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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
公里[gōng lǐ, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,  ] kilometer #1,276 [Add to Longdo]
平方公里[píng fāng gōng lǐ, ㄆㄧㄥˊ ㄈㄤ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,     /    ] square-kilometer #6,294 [Add to Longdo]
公里[dūn gōng lǐ, ㄉㄨㄣ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ,    /   ] ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system) #76,586 [Add to Longdo]
公里[gōng lǐ shí, ㄍㄨㄥ ㄌㄧˇ ㄕˊ,    /   ] kilometer per hour [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Look, the Canadian border is only 500 miles from here. New York is 2000.[CN] 看, 这里到加拿大边境仅仅 500 英里 到纽约则需要 2000 公里 Plunder Road (1957)
- The road is 4 kilometers away.[CN] - 但她上学怎么办! - 州际公路离这儿有四公里呢! It Happened in Broad Daylight (1958)
How about 10 long minutes for $5?[CN] 公里十块就好 The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
105... in 50 minutes, sir.[CN] 150公里,还要五十分钟 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
How many miles to go?[CN] 飞行员,还有多少公里 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
Area:1, 139, 000 square kilometers.[CN] 面積: 1, 139, 000 平方公里 人口: Hey Babu Riba (1985)
Come on, Leslie, it's 50 miles to coffee.[CN] 好了 还有五十公里的路要走呢 Giant (1956)
Only 30 miles to Binghamton, the end of the line.[CN] 只有30公里到binghamton, 这条线的终点 Saratoga Trunk (1945)
At his home across the river, 600 kilometres south.[CN] 他在家里 在河那边 往南六百公里 Red River (1948)
The speedometer on her car showed that she'd driven 94 miles.[CN] 她车上的里程显示 她开了150公里 Vertigo (1958)
Good job.[CN] 就在东北12公里处 12 klicks northeast of here. Brian Finch's Black Op (2015)
What will she do? 220 km/hr.[CN] 时速220公里, 我让你来试开一下 ...And God Created Woman (1956)
The fire front is close to 1000km.[CN] 大火已覆盖了1000公里 Letter Never Sent (1960)
I suppose he has, but even you must be aware that my forward elements are within 200 kilometres of Alexandria, and that within the month we will have taken Cairo.[CN] 我猜他是有, 当然你可能也知道... 我的先头部队已推进到 距亚历山大已经不到200公里了. 就在这个月, 我们就能拿下开罗. The Desert Rats (1953)
7 km away![CN] 7公里远! The Dark Mirror (1946)
How the blazes did she manage to steam 1, 000 miles in 35 hours?[CN] 他们怎么能够在35小时内航行1000公里呢? Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
Current position is 230 miles north of Pearl Harbor.[CN] 敌人航母的集中地点 在珍珠港以北230公里 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
About 50 miles, sergeant.[CN] 约五十公里, 中士 Sahara (1943)
About 2 kilometres.[CN] 大约两公里 Night Train (1959)
Now every mile closer to England is agony for me.[CN] 現在離英格蘭每近一公里 對我來說都是折磨 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
Only lives 50 miles from here, with all those cows?[CN] 就是住在五十公里外 有很多牛群的那位 Giant (1956)
75 mph.[CN] 能达到75公里每小时 Concussion (2015)
Sir, 120 miles to the carrier. OK.[CN] 队长,还有二百公里到敌舰那里 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
But it means going 130 kilometers out of our way.[CN] 但表示我们要走偏一百三十公里 Sahara (1943)
Head for the Thai border... 100 miles due west.[CN] 前往正西方向 100公里左右的泰国边境 Missing in Action 2: The Beginning (1985)
103 Km, to be exact.[CN] 准确来讲,是103公里 What Time Is It? (1989)
But then I remembered that even if I only drove the car for a hundred miles or so I would need money for gas.[CN] 但是之后我意识到 我要用他的车开几百公里... ...我需要钱加油 Detour (1945)
- All 500, 000 square miles?[CN] 所有595 000平方公里的土地 Giant (1956)
"Here at the Garden City Hotel less than a mile from Roosevelt Field, "less than three-quarters of a mile from Roosevelt Field, [CN] 从本地花园城市饭店 到罗斯福机场有1.2公里 The Spirit of St. Louis (1957)
I biked 200 km today.[CN] 我今天骑了200公里 2 Seconds (1998)
I expect the wind before morning and we're within a hundred miles of our destination.[CN] 我預測早上會有風 那樣我們離我們的目的地 就只有一百公里 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
Deacon of the congregational church and professor of Geology and Archaeology at Oberlin College.[CN] 公里教会的执事 同时也是地理学和考古学教授 在奥柏林大学任教 Inherit the Wind (1960)
I'll charge a kiss per mile.[CN] 那么我会每公里都收费一个吻的 Breathless (1960)
We're 230 miles northwest of Midway.[CN] 敌舰的位置,中途岛西北230公里 飞行角度0度 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
It's still a few kilometers away.[CN] 还有几公里远呢 The Bridge (1959)
How many miles more? Soon, sir.[CN] 飞行员,还有多少公里 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
[ Conductor ] En voiture![CN] 莱布斯站 距巴黎770公里 距马赛30公里 莱布斯站 距巴黎770公里 距马赛30公里 上车 Design for Living (1933)
We'll meet at 2 km from the southeast.[CN] 我们就把生还者的集合地点 定在东南面约两公里的地方 Nichiro sensô shôri no hishi: Tekichû ôdan sanbyaku-ri (1957)
You know how long it took us to corner her, and the mouth of this river is 100 miles wide.[CN] 你知道我们要多长时间才能包围他,而河口就有100公里 Pursuit of the Graf Spee (1956)
We're at Frieda 20.[CN] 我们在弗里达20公里处 请停火 Stalingrad (1993)
I was only the captain of a tugboat on the East River and never got more than a mile or so offshore?[CN] 我只是东江里的一艘拖船的 船长 而且没跑过一公里或离开过岸 你会怎么想 The Trouble with Harry (1955)
Got into her car and drove out to Golden Gate Park, five miles.[CN] 她进到车子然后 开去金门大桥,8公里 Vertigo (1958)
- 48 miles, sir. - Can't see much in this fog.[CN] 还有48公里 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
Altitude 3, 300 feet.[CN] 340度20公里附近 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
Madeleine, a hundred miles south of San Francisco, there's an old Spanish mission, [CN] 麦德琳,在旧金山南方 160公里远处 有个旧西班牙殖民地 Vertigo (1958)
- Four kilometers from here.[CN] - 离这儿差不多4公里 It Happened in Broad Daylight (1958)
We can't drive nearly 300 miles just for weekends.[CN] 我們不能開300公里車 只為來這過週末 The Uninvited (1944)
To Sosnovka, just over the bridge. It's about another 10 kilometers. We're from the Ukraine.[CN] 到索斯诺夫卡 过了那个桥 6公里就到了 Ballad of a Soldier (1959)
Hit it right on the nose, after 10, 000 miles at sea.[CN] 就在眼前了 在海上航行了一萬公里以後 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)
What with chronometers that haven't been checked for seven months and Spanish charts that aren't to be trusted we can be 300 miles out of our reckoning.[CN] 那個計時器 已經有七個月沒有檢查過了 而且西班牙的航海圖又不可信 我們可能已經 離我們的出發地300公里 Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)

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