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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ] to look about in alarm or fright
Radical: , Decomposition:   瞿 [, ㄐㄩˋ]  又 [yòu, ㄧㄡˋ]
Etymology: [ideographic] To startle 瞿 again 又; 瞿 also provides the pronunciation
Rank: 5129
[, jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ] to snatch, to sieze, to rob
Radical: , Decomposition:   扌 [shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ]  矍 [jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] hand
Rank: 3692
[, qú, ㄑㄩˊ] earwig
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  矍 [jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] insect
Rank: 4767
[, jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ] a large ape found in western China
Radical: , Decomposition:   犭 [quǎn, ㄑㄩㄢˇ]  矍 [jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] animal

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: surprise & confusion
On-yomi: カク, kaku
Radical: , Decomposition:         
[] Meaning: abduct
On-yomi: カク, kaku
Kun-yomi: さら.う, つか.む, sara.u,
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: surname
On-yomi: ク, ku
Kun-yomi: おそ.れる, み.る, oso.reru,
Radical: , Decomposition:         
[] Meaning:
On-yomi: キャク, カク, ケキ, ク, ワク, kyaku, kaku, keki, ku, waku
Kun-yomi: おおざる, oozaru
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: ,

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[jué, ㄐㄩㄝˊ, ] to glance fearfully; surname Jue #52,434 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
矍鑠[かくしゃく, kakushaku] (adj-t, adv-to) vigorous (in old age); hale and hearty [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Oh, my gosh. The cutest guy just drove by us, and Katie was like...[CN] 桒ナ砒悅 矗マ テ贏砌ヌ ヌ矍ハ・ヌ眦゚ヒム フヌミネ栁 矣ハ觸N... College Road Trip (2008)
For too long the West has conspired to steal the wealth of the world, consigning the balance of humanity to economic starvation.[CN] ヌ瞻ムネ 矍ハムノ リ跫睨 ハツ耜瞠ム゙ノ 聳マムヌハ ヌ瞽ヌ矼 耋趁ヌ 肆ヌメ淸 ヌ睚ヤム栁 ヌ碆 フ賍 ヌ゙ハユヌマí Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I developed five reasons for choosing the perfect one for my little girl.[CN] ムヌレ桄 ホ耨ノ テモネヌネ 睇ホハ桒ム ヌ睥ヌ聚ノ ヌ矼萇モネノ 矍ハヌハí College Road Trip (2008)
McClane mentioned something about the Federal Reserve building.[CN] 翩゚硼・ミ゚ム ヤ枻ヌ レ・翳蓆 ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
McClane says there are dump trucks headed up the FDR loaded with gold.[CN] 洄趁 翩゚硼・ヌ蒟ヌ ヤヌヘ萇ハ 萬ヌ桒ハ 耨ム赭・跂硼ニノ ネヌ瞎衒 ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Mr. Wolf, has been accused of horrible crimes.[CN] モ榘ヌハ・・モヌマハ・ヌ矼ハ貮フマ趾 ン・ヌ矼ペ翹 (肆゚硼 ヌ瞠榘 ( 跏矍 賣衞 砒 ヌハ衂翩ハ ネフムヌニ・ンル汜ノ College Road Trip (2008)
From there on we've already brought the water down.[CN] 聿 裝ヌ 貶ヌモハ耜ヌム テヘヨム萇 モ矍ヌ ヌ矼ヌチ 聿 ヌ矼モハ賺レ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
But, Walter, Federal Reserve... - Yeah?[CN] 矚・貮睫ム, ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 蒂ã Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
SaidSimpleSimontothepieman going to the fair, "Give me your pies... or I'll cave your head in."[CN] ゙ヌ・モ淏趾 ヌ睚モ毖 瞋フ・ヌ矍リ樰ノ ヌ瞎ヌ衒 ヌ碆ヌ矼レムヨ テレリ蓖 ンリヌニム゚ 貮睇 贍レハ ムテモ゚ ネマヌホ砒 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Canine, check out the boiler room.[CN] ゚9 テヘヨム・ホ矍ヌ ハベ゙ 聿 ロムンノ ヌ矼ムフá Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Alan - bomb squad, special services, state police and the FBI.[CN] ツ砌 聿 ンム゙ノ ヌ矼ハンフムヌハ ヤムリノ ヌ礦睇栁 ・ヌ瞞ムリノ ヌ矍マムヌ硼ノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Who's the girl? - Targo's other half.[CN] 聿 ヌ矍ハヌノ 蒄ン ハヌムロ・ヌ眥ホム Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
You know, Sigmund Freud said the best way to understand women[CN] モ淏趾マ ンムヌマ) ゙ヌ・テ・ヌ瞿ム洄ノ ヌ矼ヒ碆 矍裙 ヌ砌モヌチ) College Road Trip (2008)
- Happy dance! - Happy dance![CN] ム゙ユノ ヌ矍ムヘ College Road Trip (2008)
Rats and mice have their chance, as will I have mine.[CN] 矣フムミヌ・・ヌ矍ニムヌ・ヘル衂 ・硼 ヘルí Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
She's always been this really upbeat, high-energy, optimistic...[CN] 她每天精神矍铄而且乐观 Things We Lost in the Fire (2007)
- English-speaking troops... - Yeah, I saw the movie.[CN] ゙貮ハ ハハヘマヒ ヌ睇葹硼メ栁 蒂・蒂・矗マ ムテ桄 ヌ矍涖ã Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
The payphone beyond Hope, Tompkins Square Park.[CN] ヌ砒ヌハン ヌ瞽肆肬 ホ矍 聿ハメ・モヌヘノ 褂ネ ハ跂゚淸メ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- We got a chopper behind us. You got a gun on board?[CN] 裝ヌ゚ 耜賚栁 ホ矍萇 睹涇 耨マモ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
In the back of the truck you're driving there's 13 billion dollars in gold bullion.[CN] ン・ホ矍 ヌ瞞ヌヘ菲 ヌ睫・バ賺 裝ヌ゚ ミ衒 ネ゙淏ノ 13 ネ硼趾 マ趁ヌム Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I know this is hard for you, but she is not a little girl anymore. Okay?[CN] テレ矼 テ・衵ヌ ユレネ レ硼゚。 矚蒟ヌ 矼 ハレマ ハ矚 ヌ矍ハヌノ ヌ瞰ロ樰ノ ネレマ ヌ眥茖 ヘモ萇・ソ College Road Trip (2008)
In a few minutes the contents of the Federal Reserve Bank, the gold your economies are built on, will be redistributed by explosive across the bottom of the Long Island Sound.[CN] ホ睇・レマノ マ゙ヌニ゙ 耋ハ跫ヌハ ヌ睚葹 ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 ヌ瞎衒 ヌ瞎・ネ蓖 レ硼・ヌ゙ハユヌマ゚ã モ汜ヌマ ハ贅汜・ネヌ矼ハンフムヌハ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
One white cop gets killed today, tomorrow we got a thousand white cops, all of 'em with itchy trigger fingers.[CN] ヌ硼跂 淏賁 ヤムリ・ヌネ櫢 贔マヌ 氿衽 砌ヌ ヌ矍 ヤムリ偆Nフヌ袵趾 矣ム肬 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
What has four legs and is always ready to travel? Don't you have kids?[CN] 翩ミヌ マ衂゚ソテ硼モ 睹涇 テリンヌ眩ヌ蒟ヌ 葹ハノ ヌ矍涖 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
We're the home team. We find something there?[CN] ヘモ萇 莽・ヌ矍ム洄 ヌ矼ヘ硼 裔 レ硼萇 ヌ﨓ヌマ ヤ枻 裝ヌ゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- That guy was pissed. - He'll feel better if he checks the back seat.[CN] ゚ヌ・ムフ睇 モ゚ムヌ萇 モ柀マ・ヌンヨ・ン・ヌ矼゙レマ ヌ睾矍í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
No, no. My life is a thousand-mile ride-along.[CN] 睇。 睇。 ヘ桒ハ・゙桒マノ テ矍 肬・礦ヘマí College Road Trip (2008)
Elvis Duran. You're on the air. What's up?[CN] 耜ヘネヌ ヌ蒿・ヌ矍橆 マ贄ヌ臀Nヌ萍 レ碆 ヌ砒貮チ 翩ミヌ 裝ヌ゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- To try and get his attention.[CN] モテヘヌ趁 矍ハ ヌ萍ネヌ裹 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
You were probably at the World Trade. You know what that mess was.[CN] ムネ翩 ゚萍 ン・耜゚メ ヌ睫フヌムノ ・ハレムン 翩 ゚ヌ萍 ハ矚 ヌ矍贍ì Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Captain, you wanna come down here and take a look at this?[CN] 褊・桒 ゚ヌネハ・裔 ハテハ偆N・ハ矍・葮ムノ 裝ヌ ン・ヌ眦モンá Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Put Miner on it. And Genetti.[CN] ゚矍 翩淸贄 ネミ矚 ・フ淸桄í Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
How often does something like that happen in politics?[CN] 矍崛丘 蓓 谇徙 轻禹怯煽 崆 硗纤 Buried (2006)
- TV's got us.[CN] ヌ睫矍メ淼・贏・ヌ硼萇. Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- Watch your mouth.[CN] ヌ萍ネ・眦矍ヌル゚ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
And you don't let the damn TV crews in. Benson?[CN] 趁ヌ ハモ耋ヌ ネマホ趁 ンム゙ ヌ睫矍メ淼ä Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
- You're gonna blow it all up? - That's the idea.[CN] モハンフム・゚砒 衵・褊 ヌ矍゚ムノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
I know he's done a lot of crazy things in the past, but on the bus, it was different.[CN] テレ矼 テ蒟 ゙ヌ・ネヌ矚ヒ樰 聿 ヌ眦レ翩・ヌ睥蓙蓖ノ ン・ヌ矼ヌヨí 矚・ン・ヌ睿ヌン睨 ゚ヌ・耒ハ矍ヌð College Road Trip (2008)
Congratulations on your dream home. I'll fax you the paperwork.[CN] 翳ヌム゚ 矚・聿メ・ヌ眦ヘ睇綵Nモテムモ・矚・ヌ矼モハ蔆ヌハ ヌ矼リ礦ネノ ネヌ矍ヌ゚モ College Road Trip (2008)
You will find an envelope under the rim of the fountain.[CN] モハフマ 聟矍ヌハヘハ ヘヌンノ ヌ砌ヌン贄ノ Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
How are you today?[CN] 今天感矍怎磨檬? An Eye for Beauty (2014)
It's gonna be like a thousand-mile ride-along.[CN] 衵ヌ モ涇趾 ゚ムヘ睨 テ矍 肬・礦ヘマí College Road Trip (2008)
He's under us right now.[CN] ヌ蒟 ハヘハ萇 ヌ眥臀Nマ贄 ヌ碆 ヌ睾矍 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Leaving exactly one gallon of empty space.[CN] ユヘ楨 ネ゙・ハ翩翩 ロヌ礦・聿 ヌ矼モヌヘノ ヌ矍ヌムロノ ヌ硼モ ゚ミ矚 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
Albert, that's enough bubbles.[CN] テ睚ムハ) 衵・ヌ矍゙ヌレヌハ ゚ヌン栁) College Road Trip (2008)
What? Federal Reserve gold, they took a shitload.[CN] 翩ミヌ 裝ヌ゚ ミ衒 ン・ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍榘ムヌ硼 ・゙マ ヌホミ貮 ゚肬ノ ゚ネ樰ノ 聿å Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)
You said she could stay at the sorority house?[CN] 矗マ ゙睫・テ蒟ヌ モハネ゙・ン・聿メ・ヌ矍ハ桒ハ ソ College Road Trip (2008)
Knight takes rook.[CN] ヌ矍ヌムモ 朎゚・ヌ瞰ホムノ College Road Trip (2008)
I say defense attorney, he says pre-paid excuse-maker.[CN] テ萇 デ趁 耋ヌ肬 マンヌレ 褂 洄趁 翔矍 テレミヌム 耘ン賍 ヌ睛聿 College Road Trip (2008)
South of 14th Street's a different hospital.[CN] ホリテ ン・フ蓙ネ ヌ瞞ヌムレ 14 耨ン・耒ハ矍 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)

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