ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -madd-, *madd*, mad |
madden | (vi) บ้า, See also: หัวเสีย, คลั่ง, Syn. craze | madden | (vt) ทำให้หัวเสีย, See also: ทำให้โกรธ, Syn. anger, enrage, derange | madder | (n) ต้นไม้จำพวก Rubia | madder | (adj) คำคุณศัพท์เปรียบเทียบขั้นกว่าของ mad | maddest | (adj) คำคุณศัพท์เปรียบเทียบขั้นสูงสุดของ mad | madding | (adj) บ้า, See also: คลั่ง | maddening | (adj) บ้า, See also: คลั่ง, Syn. annoying, offensive, infuriating, disturbing | madden with | (phrv) หงุดหงิด, See also: โกรธ, ไม่สุขสบายจาก | maddeningly | (adj) บ้า, See also: คลั่ง |
| madden | (แมด'เดิน) vt. ทำให้บ้า, ทำให้คลั่ง, ทำให้โกรธ. vi. กลายเป็นบ้า, คลั่ง, โกรธ | madder | (แมด'เดอะ) n. พืชจำพวก Rubia รากของมันใช้ทำสีย้อมได้ adj. คุณศัพท์เปรียบเทียบของ mad | madding | (แมด'ดิง) adj. บ้า, คลั่ง, วิกลจริต |
| madden | (vt) ทำให้เป็นบ้า, ทำให้คลั่ง, ทำให้ฉุน, ทำให้โกรธ |
| | | madden | (v) cause to go crazy; cause to lose one's mind, Syn. craze | madden | (v) drive up the wall; go on someone's nerves | madden | (v) make mad | madder | (n) Eurasian herb having small yellow flowers and red roots formerly an important source of the dye alizarin, Syn. Rubia tinctorum | madder | (v) color a moderate to strong red | madderwort | (n) any of numerous trees or shrubs or vines of the family Rubiaceae, Syn. rubiaceous plant |
| Madden | v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Maddened p. pr. & vb. n. Maddening. ] 1. To make mad; to drive to madness; to drive to insanity; to craze. [ 1913 Webster ] 2. To make very angry; to enrage; to excite violently with passion. [ 1913 Webster ] | Madden | v. i. To become mad; to act as if mad. [ 1913 Webster ] They rave, recite, and madden round the land. Pope. [ 1913 Webster ] | maddened | adj. filled with or indicating extreme anger. Syn. -- angered, enraged, furious, infuriated. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | maddening | adj. extremely annoying or displeasing. Syn. -- annoying, exasperating, infuriating, vexing. [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Madder | n. [ OE. mader, AS. maedere; akin to Icel. maðra. ] (Bot.) A plant of the genus Rubia (Rubia tinctorum). The root is much used in dyeing red, and formerly was used in medicine. It is cultivated in France and Holland. See Rubiaceous. [ 1913 Webster ] ☞ Madder is sometimes used in forming pigments, as lakes, etc., which receive their names from their colors, such as madder yellow. [ 1913 Webster ] Field madder, an annual European weed (Sherardia arvensis) resembling madder. -- Indian madder , the East Indian Rubia cordifolia, used in the East for dyeing; -- called also munjeet. -- Wild madder, Rubia peregrina of Europe; also the Galium Mollugo, a kind of bedstraw. [ 1913 Webster ]
| madder family | n. A widely distributed natural family of mostly tropical trees and shrubs and herbs including coffee; chinchona; gardenia; madder; bedstraws; nd partridgeberry. Rubiaceae, family Rubiaceae, madder family -- [ WordNet 1.5 ] | Madderwort | n. (Bot.) A name proposed for any plant of the same natural order (Rubiaceae) as the madder. [ 1913 Webster ] | Madding | a. Affected with madness; raging; furious. -- Mad"ding*ly, adv. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife. Gray. [1913 Webster] The madding wheels Of brazen chariots raged. Milton. [1913 Webster] | Maddish | a. Somewhat mad. Beau. & Fl. [ 1913 Webster ] |
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