ติดโพย (PopThai)


但是 (dàn shì)现在 (xiàn zài)原先 (yuán xiān)种植 (zhòng zhí) (zhāo)单一 (dān yī)作物 (zuò wù) (de)田地 (tián dì) () 已经 (yǐ jīng) (bèi)各种 (gè zhǒng)生长 (shēng zhǎng)快速 (kuài sù) (de)杂草 (zá cǎo) ()野花 (yě huā)占领 (zhàn lǐng)


  • (ただ) (adj-no) (1) (uk) ordinary; common; usual; (2) (esp. 只) free of charge; (3) (usu. as ただでは...) unaffected; as is; safe; (adv) (4) only; merely; just; simply; (5) (esp. 但) but; however; nevertheless; (P) [EDICT]
  • (dàn, ㄉㄢˋ) but; yet; however; only; merely; still [CE-DICT]
  • (これ) (pn) (1) (uk) (See 何れ・1,其れ・1,彼・あれ・1) this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic); (2) (hum) this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group); (3) now; (4) (arch) here; (5) (arch) I (me); (6) (arch) certainly; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ぜ) (n) righteousness; justice; right [EDICT]
  • (shì, ㄕˋ) is; are; am; yes; to be [CE-DICT]
  • (げん) (pref) original; primitive; primary; fundamental; raw [EDICT]
  • (はら) (n) field; plain; prairie; tundra; moor; wilderness; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ばら) (n-suf) suffixed to words indicating a class of people to create a plural (esp. in impolite contexts) [EDICT]
  • (yuán, ㄩㄢˊ) former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source [CE-DICT]
  • (せん) (adj-no,n) (1) former; previous; old; (n) (2) first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move [EDICT]
  • (さき) (n,adj-no,n-suf,pref) (1) previous; prior; former; some time ago; preceding; (2) point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle; (3) head (of a line); front; (4) ahead; the other side; (5) the future; hereafter; (6) destination; (7) the other party; (P) [EDICT]
  • (xiān, ㄒㄧㄢ) early; prior; former; in advance; first [CE-DICT]
  • (yǐ, ㄧˇ) already; to stop; then; afterwards [CE-DICT]
  • (jīng, ㄐㄧㄥ) classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; warp; longitude; abbr. for economics 經濟|经济; surname Jing [CE-DICT]

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