(なり) (aux-v) (1) (uk) (arch) (meaning 〜だ、〜である) to be (an affirmation); (2) (uk) (arch) (meaning 〜にある、〜にいる. Usu. なる) (See なる・1) to be (location); (n,suf) (3) (usu. 也) sum of money (used to express an exact sum on a receipt, envelope, certificate, etc.) [EDICT]
(yě, ㄧㄝˇ) also; too; (in classical Chinese) final particle serving as copula [CE-DICT]
(jiǔ, ㄐㄧㄡˇ) (long) time; (long) duration of time [CE-DICT]
(dàn, ㄉㄢˋ) but; yet; however; only; merely; still [CE-DICT]
(これ) (pn) (1) (uk) (See 何れ・1,其れ・1,彼・あれ・1) this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic); (2) (hum) this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group); (3) now; (4) (arch) here; (5) (arch) I (me); (6) (arch) certainly; (P) [EDICT]
(ぜ) (n) righteousness; justice; right [EDICT]
(shì, ㄕˋ) is; are; am; yes; to be [CE-DICT]
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