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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
吃穿[chī chuān, ㄔ ㄔㄨㄢ,  穿] food and clothing #39,407 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Or was it maybe somebody els e who took you under his wing, who fed you, paid your way through s chool, [CN] "当然如果不是我 也会有其他人把你置于买去" "他会给你吃穿,让你受教育" Intacto (2001)
I stopped when my husband passed away. 5 years ago.[CN] 我是寡妇 不愁吃穿 Wasabi (2001)
For triple time, I'd eat Beany![CN] 哇! 有这么多吃穿不愁了 The Abyss (1989)
You just don't reflect our community.[CN] 你在海兰帕克长大 从小不缺吃穿 Chapter 40 (2016)
Lufthansa should have been our ultimate score. The heist of a lifetime.[CN] 德航劫案价值六百万 使我们一生不愁吃穿 Goodfellas (1990)
You're not. You're just... The man who kept me fed[CN] 你只是 那个供我吃穿的人 Fastest Man Alive (2014)
If I divorced Rodney, I'd be well off for the rest of my life[CN] 如果我跟罗德尼离婚 我一辈子也不愁吃穿 Yi Yi (2000)
You did it to pay for your bed and board.[CN] 你为了生活吃穿而做... ... McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
I have fed you brought fame, you owe it everything.[CN] 他给你吃穿, 他创造了你 Champion (1949)
From appearance fees and royalties Our Herc had cash to burn[CN] 靠潇洒外表 就可让他吃穿永远不愁 Hercules (1997)
And remake the solar system.[CN] 这足以让她后半辈子不愁吃穿 They'd make her rich for the rest of her life. Paradigm Shift (2017)
The Wrysons had way more money than we did, but run away he would, at least once a month and come straight to our place.[CN] 他爸爸不打他 也不愁吃穿 Chapter 41 (2016)

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