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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
老路[lǎo lù, ㄌㄠˇ ㄌㄨˋ,  ] old road; familiar way; beaten track; conventional behavior #26,483 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He'll get tough again[CN] 他有会回去老路 Tokyo Drifter (1966)
If you're sure. Anything for the old cause[CN] 如果你打定主意 走老路 Debbie Does Dallas (1978)
She wants the coffin brought back on foot... so your father won't forget his way home.[CN] 抬,按老迷信说就是 再返回来走走老路 回来看看这个老路 就是别忘这个老路 The Road Home (1999)
The note in the tube mail has made me curious to see what's in this Harry Grey file.[CN] 一定有条老路走得通 真空管邮件的小纸条引发我 一窥哈利. The Element of Crime (1984)
I'd have given up in 5 years[CN] 那5年我准会走老路 The Yellow Handkerchief (1977)
You gonna do the same thing Dude done?[CN] 你会走杜德的老路吗? Rio Bravo (1959)
I don't know what's going on between you Serge Olivier and Mickey.[CN] 我不知道你和Serge Olivier还有Mickey 之间有什么瓜葛,你这是要重走老路吗? Choice of Arms (1981)
Do you want to follow your brother down the same road?[CN] 你想走上你哥哥的老路嗎? Wings (1966)
You should never underestimate him.[CN] 你的斯林格还是在走亚伦的老路 Face to Face (1967)
Aaron Jastrow's cousin and fellow Yeshiva scholar, this is an old and familiar road.[CN] 也就是埃伦的堂弟和 曾经的犹太学校校友来说 这是一条熟悉的老路 Part I (1988)
We veered off at a different point, and when we started to come back, to go back, we started back the exact same way.[CN] 不是朝南 我们转错了方向 我们走到了老路 Gerry (2002)
The big Lugwin had a thing for you.[CN] 你还记得路金一家人吧? 老路金很惦记你 The One with the Sonogram at the End (1994)

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