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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, yǒng, ㄩㄥˇ] to sing, to hum, to chant
Radical: , Decomposition:   口 [kǒu, ㄎㄡˇ]  永 [yǒng, ㄩㄥˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] mouth
Variants: , Rank: 3469
[, yǒng, ㄩㄥˇ] to sing, to hum, to chant
Radical: , Decomposition:   言 [yán, ㄧㄢˊ]  永 [yǒng, ㄩㄥˇ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] speech
Variants: , Rank: 8054

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: recitation; poem; song; composing
On-yomi: エイ, ei
Kun-yomi: よ.む, うた.う,, uta.u
Radical: , Decomposition:     
[] Meaning: recitation; poem; song; composing
On-yomi: エイ, ei
Kun-yomi: よ.む, うた.う,, uta.u
Radical: , Decomposition:     
Variants: , Rank: 2000

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[yǒng, ㄩㄥˇ, / ] sing #14,467 [Add to Longdo]
歌咏[gē yǒng, ㄍㄜ ㄩㄥˇ,   /  ] singing #37,364 [Add to Longdo]
谭咏麟[Tán Yǒng lín, ㄊㄢˊ ㄩㄥˇ ㄌㄧㄣˊ,    /   ] Alan Tam (1950-), Hong Kong Canto-pop singer and actor #42,801 [Add to Longdo]
咏叹调[yǒng tàn diào, ㄩㄥˇ ㄊㄢˋ ㄉㄧㄠˋ,    /   調] aria #66,612 [Add to Longdo]
咏春拳[yǒng chūn quán, ㄩㄥˇ ㄔㄨㄣ ㄑㄩㄢˊ,    /   ] Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Baak hok and Wing Chun Schools of Martial Arts.[CN] 白鹤 , 咏春拳的掌门人 Tai Chi II (1996)
-He's coming here tonight. We hope Ria and Umang will like each other.[CN] 他今晚会来,希望他和咏雅投缘 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Hortense, you'll miss the aria![CN] 贺谭丝,你会错过咏叹调的 Babe: Pig in the City (1998)
What did I ever do to you?[CN] 但究竟我哪里惹了咏子小姐不高兴? Millennium Actress (2001)
It is benjamin cricket. Bengt Feldreich"Donald Duck"July[CN] 那就是蟋蟀咏叹调 RocketMan (1997)
Ji-Won![CN] 芝咏 Christmas in August (1998)
I don't want to know what you or Ria's mother think.[CN] 我不会听你或咏雅妈妈的话 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
You know, just somewhere in the background listening... in the chorus, for example.[CN] 就说在后面 或者 在歌咏队里 The Man Who Cried (2000)
His Wing Chun is not authentic[CN] 他的咏春不是正宗 Ip Man 3 (2015)
Afterwards, she told a reporter from Pageant Magazine that I was a perfectionist who had harangued her to within an inch of her sanity.[CN] 在唱波希米亚人咏叹调时怯场 会后她告诉选美杂志的记者 说我是疯狂的完美主义者 Miss Congeniality (2000)
Vicenta, don't let my husband come in here, please.[CN] 咏珊 All About My Mother (1999)
What is it about the food?[CN] 食物有什么值得吟咏 Autumn in New York (2000)
Teresa Tang's greatest hits![CN] 有没有谭咏麟呀? Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
Carmen Elizabeth Juanita Costa-Brava Cortez.[CN] 高咏琪千嬅慧琳秀文祖儿麦当娜 Spy Kids (2001)
It is like that benjamin cricket song.[CN] 用你的星星 就像那首蟋蟀咏叹调 RocketMan (1997)
Where is your Arias?[CN] 哪里是你咏叹调? Hercules Reborn (2014)
The fool! Making Eiko mad![CN] 真蠢 把咏子大姐都惹怒了 Millennium Actress (2001)
And if you decide to sing an aria of Isolde, then I'll be your Tristan.[CN] 如果你决定唱公主咏叹调 我就当你的骑士 Women Without Innocence (1978)
Ji-Won asked me to remove her picture from the display.[CN] 芝咏叫我将窗橱里 她的照片拿掉 Christmas in August (1998)
When you hear Rodolfo's aria... What it's called?[CN] 鲁道夫的咏叹调 叫什么来着? The Dead (1987)
Eiko![CN] 咏子小姐 Millennium Actress (2001)
They say Eiko gave her man all the money she'd earned![CN] 听说咏子姐她 把工作来的钱全给男人了 Millennium Actress (2001)
School Wing Chun[CN] 学咏春拳 Ip Man 2 (2010)
One of the most beautiful arias ever written.[CN] 这是一首写得最美丽的咏叹调 Awakenings (1990)
Did you sing the whole opera or just an aria?[CN] 你唱了整部歌剧还是一首咏叹调? The Suspicious Death of a Minor (1975)
Miss Eiko![CN] 咏子妈妈 Millennium Actress (2001)
That 's right! My older unmarried cousin Ria![CN] 对呀,我云英未嫁的咏雅堂家姐 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Learn Wing Chun?[CN] 学咏春? Ip Man 2 (2010)
Shut the fuck up with your arias or I'll throw something at you.[CN] 闭嘴别唱咏叹调了 否则我朝你扔东西 Women Without Innocence (1978)
I ran into Ji-Won this afternoon.[CN] 今天下午我碰到芝咏 Christmas in August (1998)
You know, our son Umang is also there.[CN] 咏雅,来美国吧,我儿子奥曼也在 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Tej, I wanted to talk to you about Ria's plans.[CN] 泰,我想跟你谈谈咏雅的计划 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
It's the song your spirit has been singing since the moment of your birth.[CN] 打从你出生的一刻 灵魂就一直咏唱的这首歌 Heaven & Earth (1993)
Yes, what Ip Man Wing Chun worse?[CN] 对,究竟叶问的咏春更厉害? Ip Man 3 (2015)
Hey I've sung the voice of Portici, my favourite aria.[CN] 嗨 我唱过波蒂奇之歌 我最喜欢的咏叹调 Women Without Innocence (1978)
- Hello, Vicenta. - Rosa, love.[CN] 咏姗,露莎 All About My Mother (1999)
I'm thinking that if Ria wants to study in America... I will fund her entire education.[CN] 我在想,如果咏雅要去美国读书 我会资助她全部学费 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Ria! is that you?[CN] 咏雅? Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Ria wants to study in America. We were hoping you could give us advice.[CN] 咏雅想去美国读书,你有何意见 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
Yes, it's a great, great aria.[CN] 好伟大的咏叹调 The Man Who Cried (2000)
Eiko, this is Genya, a new apprentice.[CN] 咏子小姐 这是来见习的源也 Millennium Actress (2001)
So Eiko took it...[CN] 果然还是岛原咏子做的吧 Millennium Actress (2001)
You still haven't got over Ji-won?[CN] 你对芝咏余情未了? Christmas in August (1998)
I would not further your singing in any larger space than a London drawing room, but you will do well there.[CN] 我想说从伦敦的 小型歌咏聚会起步就好 但你在那会有发展 Episode #1.2 (2002)
Ji-Won...[CN] 芝咏... Christmas in August (1998)
Ria, come here, please.[CN] 咏雅,过来 Monsoon Wedding (2001)
I'd see the sisters at work and hear them sing.[CN] 看着修女们工作,听着她们晚祷的歌咏 The Sound of Music (1965)
I'll be missing chorus practice again![CN] 我又会错过歌咏团练习了! Memento Mori (1999)
Ria is a sensible girl. lf she wants to write, we must encourage her.[CN] 咏雅是个聪明的女孩 假如她想写作,我们必须鼓励她 Monsoon Wedding (2001)

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