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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
帐号[zhàng hào, ㄓㄤˋ ㄏㄠˋ,   /  ] account number [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yes, I know. You're our largest account.[CN] 是的 我知道 你们是我们的最大帐号 Violent Saturday (1955)
I said an account.[CN] 我说过帐号 Son of the Bride (2001)
Hi, I'm account number 7143457.[CN] 我的帐号是7143457 The One with the Blackout (1994)
Anything from a numbered Swiss account to a fistful of used oncers slipped under the door of the gents'.[CN] 各种渠道 从瑞士银行帐号 Anything from a numbered Swiss account 到洗手间门缝的小信封都有 to a fistful of used oncers slipped under the door of the gents'. The Moral Dimension (1982)
Have you started his bank accounts yet?[CN] 你们给他开了银行帐号吗? Raising Arizona (1987)
I'm sorry, Marnie. I'll have Bob make out an account for you.[CN] 对不起 玛尔尼 我会叫鲍勃给你开一个帐号 Marnie (1964)
Richard Nixon's personal checking account is in here.[CN] 理查尼克森的私人帐号在此 Sneakers (1992)
I made the last deposit to Mrs Phillips' account today.[CN] 我已经将存款打到菲利普斯夫人帐号 Magnificent Obsession (1954)
His bank-account info wasn't there?[CN] 没有银行帐号吗? Mea Culpa (2001)
Miss Miller handled his account. I'll get her for you.[CN] - Miller小姐处理他的帐号 我去叫她 The Blue Gardenia (1953)
This will close my account and save me the trouble of doing any more business with this bank.[CN] 这些钱用来关闭我的帐号 省得银行再找我的麻烦 Violent Saturday (1955)
Here's the name and account number of my bank in Switzerland.[CN] 这是我的瑞士银行帐号 The Day of the Jackal (1973)

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