jù chēng, ㄐㄩˋ ㄔㄥ,   /  ] it is said; allegedly; according to reports; or so they say #9,562 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- I understand that Project Deadhead...[CN] 据称这次 My Favorite Martian (1999)
The stock is up $6.00, at 82, sparked by reports... that Goddard Bolt intends to purchase a prime section... of downtown Los Angeles real estate.[CN] 受益于利好消息,股价上涨了6美元,达到82美元 据称戈达德. 博尔特打算收购 Life Stinks (1991)
The escapees, originally six when they left their sector, said that the sixth fugitive, the husband of the woman with two children had been killed by the Vopos just when the group was taking advantage of the fog[CN] 起初从那个区逃走的人有六名 据称其中一人 即那名有两个孩子妇女的丈夫 The Virgin's Bed (1969)
Actor-turned-soldier Pilot Abilene was critically wounded during battle in Iraq yesterday by shrapnel from a grenade thrown by a soldier in his own unit.[CN] 弃演从戎的前影星派勒・阿比林 昨日在伊拉克战事中遭受重伤 据称他是被己方的手雷弹片所戗 Southland Tales (2006)
About 100 People reportedly remain in the embassy.[CN] 据称大约一百人仍在大使馆内 The Baader Meinhof Complex (2008)
Gunshots have been reportedly fired inside the offices[CN] 据称 刚刚有一起枪击案件 发生在 Joe Day Afternoon (2007)
It is alleged that Sunshine State it was bought with the laundry of money of the drugs.[CN] 据称,阳光之州 有人买的洗衣 的药钱。 Cocaine Cowboys (2006)
Authorities are confounded as to why the man drove into the bus stop, and we are told that there is no obvious ulterior motive.[CN] 警方还是不明白一个老人 为什么会驾车冲入候车棚 据称没有明显的隐藏动机 White Noise 2: The Light (2007)
Emma Craven, 24, an MIT graduate, was killed in front of her home in Roslindale... by a man thought to be targeting her father.[CN] 艾玛・克雷文 24岁 毕业于麻省理工学院 在位于罗斯林戴尔的家门口被杀 据称杀手的目标是她的父亲 Edge of Darkness (2010)
"Seen Cooing over Calamari with Not-So-New Sugar Daddy...[CN] 据称有人看到一位情场老手... 和杰西卡打情骂俏... Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
You know, statistically you're a lot more likely to die riding on a train than any other form of transportation.[CN] 据称乘坐火车的死亡率要比乘坐 其它交通工具的死亡率要高得多. Knight and Day (2010)
Morgan didn't die that night, and while reports claim that Morgan's been released from rehab, she's all but disappeared...[CN] 摩根卡特当晚并没死 据称摩根已经从康复所出来了 但却离奇失踪了... True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
They were the disciples of German philosopher Karl Marx.[CN] 据称他们是卡尔・马克思的信徒 (消灭资本主义 废黜神权信仰) Southland Tales (2006)
According to witnesses, Oh Dae-su drank often, causing trouble with his wife, and neighbors said they fought frequently.[CN] 据称,吴大秀经常闹酒 妻子不胜其烦 夫妇经常吵执 Oldboy (2003)
A great deal of publicity has been given lately... to hypnotized persons who supposedly recall... an existence prior to birth.[CN] 近来公众给予大量关注... 对于被催眠者据称回想起... 前世的存在 Curse of the Demon (1957)
Then they were sent east, supposedly to be resettled.[CN] 然后他们被送往东方, 据称是被重新安置 Occupation: Holland - 1940-1944 (1974)
It's believed the girl was pursuing her pet dog when she became trapped.[CN] 据称小女孩是因为追赶宠物而被困的 Episode #2.5 (2008)
Allegedly.[CN] 据称 Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth (2000)
Prejudice of jury alleged in case involving alien national...?[CN] 据称在涉及到外国案件的陪审团偏见? Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
A protestor demonstrating against WilPharma Corporation attacked and supposedly killed a police officer.[CN] 一名威尔制药公司的反对者 袭击了一名警员 据称该警员已殉职 Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
I'd like to talk to you about your business.[CN] 据称你涉嫌贩毒 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Homeland Security spokesmen praised the near-perfect execution of local police, citing zero casualties on the enforcement side...[CN] 赞许当地警方 近乎完美的执行成果 据称,军方人员毫无伤亡 请享用您的派 Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone' (2007)
I understand that Project Deadhead is carrying a sophisticated satellite...[CN] 据称这次计划装载 精密的人造卫星 My Favorite Martian (1999)
Prominent local criminal defence attorney Martin Vail is believed to have visited Stampler at the Maxwell Street ...[CN] 知名刑事辩护律师马丁魏尔 据称曾前往警局会见嫌犯 Primal Fear (1996)
What daughter?[CN] Charlotte Terese,据称 Saratoga Trunk (1945)
They allegedly held a cashier at gun-point..[CN] 据称他们用枪威胁柜员 Kites (2010)
On the 11th of April, it is alleged you went into the Erkskine branch of Superdrug.[CN] 四月11日 据称你进入Superdrug的 Erkskine分店 (Superdrug: 英国保健及美容产品零售业巨头) Most Cigarettes in a Mouth (2003)
For years. He claims to sell antiques, but hasn't actually sold one.[CN] 据称他售卖古董,但从来没卖出过一件 He claims to sell antiques, but hasn't actually sold one. Ocean's Twelve (2004)
But some officers have experienced supernatural phenomena.[CN] 据称连侦办此案的警察 都看到了灵异现象... Double Vision (2002)
And $5 million in cash and jewelry, believed to have been hidden away by dekker's brother, is still missing.[CN] ... 500万美元 现金及珠宝 ,据称fura? i的 德克尔的弟弟,仍然没有找到。 Gone Fishin' (1997)
Local police won't comment, but Channel 6 sources tell us that what happened here in the pre-dawn hours...[CN] 警局不愿证实但据称... 今早发生的事... Kiss the Girls (1997)
- Alleged rape. - I just offered...[CN] 据称强暴 我只是... Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough (2005)
This vehicle has a white pains, splattered on the trunk lid.[CN] { Y: 我 }这辆车有一个白色的涂料,据称广泛干线 Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002)
Number 22 reportedly holds up to 50, 000 people, and many who enter, don't leave alive.[CN] 22号营据称可容纳高达5万人 许多人一进去就不会活着出来 Inside North Korea (2007)
If the teenager who allegedly shot your husband were here, what would you say to her?[CN] 如果小将谁据称 拍你的丈夫在这里, 你会怎么对她说? Freeway (1996)
Meanwhile, it was learned today that the Los Angeles County Sheriff! S office reportedly...[CN] 与此同时 据称洛杉矶县县治安官办公室... Let Sales Ring (2005)
No one in the clan is his match.[CN] 据称在藩中无人能敌 The Twilight Samurai (2002)
Murder of an Iraqi family, supposedly by a US soldier, and the bombing of a subway in an allied country in order to sway support against the Iraqi war.[CN] 伊拉克家庭遇害, 凶手据称是美国士兵 在盟国地铁制造爆炸 目的是为了阻止其支持伊拉克战争 Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball (2010)
We have learned that there were nine victims... all deeply involved in a notoriously violent Russian crime syndicate... right here in Boston.[CN] 据称这九名死者 都与本市臭名昭著的俄罗斯黑帮 有密切的关联 The Boondock Saints (1999)
And supposedly...[CN] 据称... Happiness (1998)
...where enforcement agents have just bravely rounded up over 200 undocumented individuals as part of a coordinated nationwide sweep.[CN] 超过两百名无记录的个人 这是一项全国联合扫荡行动的一部份 据称这是部会最成功的行动 Chapter Twenty 'Five Years Gone' (2007)
TV REPORTER: Reports continue to leak out of a unconfirmed death here at Aerodytech.[CN] 据称 Aerodytech的枪击案已造成一人死亡 消息未经证实 Joe Day Afternoon (2007)
...alleged alien craft pursued by an Air Force F-16 illustrates just how close they came to both the White House and several treasured national monuments before climbing out of range of the pursuing fighter.[CN] 空军的F -16战机正在追逐据称是外星飞船的东西 可以看到他们刚刚飞得离白宫 Stargate: Continuum (2008)
The shooting victim was believed to be[CN] 枪击受害者据称乃是 自伊拉克战争中退役的... A Knight in Shining Armor (2008)
Eat these briefs, signor, for these are the words of the philosopher Bernardo Guardi, who was said to live in this very city.[CN] 那就把这些稿子吃下去吧,先生 这些可是哲学家贝纳多·瓜尔迪的话 据称他就住在本城 Casanova (2005)
It was aimed, allegedly, at only the United States and Britain.[CN] 它的目标, 据称, 只是美国和英国 Barbarossa: June-December 1941 (1973)
Ethnic groups are being oppressed in the east of the country, and foreign journalists are rarely claim tonight that some form of chemical weapon has been used in Burma by military rulers has led to the national uprising.[CN] { \2cH0080FF }缅甸西部的一些族群正被镇压 { \2cH0080FF }外国记者很少能够进入此地采访 { \2cH0080FF }据称 缅甸使用了早期化学武器 Rambo (2008)
Benny, supposedly a junkie, but we believe...[CN] 本尼,据称一名吸毒者, 但我们相信 - Anatomy 2 (2003)
I mean, standing in line for 40 minutes is hardly aerobically effective.[CN] 我是说排队站40分钟简直不算有氧运动 (据称有氧运动才能燃烧脂肪) Clueless (1995)
- As you may recall, there have been rumours of a Cabinet reshuffle, and your name was linked with the Ministry of Defence.[CN] As you may recall, 有谣言说内阁要重组 there have been rumours of a Cabinet reshuffle, 据称您可能出任国防部长 and your name was linked with the Ministry of Defence. The Death List (1981)

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