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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
一氧化氮[yī yǎng huà dàn, ㄧ ㄧㄤˇ ㄏㄨㄚˋ ㄉㄢˋ,    ] nitric oxide [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Once the radiation hits you, it'll bathe the entire surface of the Earth with nitric o xides, which will wipe out the ozone layer.[CN] 一旦被辐射击中 地球表面将会被一氧化氮笼罩 臭氧层将荡然无存 Supernovas (2010)
How much NOS did you put in the tanks?[CN] 你灌了多少一氧化氮? Ghost Rider (2007)
- Did you put him on dopamine, milrinone and nitric oxide?[CN] 你給他用多巴胺 米利酮和一氧化氮了嗎 That's Me Trying (2010)
Halfway down the ramp I want you to hit the NOS, okay?[CN] 在跑道中段按下一氧化氮按钮 Ghost Rider (2007)
-Hulk, you're coming with us, aren't you?[CN] ,绿巨人,你跟我们来,不是吗? 一氧化氮。 Planet Hulk (2010)
Is that nitrous?[CN] 那是一氧化氮吗? Autopsy (2008)
Start the nitrous.[CN] 一氧化氮麻醉 给我两支大口径静脉注射器 Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004)
No co2, no nitric oxide, no particulate emissions.[CN] 没二氧化碳 一氧化氮 没放射微粒 Knight of the Zodiac (2008)
-Come with me.[CN] ,跟我来。 一氧化氮。 Planet Hulk (2010)
-No.[CN] 一氧化氮。 Planet Hulk (2010)
-No. No.[CN] 一氧化氮。 Planet Hulk (2010)

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