(Few results found for -unalert- automatically try alert) |
unalert | (adj) not alert to what is potentially dangerous, Syn. unwatchful, unvigilant, Ant. alert | alert | (n) condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action, Syn. qui vive | alert | (n) a warning serves to make you more alert to danger, Syn. alerting | alert | (adj) engaged in or accustomed to close observation, Syn. watchful, Ant. unalert | alert | (adj) quick and energetic, Syn. merry, rattling, zippy, spanking, brisk, snappy, lively | alert | (adj) mentally perceptive and responsive, Syn. alive, awake | alertly | (adv) in mentally perceptive and responsive way | alertness | (n) a state of readiness to respond, Syn. alerting | alertness | (n) lively attentiveness, Syn. sharp-sightedness, on the qui vive |
| alert | (n) การเตือนภัย, Syn. alarm, signal, warning | alert | (n) ช่วงเวลาที่มีอันตราย | alert | (adj) ตื่นตัว, See also: ตั้งท่า, ระมัดระวัง, ไหวตัว, เตรียมพร้อม, Syn. watchful, wary, wide-awake | alert | (vt) เตือน, See also: ทำให้ตระหนักถึงภัย, Syn. warn, signal, put on guard | alert to | (phrv) เตรียมพร้อมสำหรับ, See also: เตรียมรับมือกับ, ทำให้ระมัดระวัง, Syn. awaken to | alertness | (n) ความตื่นตัว, See also: ความระมัดระวัง, ความระวัง, การเตรียมพร้อม, Syn. watchfulness |
| alert | (อะเลิร์ทฺ') n., adj., vt. ว่องไว, เตรียมพร้อม, | alert box | ช่องข้อความเตือนหมายถึงช่องข้อความที่คอมพิวเตอร์จะแสดงให้เห็นบนจอภาพ มีข้อความเตือนในเรื่องการใช้คำสั่งบางประการที่อาจทำให้เกิดผลเสีย เช่น เครื่องพิมพ์ไม่มีกระดาษ ข้อความบางตอนอาจศูนย์หาย ฯ เป็นต้น |
| alert | (adj) ระมัดระวัง, เตรียมพร้อม, ว่องไว | alertness | (n) ความระมัดระวัง, การเตรียมพร้อม, ความว่องไว |
| | | | | ชาคริต | [chākhrit] (v) EN: alert |
| | | alert | (n) condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action, Syn. qui vive | alert | (n) a warning serves to make you more alert to danger, Syn. alerting | alert | (adj) engaged in or accustomed to close observation, Syn. watchful, Ant. unalert | alert | (adj) quick and energetic, Syn. merry, rattling, zippy, spanking, brisk, snappy, lively | alert | (adj) mentally perceptive and responsive, Syn. alive, awake | alertly | (adv) in mentally perceptive and responsive way | alertness | (n) a state of readiness to respond, Syn. alerting | alertness | (n) lively attentiveness, Syn. sharp-sightedness, on the qui vive |
| Alert | a. [ F. alerte, earlier à l'erte on the watch, fr. It. all' erta on the watch, prop. (standing) on a height, where one can look around; erta a declivity, steep, erto steep, p. p. of ergere, erigere, to erect, raise, L. erigere. See Erect. ] 1. Watchful; vigilant; active in vigilance. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity. [ 1913 Webster ] An alert young fellow. Addison. [ 1913 Webster ] Syn. -- Active; agile; lively; quick; prompt. [ 1913 Webster ] | Alert | n. (Mil.) An alarm from a real or threatened attack; a sudden attack; also, a bugle sound to give warning. “We have had an alert.” Farrow. [ 1913 Webster ] On the alert, on the lookout or watch against attack or danger; ready to act. [ 1913 Webster ]
| alerting | n. (Physiol.) a state of readiness to respond. alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG Syn. -- alertness [ WordNet 1.5 ] 2. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger. Syn. -- alert [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Alertly | adv. In an alert manner; nimbly. [ 1913 Webster ] | Alertness | n. The quality of being alert or on the alert; briskness; nimbleness; activity. [ 1913 Webster ] |
| | | 警戒 | [けいかい, keikai] (n, adj-no) (1) vigilance; precaution; watch; lookout; alertness; (vs) (2) to be vigilant; to be cautious; to guard (against); (P) #6,296 [Add to Longdo] | 待機 | [たいき, taiki] (n, vs, adj-no) alert; standby; await an opportunity; wait for orders; (P) #10,322 [Add to Longdo] | ばっと | [batto] (adv) (on-mim) suddenly; in a flash; rapidly; nimbly; alertly [Add to Longdo] | ぱっと | [patto] (adv, vs) (on-mim) suddenly; in a flash; rapidly; nimbly; alertly; (P) [Add to Longdo] | アラート | [ara-to] (n, adj-no) alert [Add to Longdo] | ウイルス警報 | [ウイルスけいほう, uirusu keihou] (n) { comp } virus alert [Add to Longdo] | 格納メッセージ警報 | [かくのうメッセージけいほう, kakunou messe-ji keihou] (n) { comp } stored message alert; MS [Add to Longdo] | 緊急火山情報 | [きんきゅうかざんじょうほう, kinkyuukazanjouhou] (n) emergency volcanic alert (e.g. an eruption warning); urgent information on volcanic activity [Add to Longdo] | 警急 | [けいきゅう, keikyuu] (n, n-pref) alarm; emergency; sudden contingency; alert [Add to Longdo] | 警固 | [けいご, keigo] (n, vs) (1) watching (esp. during an emergency); being on alert; (n) (2) guard; watchmen [Add to Longdo] |
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