(しゅきゅう(首級);しるし) (n) decapitated head of an enemy [EDICT]
(あたま(頭)(P);かしら(P);かぶり(頭);こうべ;ず(頭);つむり(頭);つぶり(頭);つむ(頭);かぶ(頭)(ok)) (n) (1) head; (2) (あたま only) mind; brain; intellect; (3) (あたま, かしら only) top; (4) (あたま, かしら only) hair (on one's head); (5) (つむり only) bangs; fringe; (6) (かしら only) top structural component of a kanji; (P) [EDICT]
(shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ) head; chief; first (occasion, thing etc); classifier for poems, songs etc [CE-DICT]
(せん) (adj-no,n) (1) former; previous; old; (n) (2) first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move [EDICT]
(さき) (n,adj-no,n-suf,pref) (1) previous; prior; former; some time ago; preceding; (2) point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle; (3) head (of a line); front; (4) ahead; the other side; (5) the future; hereafter; (6) destination; (7) the other party; (P) [EDICT]
(xiān, ㄒㄧㄢ) early; prior; former; in advance; first [CE-DICT]
(zhè, ㄓㄜˋ) this; these; (commonly pronounced zhei4 before a classifier, esp. in Beijing) [CE-DICT]
(か;カ) (ctr) counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); a noun read using its on-yomi [EDICT]
(gè, ㄍㄜˋ) individual; this; that; size; classifier for people or objects in general [CE-DICT]