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() (adj-na,n) (1) (col) (abbr) (See 真面目・まじめ) serious (not capricious or flirtatious); (aux-v) (2) (まじ only) (See まい) cannot; should not; will not; must not [EDICT]
() (n) (1) (abbr) (See マゾヒスト) masochist; (2) (abbr) (See マゾヒズム) masochism; (P) [EDICT]
() (n) manna [EDICT]
() (n) (abbr) (See マネージャー) manager (esp. of school sports clubs) [EDICT]
() (n) muff [EDICT]
() (n) (1) Mama; (2) female proprietress (of a bar, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
() (n) Maya (ancient Indian tribe in Central America); (P) [EDICT]
() (n) Mali [EDICT]
() (n,n-suf) man; (P) [EDICT]
() (n) (1) roux (mixture of butter and flour used to make sauces) (fre [EDICT]
() (n) Rus' (old name of Russia) [EDICT]
() (n,vs) (abbr) reportage; (P) [EDICT]
() (n,vs) (1) ding (sound of a bell); bing; (vs) (2) to cook (or heat) in a microwave oven (from the 'ching' timer bell); (3) sneeze (into a tissue, used with children) [EDICT]
() (n) cheer; (P) [EDICT]
() (n) Korean stew (kor [EDICT]
() (n) chin; (P) [EDICT]
() (n) (1) Sioux (fre [EDICT]
() (n) ska (type of Jamaican music) [EDICT]
() (n) cobia (Rachycentron canadum); sergeant fish [EDICT]
() (ctr) square millimetres; mm**2 [EDICT]
() (n) (abbr) strike; (P) [EDICT]
() (n) (1) (abbr) spa; (2) (See スパゲティ) spaghetti [EDICT]
() (n) (abbr) staple fiber; staple fibre [EDICT]
() (n) (abbr) insert a space (editor's mark) [EDICT]
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เช่น Secretary of State=รัฐมนตรีต่างประเทศของสหรัฐฯ (ในภาพตัวอย่าง),
High school=โรงเรียนมัธยมปลาย