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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
驻地[zhù dì, ㄓㄨˋ ㄉㄧˋ,   /  ] station; encampment #12,611 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Many of our comrades... say they heard rifle reports at the garrison at Buin.[CN] 我们很多的同志... Many of our comrades... 说他们听到从布恩的军队驻地传出了枪声 say they heard rifle reports at the garrison at Buin. Rain over Santiago (1975)
General Eisenhower visits the troops of the 101st airborne.[CN] 艾森豪威尔将军正前往 一零一空降师驻地慰问部队 Part IX (1989)
Was it not equally thoughtless to mobilize a security detail against the SDF ... without any credible rationale or request from any party to do so?[CN] 那么,在没有证据及正式申请下 擅自到自卫队屯驻地进行警备 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
Dummy troop concentrations, dummy landing craft... simulated radio traffic.[CN] 假的部队驻地,假的登陆艇,模拟的无线电通信 Patton (1970)
We now go live to news caster Alexia Cruz with resident Patty Robinson.[CN] 现在,我们去住的新闻报导员亚历克西娅 克鲁斯与驻地帕蒂罗宾逊。 Gridlock'd (1997)
The German battalion in Mariager[CN] 马里耶尔德军驻地 This Life (2012)
They don't realise that this is a garrison post, [CN] 他们没有意识到这里 是卫戍部队驻地 The Night of the Generals (1967)
The German barracks in Randers[CN] 兰德斯德军驻地 This Life (2012)
Regulations demand that soldiers unfit for battle must remain near their own regiments.[CN] 军队规定非参战士兵 必须留在驻地附近 军队规定非参战士兵 必须留在驻地附近 Senso (1954)
This car will take you to your quarters... and you are to remain there.[CN] 这辆车将送你们去驻地 你们就呆在那儿 Battle of Britain (1969)
The witches are further away than the legion has ever been.[CN] 女巫驻地在我们从未到达过的远方 Clash of the Titans (2010)
The sheriff called the base, the base sent Major Jesse[CN] 警长马上给驻地打电话 驻军派Jesse Marcel少校来 The Return (2010)
- Where were you deployed?[CN] -驻地在哪儿 -新泽西 { \3cH202020 } - Where were you deployed? Bullies (2012)
Field post VCH-49550.[CN] 军事驻地VCH -49550 Ivan's Childhood (1962)
Mike Thompson from II 223 down in Salt Lake City.[CN] - 是 长官 我是麦克 汤普森 从盐湖城第1师1团223驻地来的 Taking Chance (2009)
Shut up. Who is the local reporter?[CN] 闭嘴 谁是驻地记者 Peepli (Live) (2010)
All those detailed, dismount and proceed to stations.[CN] 先头小组下车, 前往驻地. The Desert Rats (1953)
This is Patrick Jane. Ellis Hindon.[CN] Ellis Hindon 幸好你们的驻地很近 18-5-4 (2010)
I remember that all the men in my company thought her quite the prettiest girl in the garrison.[CN] 我记得当年我的同伴们 都觉得她是驻地最漂亮的女孩子 The Crooked Man (1984)
We should reach my son's camp tomorrow.[CN] 我们明天应该能抵达我儿子的驻地 The Ghost of Harrenhal (2012)
My journal's on the bunk in my quarters. My orders are in the journal.[CN] 我驻地的床上有本日志 我的指令也在里面 Dances with Wolves (1990)
We're reporting from above the JGSDF camp in Nerima Ward.[CN] 这里是练马区 某陆军自卫队屯驻地上空 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
I've already alerted our man in Isthmus.[CN] 我已经警告我们该驻地的人 Licence to Kill (1989)
Please come to the Army stall.[CN] 请以上人员联系陆军驻地 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)
The Chiefs of Staff of all three SDF branches are resigning... to take responsibility for the protests across the country.[CN] 为负起各地屯驻地关闭的责任 陆海空的幕僚长已经一起辞职了 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
There's a dance tonight at the post.[CN] 今晚在军队驻地有个舞会 Two Rode Together (1961)
Borrowed it from the American base in Matsumoto.[CN] 从松本的驻地借来的 Summer Wars (2009)
How do you feel about being stationed in oh, I don't know, Hawaii?[CN] 去夏威夷驻地怎样? One Way (2010)
But you did return, and to Aldershot where your old regiment was stationed, why?[CN] 不过你还是回到阿尔德索特来了 回到你原来兵团所在的驻地 为什么? The Crooked Man (1984)
He said he knew the lie of the land around the garrison better than any other.[CN] 他说没人比他更了解 驻地周围的地貌 The Crooked Man (1984)
But I'm not some alien ambassador.[CN] 但我不是你们驻地球的大使 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
The bayou, the Quarter.[CN] 不管长沼还是驻地 The Princess and the Frog (2009)
Once we're inside the German garrison, no firing until we blow the ammunition dumps.[CN] 一旦我们进入德军驻地 在我们引爆弹药堆之前不要开火 Part IX (1989)
If you're still watching, we'll go live to our Middle East correspondent, Harold.[CN] 如果你还在看的话 我们要连线 If you're still watching, we'll go 中东驻地记者了 Harold live to our Middle East correspondent, Harold. Simon Amstell: Numb (2012)
We've received a report that a helicopter just took off without orders... ... fromtheOhmuragarrison.[CN] 大村驻地报告说,有一架直升机 没有出动命令就起飞了 Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIG - Individual Eleven (2006)
Babbu from Multan... please reach the army stall.[CN] 来自木尔坦的巴布... 请联系陆军驻地 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)
Sire, I myself have given explicit instructions... to all the commanders of all the outposts.[CN] 陛下 我已经明确告诉过 所有的驻地长官 War and Peace (1956)
We've been taking ground in one position, losing it in another.[CN] 将军 我们攻占了一处地界 同时又失守一块驻地 Bastogne (2001)
We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 9, 000 people.[CN] 我们为一艘巡洋舰安排的驻地 面积可以容纳9000人居住 Why We Fight (2005)
Are you ladies off to a new garrison?[CN] 小姐们要去新的军队驻地吗? Le Plaisir (1952)
Our company commander had asked for a volunteer, a fit, strong soldier to slip out of the garrison at dead of night and make contact with the relief column out on the plain beyond.[CN] 我们队的指挥官开始挑选志愿者 这个志愿者必须精干强壮 可以在深夜溜出驻地 The Crooked Man (1984)
Did you know that you drove the federales right into our camp when we were completely unprepared?[CN] 你知道吗,你把联邦军队赶到我们的驻地 当时我们完全没有准备吗? For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada (2012)
From battle to battle, garrison to garrison, country to country...[CN] 在不同的战场、驻地甚至是国家间转换 Mysteries of Lisbon (2010)
He's got a following including Richard Engel who says he's solid, straightforward, and fearless in the face of all the chaos.[CN] 他的推特粉丝包括理查德·英戈尔 { \3cH202020 }He's got a following including Richard Engel { \fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }NBC台首席驻地记者 随军报道了伊拉克战争 早年在埃及开罗当过四年自由记者 and fearless Amen (2012)
As the noon siren walled across the garrison, members of his group unfurled a banner bearing their manifesto, and Mlshlma came out and began his address[CN] 中午时分, 警报响彻自卫队驻地 三岛由纪夫的人 展开一个写有宣言的横额 他出来了 然后开始演说 KT (2002)
He wrote me a letter a few years back from his base in Panama.[CN] 他几年前从巴拿马的驻地给我写了一封信 Chasing Mavericks (2012)
- Division station. Monte de Concepcion, Colombia.[CN] - 组织驻地 蒙特康塞普西翁 哥伦比亚 Knightfall (2011)
As Misawa Air Base has begun what amounts to a sit-in protest... numerous SDF facilities are following their lead.[CN] 为了与昨天进入实质 闭关状态的三泽基地相呼应 在各地的自卫队屯驻地 都可以看到跟此地类似的行动 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
Tomorrow at 0700 hours, the SV2 is to mobilize all its forces... and join with the local police and the 4th Mobile Unit... in providing security for Camp Nerima![CN] 从明早7点开始,特车二课尽全力 与当地的警署以及第四机动队 共同负责练马屯驻地的警备工作 Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993)
General Eisenhower's quarters.[CN] 艾森豪威尔将军驻地 Part IX (1989)

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