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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
村有[そんゆう, sonyuu] (n) village-owned; village property [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You'll find this village has many secrets.[CN] 你会发现,这个村有 许多秘密 Voodoo Possession (2014)
That 's a wealthy village.[CN] 那條村有 Dragon Boat (2011)
A passenger wants to go to Aberdeen from Wu Kau Teng.[CN] 乌蛟腾村有客住香港仔 Intruder (1997)
Good news from the village of Clun.[CN] 克兰村有好消息 Parent Hood (2006)
And there's 9 houses in my village, so that's nearly 10 minutes, and there are millions of loads in the world.[CN] 我们村有9户人家,需要近10分钟 而这世上有千百万户人家呢 Arthur Christmas (2011)
The pool deck at the Paradise.[CN] 天堂渡假村有泳池露台 Dinoshark (2010)
This is a small town with everything in sight.[CN] 我们村有多少人一眼就看清楚了 The Millionaires' Express (1986)
In our village a cow calved.[CN] 还记得我们村有只奶牛生孩子吗 August. Eighth (2012)
I know a good one.[CN] 村有个有名的眼科 Scarlet Innocence (2014)
Unfortunately there's been a death in our village, so it's not appropriate for us to take in visitors.[CN] 忽见贵村有红光闪现 The Village of No Return (2017)
There's a good pub in Leers.[CN] 里亚士村有家好酒吧 Young Adam (2003)
Yesterday, someone who was 80 died in Li village[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }昨天李村有一個80歲人死了 Ku qi de nü ren (2002)

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