ติดโพย (PopThai)


(cāo) (zuò) (shǒu) () (gěi) () () (jiē) (shǒu)


  • (みさお) (n) chastity; fidelity; honour; honor; faith; (P) [EDICT]
  • (cāo, ㄘㄠ) to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language) [CE-DICT]
  • (cào, ㄘㄠˋ) (taboo word) used erroneously for 肏, to fuck [CE-DICT]
  • (さく) (n,n-suf) a work; a harvest; (P) [EDICT]
  • (zuò, ㄗㄨㄛˋ) to do; to make; to regard as; to take sb for [CE-DICT]
  • (て) (n) (1) (occ. pronounced た when a prefix) (See お手・おて・1) hand; arm; (2) (col) (See お手・おて・3) forepaw; foreleg; (3) handle; (4) hand; worker; help; (5) trouble; care; effort; (6) means; way; trick; move; technique; workmanship; (7) hand; handwriting; (8) kind; type; sort; (9) (See 手に入る) one's hands; one's possession; (10) (See 手に余る) ability to cope; (11) hand (of cards); (12) (See 山の手・1) direction; (P) [EDICT]
  • (shǒu, ㄕㄡˇ) hand; (formal) to hold; person engaged in certain types of work; person skilled in certain types of work; personal(ly); convenient [CE-DICT]
  • (cè, ㄘㄜˋ) book; booklet; classifier for books [CE-DICT]
  • (nǐ, ㄋㄧˇ) you [CE-DICT]
  • (jiē, ㄐㄧㄝ) to receive; to answer (the phone); to meet or welcome sb; to connect; to catch; to join; to extend; to take one's turn on duty; take over for sb [CE-DICT]

เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
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