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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
名实[míng shí, ㄇㄧㄥˊ ㄕˊ,   /  ] name and reality; whether reality lives up to its reputation #57,332 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
To find out if this was earned, I talked to Catherine Hall, an American living here, on a typical Chilote day.[CN] 为了了解她是否名实相符,在智鲁岛典型的天气里, 我去拜访一位生活在这里的美国人,她叫 凯瑟琳 霍尔。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
And we're finding that the accelerated incubation period - of the dozen cases that we've...[CN] 我们发现十二名实验对像 在病毒加速潜伏期... The Order 23 Job (2009)
A town with approximately 8, 000 experimental hosts.[CN] 这镇有将近8000名实验对象 Spawn (1997)
You'll be a trainee working under him.[CN] 你去做他手下一名实习生 Matsya Nyaya (2012)
- Dozen cases?[CN] 十二名实验对像? The Order 23 Job (2009)
I will faithfully discharge my duties in the rank of probationary officer...[CN] 我将忠诚于 我作为一名实习警员的职责... We Own the Night (2007)
Spent a year in a sanatorium. Lost his virginity to a student nurse.[CN] 为此疗养了一年 在那里他把第一次留给了一名实习护士 The Man with One Red Shoe (1985)
No way she should've ended up seventh in the standing.[CN] 排在第七名实在没道理 Stick It (2006)
"I will faithfully discharge my duties in the rank of probationary officer..."[CN] "我将忠诚于 我作为一名实习警员的职责..." We Own the Night (2007)
Of the original four dozen, over 75 percent are now deceased.[CN] 最开始的48名实验品中 超过75%已经死了 V for Vendetta (2005)
God, no. As an intern, she didn't have any direct involvement whatsoever.[CN] 当然不 作为一名实习生 她没有直接参与任何一部分 Edge of Darkness (2010)
If I keep going I just know I'm going to find something, the name of this mummy, for example.[CN] 现在我要查一查这具木乃伊的真名实 Belphegor: Phantom of the Louvre (2001)

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