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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
姊夫[zǐ fu, ㄗˇ ㄈㄨ˙,  ] older sister's husband [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Even my cousin's husband cannot cure me.[CN] 连我表姊夫也无法治愈我 Yee do hung gaan (2002)
What are you saying, brother-in-law?[CN] 你在胡扯什么呀? 姊夫 OMG: Oh My God! (2012)
Not really.[CN] 小妹让我好骄傲,她的婚戒亮晶晶 还有闪亮项链,艾瑞克 你变成我姊夫,所以我也是黑人啰 Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016)
So funny, I've got an brother-in-law who's a male cheerleader-fan...[CN] 还真巧,我的姊夫就个男啦啦队粉丝 The Matador (2005)
His brother-in-law works there.[CN] 姊夫在巨械工作 De l'autre côté du lit (2008)
My future brother-in-law's a serious problem.[CN] 我未来的姊夫有一个严重的问题 The Knight in White Satin Armor (2000)
My future brother-in-law.[CN] 我未来的姊夫 House Arrest (2000)
Besides, this Duncan has borne his faculties so meek, has been so clear in his great office, that his virtues will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against the... deep damnation of his taking-off.[CN] 一切地下潜伏的灵奇, 随着我的眼泪一起奔涌出来吧! - 可是我的姊夫的军队已经出发了吗? - 出发了,夫人。 Great Performances (1971)
No man.[CN] 可是你从来没有深入我的姊夫的禁地吗? Great Performances (1971)
My brother-in-law's company, Denzotech, is being bought by Google.[CN] 姊夫的公司Denzotech 要被Google收购了 Let's Get to Scooping (2014)
- Brother-in-law.[CN] -姊夫 集邮专家 Nine Queens (2000)
Did he do it on his own?[CN] 姊夫独自决定的吗 Episode #1.15 (2013)

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