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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
傭兵[ようへい, youhei] (n) mercenary (soldier) #10,361 [Add to Longdo]
スイス傭兵[スイスようへい, suisu youhei] (n) Swiss guard [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He is hired. Move[CN] 佢系我地嘅僱傭兵嚟架, 上 Huan chang (1985)
Ask yourself, if cotys is beloved, why did he need to hire mercenaries to do his dirty work?[CN] 你想一想 科蒂國王真的那麼善良 為什麼要僱用傭兵做他的殺手 Hercules (2014)
But if it's swordsmen who rule, why do we pretend Kings hold all the power?[CN] 如果傭兵掌生死 為何我們又謊稱國王掌握所有權力? What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
When I got to my apartment, one of Chapple's mercenaries was there.[JP] アパートに着いたとき チャップルの傭兵の1人がいて Shadow Box (2012)
These foreign mercenaries in their red tunics are here to do the bidding of their Spanish masters who lorded over us.[CN] 這些外來的僱傭兵,穿著紅色束腰外衣 聽從統治我們的西班牙君主的命令 The Mill and the Cross (2011)
Censuring the whole interview with the mercenaries?[JP] 傭兵へのインタビューはダメだって! ? Live for Life (1967)
There's Thieves, Gray Mages, Unbidden Warriors Dark Avians, Riverwynders and Sappers.[CN] 那裡有盜賊、黑魔導士、傭兵... ...暗禽、河童、還有穴居魔 Michael Clayton (2007)
He's ex-military. Gun for hire.[JP] 軍隊上りで 傭兵なの Welcome to the War (2010)
Called mercenaries by some and saviors by others, [CN] 有人稱為傭兵, 有人稱為救星 State of Play (2009)
He has neither crown nor gold nor favor with the Gods. He has a sword, the power of life and death.[JP] 傭兵には王冠も富も神々の寵愛もない 傭兵は生死を分かつ力のある剣を持っている What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Depends on the Sellsword.[JP] それは傭兵次第だ What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
There are no direct eyewitnesses as such, but we do have signed statements, from another company of passing contractors, who passed by within minutes of the incident.[JP] 直接の目撃者はいないが 署名した証言がある 事件の直後に通りかかった 他社の傭兵 Route Irish (2010)
No, not yet. But the contractor who found them...[JP] いいえ でも彼を見つけた傭兵が・・・ Route Irish (2010)
You and Fisher are mercenaries?[CN] 你和費什是僱傭兵 Redacted (2011)
Putting war in the hands of mercenaries and those who consider it a business is a contradiction in terms in any language.[CN] 傭兵和發戰爭財的人打仗 絕對是互相矛盾的事 State of Play (2009)
Served tours all over the world.[JP] 世界中で活動する傭兵 Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009)
- probably a mercenary.[JP] - たぶん傭兵 Predators (2010)
Each great man bids the Sellsword kill the other two.[CN] 每位顯赫之人都命令傭兵殺死另外兩人 What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Starkwood has let their security teams run amok all over the world, with no oversight.[JP] スタックウッドは我々の監視をすり抜け 世界中に傭兵部隊を送り込んでる Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009)
These contractors know what they're doing.[JP] 傭兵会社はバカじゃない Route Irish (2010)
Your friend is quite a mercenary.[JP] あなたのお友達は 根っからの傭兵 Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Frankie and three contractors were ambushed approximately two kilometres from the airport by terrorists.[JP] 彼と他三名の傭兵が 空港から2キロの地点で テロリストの待ち伏せ攻撃に Route Irish (2010)
Mercenaries of Florentina, in payment for reclaiming the Holy Land, your Immaculate Father hereby absolves you of all your sins.[CN] 佛羅倫薩的僱傭兵們 為了報答你們收復了聖地 你們無暇的父神在這裡赦免你們所有的罪 Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (2010)
He is an ex-mercenary. A hired killer.[JP] 彼は元傭兵 雇われの殺し屋なんだ 6 Bullets (2012)
Between them stands a common Sellsword.[JP] 彼らの中には共通の傭兵がいた What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
The King is squeezing anything he can from the people to hire foreign mercenaries.[CN] 國王壓榨百姓的錢,聘雇傭兵 The Legend of Hercules (2014)
- Well, my husband is a mercenary.[JP] そう でも― 夫は傭兵 The First Taste (2008)
Depends on the Sellsword.[CN] 看那個傭兵想要什麼 What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
But mercenaries fight for gold.[CN] 但僱傭兵 為黃金而戰 Hercules (2014)
Damn. Pincers Elbow[CN] 死未, 死未, 蟹蚶 你個僱傭兵, 我批爭, 我批爭 Huan chang (1985)
Our intelligence indicates that not only the Russians are coming, but volunteer militia and mercenaries to help the Russians cleanse the villages.[JP] 情報ではロシア軍だけではない 傭兵や民兵もいる ロシア人に協力している 5 Days of War (2011)
- He's a mercenary. He'll do as we ask.[JP] 彼は命令に従う傭兵 Siege (2011)
You're nothing but a mercenary![CN] 你什麼都不是,只是一個傭兵 Hercules (2014)
The one thing I have learned in the company of mercenaries, Mr. Burnett, ithat ultimately, they care about thing but their own survival.[JP] 俺が傭兵について学んだのは 命を粗末にするってことだ Day 7: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2009)
Might be sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister.[JP] タイウィン・ラニスターに雇われた傭兵かも The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
We have no mercenaries on the streets at all. Right.[JP] ストリートに常駐する 傭兵がいなくなった Kick-Ass (2010)
I won't be remembered as a tyrant's mercenary.[JP] 暴君の傭兵など ご免だ Troy (2004)
Mercenary camps on TV are nothing new but this time we were lucky to meet an insider who'll take us to a camp, [JP] 傭兵キャンプのテレビも酷いものです。 しかし今は、ー ー良いインサイダーに出会え幸運でした。 Live for Life (1967)
Each great man bids the Sellsword kill the other two.[JP] いずれの偉人も残りの二人を殺害するよう傭兵に頼んだ What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Are you a mercenary who turns his back on the innocent?[CN] 你是一個 背叛無辜犧牲者的傭兵 Hercules (2014)
BMR recon team maybe or hired guns.[JP] BMR偵察隊か... 傭兵部隊だ Matsya Nyaya (2012)
They were mercenaries.[JP] 傭兵 Sin City (2005)
Uh, you want it in terms a merc can understand.[JP] では傭兵の方にも分かるように Devil in a Blue Dress (2011)
Starkwood's basically a private army.[JP] スタックウッドは民間の傭兵部隊で... Day 7: 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. (2009)
Oh, enhances. Fancy word for a sellsword.[CN] 噢,增益呢,傭兵還能說出那麼高雅的詞 Blackwater (2012)
So, if I'm not a cop, I'm a mercenary, is that it?[JP] 警官でなく 傭兵ということだな Wolf and Cub (2012)
You're the mercenary.[JP] 君は 傭兵だね The Redshirt (2011)
Connections tracing them all the way back to Nikola Kozlow.[JP] 傭兵による攻撃・・ カズローが 関係していた Abduction (2011)
Merc.[JP] 傭兵 RAM (2014)
Uh... Soldier of Fortune weaponry convention, Vegas, 2004.[JP] あぁ 傭兵武器大会だ Ring Around the Rosie (2011)

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