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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
出场[chū chǎng, ㄔㄨ ㄔㄤˇ,   /  ] to appear (on stage, in a show, in a photo etc); to play (for a team); to enter (arena or stage); to send sb out (e.g. off the field for a foul) #4,994 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
出場[しゅつじょう, shutsujou] TH: ออกแสดงตัวในงานหรือสถานที่  EN: appearance
出場[しゅつじょう, shutsujou] TH: การเข้าร่วมกิจกรรม  EN: participation

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
出場[でば, deba] (n, vs) (1) (stage) appearance; performance; (2) participation (e.g. in a tournament); (P) #302 [Add to Longdo]
出場[でば, deba] (n) (1) one's time (e.g. to go on stage); one's turn; (2) source; origin; place of production #302 [Add to Longdo]
出場[さいしゅつじょう, saishutsujou] (n) return to tournament after temporary absence (sumo) [Add to Longdo]
出場[しゅつじょうしゃ, shutsujousha] (n) participants; participating athletes [Add to Longdo]
出場[でばしょ, debasho] (n) (1) one's time (e.g. to go on stage); one's turn; (2) source; origin; place of production [Add to Longdo]
出場[はつしゅつじょう, hatsushutsujou] (n, vs) debut [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Twenty teams entered the tournament.20チームがトーナメントに出場した。
Bob is down for the coming tennis competition.ボブは今度のテニス競技会に出場予定だ。
An injury put the shortstop out of action.怪我をしたためにショートの選手は出場できなくなった。
He was disqualified from taking part in the contest.彼はその競技の出場資格を失った。
He appeared as a pinch hitter in the game.彼はその試合に代打として出場した。
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee.彼は膝の怪我のため、大事をとってトーナメントには出場しないことにした。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You don't need a physicist.[CN] 根本不用物理學家出場 Galileo SP (2008)
It's like we had the Olympics in the morning, and then we have to pass the bar every afternoon.[JP] 午前中に五輪出場― 午後に司法試験 って感じなのに America (2015)
What?[CN] - 我們的出場印象深刻。 Monsters University (2013)
During my suspension, I learned a lot about myself, I learned a lot about the people around me.[JP] 出場停止中に学んだよ CounterPunch (2017)
I mean, yes, sir.[JP] はい 出場したいです Race (2016)
Right! I don't even need to fight! Go on, guys![CN] 好的 不用本大爺出場了 上吧 你們 One Piece Film Z (2012)
Let's welcome the ladies... intheirevening gowns[CN] 現場我們再次請各位參賽小姐 穿晚裝出場 Qing chun 1000 ri (1982)
Five cars, the race is full. Pot should be, like, what?[JP] 車は5台、レースはフル出場だ 大金になりそうだが、どんなもんだ? Need for Speed (2014)
Qualify.[JP] 出場資格を得て Race (2016)
A hotel in Pasadena. I'm checking into a tournament.[JP] パサディナのホテルだよ トーナメントに出場するんだ Queen's Gambit (2008)
She wasn't allowed to compete again, right?[JP] それ以来 出場禁止になった The Ghost in the Killer (2014)
You are now a registered contestant.[JP] あなたは現在 登録された出場者です 13 Sins (2014)
If we make it to a music station or television... we'd become really famous.[CN] 然後呢 就能在MS還有電視上... 不斷地出場 Detroit Metal City (2008)
No walk-out music, no sponsors, no interviews.[CN] 沒有出場音樂,沒有贊助商,沒有訪談 Warrior (2011)
New day, new debs... all dressed up to enter high society.[CN] 新的一天 新人出場... 都盛裝出席 躋身上流社會 Monstrous Ball (2012)
If it's going to be 50-50, I suggest you front the cash for the entry.[JP] 山分けなら出場費は 君が出してくれ Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
and that's the only way they can qualify for the games.[JP] それは彼らがオリンピックに出場する 唯一の方法です Race (2016)
Some contestants think they can walk away, but it's a snuff shell.[JP] 1部の出場者は逃げることができる だが それは見せ掛けの殺害です 13 Sins (2014)
Don't yöu think yöur entry is too quick?[CN] 你不覺得你出場有點 Dhoom 3 (2013)
The five outstanding students guaranteed a place at the IMO in Cambridge this year are...[JP] まず5人の 優秀な学生 ケンブリッジで IMO出場を保証 今年は... A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)
Package or something?[CN] 首先出場的是Pharrell隊 The Voice (2011)
I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.[JP] 出場者たちも準備中です Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
Any team members may exchange to another team member whenever they feel exhausted or in need of help.[JP] 出場選手はレース中 いつでも― チームの他の選手と 交代することができます Breaking Away (1979)
Well, no doubt you hope to qualify and take part?[JP] 出場資格を得るのを 望んでるんでしょうね Race (2016)
I'm not even sure I deserve it. You see, after tonight, [CN] 我在你節目上的亮相時間, 和我在 我的電影中的出場時間一樣多了 S1m0ne (2002)
When the sailors arrived, we had to use the wings...[CN] 當水手出場時,我們必須猛搖翅膀 Russendisko (2012)
Now, there are five minutes they are all going to be out here.[JP] 今から各出場者と 5分付き合えるぞ The Hunger Games (2012)
Oh, Hoyt Fortenberry, look at you in your Bon Temps football jersey.[CN] 看看你在苯教Temps的足球球衣。 三年來,我從來沒有得到替補出場 Almost Home (2014)
No luck at all ¶ ¶ hard luck and trouble i crave[CN] 所以第一次沒能為你轉身 Briar 你出場秒殺了全場 The Voice (2011)
Over one hundred thousand people, craning to get a glimpse this year's Tributes and the Sponsors get to see the Tributes for the first time.[JP] 10万人の観客が 今年の出場者を見に来ました 彼らがスポンサーになる The Hunger Games (2012)
And he goes down looking. The end of the inning.[CN] 他退出場 結束這局比賽 All Happy Families (2004)
So once the episode's screened the audience can direct the actors for subsequent episodes with menus.[CN] 讓一些演員出場 所以情節就在螢幕上 然後觀眾就可以 用些菜單之類的在後面的情節中 導演這些演員 Waking Life (2001)
Gabrielle, you have to change the lineup.[CN] Gabrielle 你應該換一下出場順序 Suspicious Minds (2004)
You know, I can understand coming out to no music, but why in the world would you choose classical music as your entrance?[CN] 我能理解沒有出場音樂 但為什麼要選一首古典樂? Warrior (2011)
Now welcome our first contestant.[JP] それでは 最初の出場者を迎えましょう! Sing (2016)
You have qualified in three events, the 100 and 200 meter sprints and the broad jump.[JP] 3種目で出場の資格を得ました 100メートル 200メートル そして幅跳びです Race (2016)
Two kilometers away from the nearest Tribute.[JP] 近い出場者でも 2km離れてます The Hunger Games (2012)
We haven't been invited just yet[JP] まだ出場でぎっかどうが 決まってねえんだし Swing Girls (2004)
Ooh, the Mafia stare down. Very good, Michael.[CN] 黑道老大出場了, 有你的, 麥可 Just Go with It (2011)
My ship will be the entry fee.[JP] 私の船が出場費代わりだ Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)
When The Mob speaks, everyone listens.[CN] 當MOB幫出場,所有人都得駐足 Step Up Revolution (2012)
Did they tell you about the change in the lineup?[CN] 她們沒有告訴你已經換出場順序了嗎? Suspicious Minds (2004)
Dad time.[CN] 老爸出場 The Face of a Winner (2014)
At this point, they can boycott the Olympics and protest, or continue to send our amateur fighters and hope for the best.[JP] 連盟は抗議の意を込めて 棄権するか 出場して 選手の無事を祈るしかない CounterPunch (2017)
De Leon is full.[JP] デ・レオンの出場枠は埋まった Need for Speed (2014)
All the levels are in line with standard protocol, so... At this point, the ball is in your court, Dr. Edison.[CN] 現在輪到你出場了 Edison博士 The Conspiracy in the Corpse (2014)
First. No fighting with the other Tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena.[JP] 第一に他の出場者と 試合までは戦わない事 The Hunger Games (2012)
But he's in America, and is expensive.[CN] 可是 他現在人在美國呢 出場費也高 Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I (2009)
That's Magno. He's running in fourth.[JP] あれがマグノだ 第4から出場してる Get the Gringo (2012)
I need more than ever.[CN] 我會贏了 比賽的 現在正是該我出場的時候 Fast Track: No Limits (2008)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
出場[しゅつじょう, shutsujou] Auftreten, Teilnahme [Add to Longdo]

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