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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
大和[Dà hé, ㄉㄚˋ ㄏㄜˊ,  ] Yamato (possibly 3rd century AD), Japanese state before written records began in 7th century AD, its real dating is controversial #18,520 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
大和(P);倭[やまと, yamato] (n) (1) Yamato; ancient province corresponding to modern-day Nara Prefecture; (2) (ancient) Japan; (adj-f) (3) (See 大和絵, 大和魂) Japanese; (P) #2,108 [Add to Longdo]
大和の国[やまとのくに, yamatonokuni] (n) Yamato; Japan [Add to Longdo]
大和ゴキブリ[やまとゴキブリ;ヤマトゴキブリ, yamato gokiburi ; yamatogokiburi] (n) (uk) Japanese cockroach (Periplaneta japonica) [Add to Longdo]
大和鞍;倭鞍;和鞍[やまとぐら;わぐら, yamatogura ; wagura] (n) (See 唐鞍) Japanese-style ritual saddle [Add to Longdo]
大和[やまといも, yamatoimo] (n) variety of Japanese potato [Add to Longdo]
大和歌;倭歌[やまとうた, yamatouta] (n) (See 唐歌) Japanese poem; waka; tanka [Add to Longdo]
大和絵;倭絵[やまとえ, yamatoe] (n) Yamato-e (classical Japan decorative paintings) [Add to Longdo]
大和琴;倭琴[やまとごと, yamatogoto] (n) (See 和琴) ancient Japanese koto (thought to be native to Japan) [Add to Longdo]
大和言葉[やまとことば, yamatokotoba] (n) ancient or primordial Japanese language [Add to Longdo]
大和国家[やまとこっか, yamatokokka] (n) Yamato State [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I want you to visit us once in a while[CN] 请爸妈不时从大和出来探我 Early Summer (1951)
That's what he told Director Owada too and he's maneuvering behind the scene.[JP] 大和田常務にも そう言って 根回ししてるらしいよ Episode #1.1 (2013)
Rice balls filled with salmon ikura, etc.[JP] おにぎりの具といたしましては シャケ 牛大和煮 タラコなど Nankyoku ryôrinin (2009)
You, I suspect are chief architect of this compromise.[CN] 我猜... 你是这个大和解的主要推手 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
I hear you've a guest[CN] 我听到你有客人从大和到来 Early Summer (1951)
Come to Yamato once[CN] 大和住住吧 Early Summer (1951)
Gold, gentlemen, which can be melted down and recast, is all but untraceable, which makes it, unlike diamonds, ideal for smuggling, attracting the biggest and most ingenious criminals.[CN] 黄金能被溶化后再还原,而且不会留下痕迹... 让黄金,不像是钻石成为走私最理想... 吸引到最大和最聪明的罪犯 Goldfinger (1964)
Chairman Nakanowatari and the folks from the old Tokyo Daiichi this time around.[JP] 出し抜くことができて➡ 大和田常務も さぞ ご満悦でしょうね➡ Episode #1.1 (2013)
- You're a strong little sugar pie![CN] 力气真大和我结婚 Smiles of a Summer Night (1955)
Director Owada and Asano-san are connected by a big fat pipe.[JP] 歴代最速 最年少で 常務にまで上り詰めた切れ者➡ その大和田常務と浅野さんは 太いパイプでつながってる➡ Episode #1.1 (2013)
Speaking of law, Mike, an interesting situation has developed with the formation of the Territory and the opening of the Regional Office in Wyoming.[CN] 说到法律, Pike 这是很有趣味的情况 版图的扩大和怀俄明区域办公室的建立 Devil's Doorway (1950)
- Stop it.[JP] (大和田)やめなさい Episode #1.2 (2013)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
大和[やまと, yamato] (das_alte) Japan [Add to Longdo]
大和[やまとえ, yamatoe] Bild_in_japanischem_Stil [Add to Longdo]
大和[やまとだましい, yamatodamashii] der_japanische_Geist [Add to Longdo]

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