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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
莽撞[mǎng zhuàng, ㄇㄤˇ ㄓㄨㄤˋ,  ] rude and impetuous #38,350 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And I have brought this all on myself because I was a stupid, reckless little slut![CN] 这都是我自找的 我曾是个愚蠢又莽撞的小荡妇! Mamma Mia! (2008)
Balls! The king must never engage in direct battle.[CN] 莽撞 国王绝不该亲自动手 Beowulf (2007)
- We wanted to see the city.[CN] 你们怎么会这么莽撞 Azur & Asmar: The Princes' Quest (2006)
What did he do, run off with a patient? Does it matter?[CN] -- 莽撞的司机 儿科医生 Resurrection (2008)
You ever stop thinkin' about what's happening with others[CN] 在你莽撞地闯进别人家的时候 The Fourth Man in the Fire (2008)
Reckless sister, you have offended your blood.[CN] 莽撞的姊姊, 你得罪了亲手足 A Christmas Tale (2008)
Let's defeat those hasty hotfoots.[CN] 让我们击败那些莽撞的兔子 Unstable Fables: Tortoise vs. Hare (2008)
Me fixing things doesn't happen quick or easy.[CN] 你得相信我,Piney 我解决问题从不莽撞 Albification (2009)
Once again virtuoso ingenuity triumphs over plodding ineptitude.[CN] 又一次 艺术的智慧战胜莽撞的愚蠢 Episode #3.3 (2008)
Bull in a china shop?[CN] - 莽撞哈 - 嗯 Sort of Like a Family (2007)
#And you are so bold #[CN] 你也很莽撞 Juno (2007)
They think he's a bit of a cowboy. Breaks a lot of rules, [CN] 他们认为他有些莽撞 They think he's a bit of a cowboy. Firestarter (2008)

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