ติดโพย (PopThai)


() (de)演说 (yǎn shuō) (hěn) (bàng)非常 (fēi cháng) (jīng) (cǎi)


  • (nǐ, ㄋㄧˇ) you [CE-DICT]
  • (てき) (adj-na,suf) -like; typical; (P) [EDICT]
  • (まと) (n) mark; target; (P) [EDICT]
  • (de, ㄉㄜ˙) of; structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive [CE-DICT]
  • (dí, ㄉㄧˊ) really and truly [CE-DICT]
  • (dì, ㄉㄧˋ) aim; clear [CE-DICT]
  • (yǎn, ㄧㄢˇ) to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act [CE-DICT]
  • (shuì, ㄕㄨㄟˋ) persuade (politically) [CE-DICT]
  • (shuō, ㄕㄨㄛ) to speak; to say; a theory (usually in compounds such as 日心说 heliocentric theory) [CE-DICT]
  • (ひ) (n) (1) fault; error; mistake; (2) going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable; (pref) (3) un-; non-; an-; (P) [EDICT]
  • (fēi, ㄈㄟ) non-; not-; un-; abbr. for Africa 非洲; wrong; evil-doing; insist on; simply must [CE-DICT]
  • (えいきゅう(永久)(P);とこしえ(永久);とわ) (adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) (とわ tends to be more abstract) eternity; perpetuity; immortality; (2) (えいきゅう only) Eikyuu era (1113.7.13-1118.4.3); (P) [EDICT]
  • (つね) (n,adj-no) usual state of things [EDICT]
  • (とこ) (adv) ever; endless; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ただ) (adj-no) (1) (uk) ordinary; common; usual; (2) (esp. 只) free of charge; (3) (usu. as ただでは...) unaffected; as is; safe; (adv) (4) only; merely; just; simply; (5) (esp. 但) but; however; nevertheless; (P) [EDICT]
  • (cháng, ㄔㄤˊ) always; ever; often; frequently; common; general; constant; surname Chang [CE-DICT]

เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
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