ติดโพย (PopThai)


谢谢 (xiè xie) 然后 (rán hòu) (ne)...


  • (xiè, ㄒㄧㄝˋ) to thank; to apologize; to wither (flowers, leaves etc); to decline; surname Xie [CE-DICT]
  • (さ) (adv) (arch) so; like that; in that way [EDICT]
  • (ぜん) (suf) (often as 〜然とする) -like [EDICT]
  • (しか) (int) (1) (arch) like that; as such; (2) yeah; uh-huh [EDICT]
  • (rán, ㄖㄢˊ) correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly [CE-DICT]
  • (ご) (suf) (See 午後) after [EDICT]
  • (きさき;きさい(后)(ok)) (n) empress; queen [EDICT]
  • (hòu, ㄏㄡˋ) empress; queen; surname Hou [CE-DICT]
  • (hòu, ㄏㄡˋ) back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later [CE-DICT]

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