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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
聆讯[líng xùn, ㄌㄧㄥˊ ㄒㄩㄣˋ,   /  ] (legal) hearing [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
What is even more insane is this emergency hearing, which was just deployed to get the defendant here in the first place.[CN] 更蠢的是这次紧急聆讯 只是为了让被告... 可以立刻到这里来 Je Ne Sais What? (2013)
Unless the judges hear our appeal, he's in 24-hour lockdown.[CN] 除非法官聆讯我们上诉 否则他被全天侯禁闭 Death Row Tip (2011)
A lawyer friend of mine got arrested in Skokie, and she missed the transport to her bail hearing.[CN] 我的一个律师朋友被抓了关在Skokie 还错过了去保释聆讯的转送 Je Ne Sais What? (2013)
It has been deemed libelous and therefore cannot be mentioned in these proceedings.[CN] 这书已被定为诽谤 所以这个聆讯中不得再使用了 The Death Zone (2011)
All right. All right. I'm gonna begin the hearing.[CN] 好了 好了 我要开始聆讯了 还有事吗? Devil's Knot (2013)
In the open hearing, in front of the jury, he will be represented by his own barrister.[CN] 在陪审团面前公开聆讯 他将由他自己的律师代表。 Closed Circuit (2013)
I will hear on the legality of the traffic stop.[CN] 我们先聆讯非法拦截的控诉 I Fought the Law (2012)
Deemed a flight risk, he was ordered held in jail, pending a bail hearing.[CN] 视为一个飞行风险, 他奉命在监狱里举行, 待保释聆讯 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)
Today, we are having the trial on Mr. Shu Qi... and Miss Flora Zhang's divorce agreement... which involves the custody of their daughter Shu Xiao Xiao.[CN] 今天我们聆讯舒奇先生 与张惠香小姐的离婚协议 以及他们的女儿舒小小的抚养权争议 Mr. & Mrs. Gambler (2012)
State code 143.56 prohibits you from making a determination... in a permanent-custody case without a hearing.[CN] 根据州法典的第1章第43款的第56条 法官不能未经聆讯就对永久监护权的案件 作出裁决 Any Day Now (2012)
She agreed to hear our case.[CN] 她同意聆讯我们的案子啊 Any Day Now (2012)
You will notify me as to the inquest?[CN] - 聆讯的时候会传唤我吧? Girl (2013)

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