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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
挟む[はさむ, hasamu] TH: หนีบ  EN: to interpose
挟む[はさむ, hasamu] TH: แทรกตรงกลาง  EN: to hold between

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
横から口を挟む;横から口をはさむ[よこからくちをはさむ, yokokarakuchiwohasamu] (exp, v5m) to butt into a conversation (from someone uninvolved) [Add to Longdo]
挟む(P);挾む(P);挿む[はさむ, hasamu] (v5m, vt) to interpose; to hold between; to insert; (P) [Add to Longdo]
口を挟む;口をはさむ[くちをはさむ, kuchiwohasamu] (exp, v5m) to cut into (a conversation); to interject [Add to Longdo]
差し挟む;挟む;差し挾む[さしはさむ, sashihasamu] (v5m, vt) (1) to insert; (2) to interrupt; to slip in a word; (3) to harbor (e.g. doubts); to harbour; to entertain (e.g. a theory) [Add to Longdo]
小耳に挟む;小耳にはさむ[こみみにはさむ, komiminihasamu] (exp, v5m) to happen to hear; to overhear [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
It is not polite to interrupt someone while he is talking.誰かが話しているときに口を挟むのは礼儀正しくない。
He often breaks into the middle of a conversation.彼は会話の最中に口を挟むことがよくある。
... There's things I'd like to say but to butt in now would be what they call uncouth.・・・言いたいことは色々あるのだが、ここで口を挟むのは野暮というもの。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No, but if you interrupt me again...[JP] いや 口を挟むな Gladiator (2000)
I will inform Titus that your father has called into question our "new" emperor's ability to rule.[JP] タイタスに父上が異論を 差し挟むと知らせれば "新任"の皇帝の 支配下において Pompeii (2014)
Just relax. - Kaley... stay out of it.[JP] 口を挟むな Into the Grizzly Maze (2015)
It's been fun to casually insert it into conversation.[JP] 何気なくく会話に挟むのは楽しい。 The Circle (2017)
Lady Arryn's predilections were her own affair.[JP] アリン女公のご趣味に口を挟むつもりはない The Mountain and the Viper (2014)
There are no objections here, Mr. Jane, no judge, just a friendly inquiry.[JP] ここでは 異議や判断を差し挟むことは できません ジェーンさん これは ただの敵意の無い質問です Il Tavolo Bianco (2014)
I wouldn't presume to know your thoughts on the matter.[JP] あなたの考えに口を挟むつもりはない High Sparrow (2015)
it's none of my business.[JP] それなら私が 口を挟むことではありませんね Episode #1.7 (2013)
And the people will prove beyond any doubt that on the night of October 16th, the defendant Donald Nidaria did willfully and with malice aforethought, murder Katherine, his wife of only six months.[JP] 10月16日の夜については 何の疑いも 挟む余地がありません 被告ドナルド・ニダリアは 故意かつ One Angry Fuchsbau (2013)
Officers, if I might, interject here.[JP] おまわりさん 私が口を挟むのもなんだが Treasure Planet (2002)
I'm gonna tuck it in here.[JP] ここに挟むぞ Silent Night (2015)
Listen, I don't mean to tell you your business.[JP] あなたの仕事に口を挟む気はありませんが Forest Green (2014)
That's what I get for being sexist.[JP] 俺はフェミニストだからな。 もう口を挟むな - Fifty-One (2012)
A critic should not meddle with a maker's creative process.[JP] 評論家が作り手の内情にまで 口を挟むのは 仕事のしすぎ Shitagittenani? (2015)
You pick up two cards between your fingers like so, but when you throw down, it appears that you throw the bottom card, when in fact, you throw the top card.[JP] こんなふうに 指に2枚のカードを挟む そして 配る時に 下のカードを置いたように見せる My Bloody Valentine (2012)
- You said it was best not to.[JP] - あんたは口を挟むなと言った Wild Card (2015)
I needed you to retain a sense of objectivity.[JP] 私情を挟むからよ xXx: Return of Xander Cage (2017)
Your Grace, I think that I am not fit to have an opinion on these matters.[JP] 私は、この問題に 口を挟むのには不適任だと思います Kill the Boy (2015)
Usually it's the buns that do the sandwiching.[JP] 本来 挟むはずのバーンズを Byrnes Sandwich (2016)
"Listen. Do not interrupt.[JP] 『よく聞け 口を挟むな』 At First Blush (2012)
Must operate on pressure.[JP] 挟むものが必要だ Fracking Zombies (2014)
You've never cared about witch business, Sophie, and now you have the gall to reveal our private dealings to an outsider.[JP] 魔女の事柄に 初めて口を挟むとはね ソフィー 今になって厚かましくも 私達の私的な取引に 部外者として顔を見せるなんて Sinners and Saints (2013)
Jesus. Don't tell me how to do my job.[JP] クソ 仕事の事に口を挟むな Confessions (2013)
You shut up while I talk to my boy, understand?[JP] お前は 口を挟むな わかったか? 2012 (2009)
And unless you're planning on going into my kitchen and slapping some ham between two slices of bread... this conversation is over.[JP] ならアンタが私の台所に入り 2切れのパンの間に ─ ハムを挟むか だ... 話は終わり Open House (2011)
Small ball under the arm stops the blood flowing.[JP] 小さなボールを脇の下に挟むと 血流が止まる My Bloody Valentine (2012)
"Listen. Listen. Do not interrupt."[JP] 『よく聞け 口を挟むな』 At First Blush (2012)
Herr Major, if my word means anything I can vouch for everything the young captain has just said.[JP] 少佐、口を挟むようですけど... ...大尉の言葉は私が保証しますわ。 Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Instead Byrnes's being sandwiched.[JP] 挟むという Byrnes Sandwich (2016)
- Hey, don't go there, Chris.[JP] - 口を挟むなクリス Resident Evil: Vendetta (2017)
Don't make this personal.[JP] 私情を挟むな Out of the Furnace (2013)
Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt.[JP] うーん? 済みません 口を挟むつもりはなかったんです The Intern (2015)
Hold it like this and pinch it like a lobster.[JP] こう持って 挟むのよ A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
挟む[はさむ, hasamu] stecken (zwischen), klemmen (in, zwischen), fassen (mit, zwischen), halten (mit, zwischen) [Add to Longdo]

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