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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[zhōu, ㄓㄡ, ] (feminine name) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I agree. How about I wrestle you for her?[CN] 扂肮砩﹝婤薨峈坴懂蕘勂赽睡ˋ All-Star Superman (2011)
Besides, I'm entrusting my life to you. I should know something about you.[CN] 鍚俋, 婤蠅韜堍眈蟀, 扂腕猓賤斕. Chaos (2005)
Well, to be honest, if the situation were reversed--[CN] 腕賸ㄛ妗趕妗佽ㄛ彆婤薨遙跺弇离 -- All-Star Superman (2011)
Quit apologizing, Linden. Let's get this DVR going.[CN] 梗耋К賸 Linden 婤蠅艘え赽勘 Scared and Running (2013)
We'll each perform a super-feat in the lady's honor.[CN] 婤蠅藩蕾狟珨璃猿髡帡憎ㄛ眕痔腕涴弇躓尪腔滂陑﹝ All-Star Superman (2011)
I think we're a little late.[CN] 艘懂婤蠅懂腔衄萸俀賸﹝ All-Star Superman (2011)

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