(なり) (aux-v) (1) (uk) (arch) (meaning 〜だ、〜である) to be (an affirmation); (2) (uk) (arch) (meaning 〜にある、〜にいる. Usu. なる) (See なる・1) to be (location); (n,suf) (3) (usu. 也) sum of money (used to express an exact sum on a receipt, envelope, certificate, etc.) [EDICT]
(yě, ㄧㄝˇ) also; too; (in classical Chinese) final particle serving as copula [CE-DICT]
(Xǔ, ㄒㄩˇ) surname Xu [CE-DICT]
(xǔ, ㄒㄩˇ) to allow; to permit; to praise; somewhat; perhaps [CE-DICT]
(いま) (n-adv,n) now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately; (one) more; (P) [EDICT]
(こん) (pref) (1) the current ...; this; (2) today's ... [EDICT]
(jīn, ㄐㄧㄣ) today; modern; present; current; this; now [CE-DICT]
(ねん) (n) (1) year (e.g. AD); (ctr) (2) counter for years [EDICT]
(とし) (n-adv,n) (1) (年 only) year; (n) (2) many years; (suf,n) (3) age; (n-adv,n) (4) past one's prime; old age; (P) [EDICT]
(とせ) (ctr) (arch) counter for years (following a number in the hito-futa-mi counting system) [EDICT]