() (prt) (arch) (See を) marks object of action, etc. (also adds emphasis) [EDICT]
(ぬく) (v5k,vt) (1) to extract; to omit; to surpass; to overtake; to draw out; to unplug; (suf) (2) to do something to the end; (n) (3) (sl) (vulg) (See 一発抜く) to ejaculate (gen. with ref. to masturbation); (P) [EDICT]
() (aux-adj) (1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) want to ... do something; would like to ...; (prt) (2) (kyu [EDICT]
() (exp) (abbr of ...ていたの) (See 乃・の・5,わ) (usu. sentence end) indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. [EDICT]
() (aux-v) (after a noun, usu. as 〜たる者, etc.) (See たり,たるや) (those) who are; (that) which is; often used in relation to qualifications and requirements for a position; in the capacity of [EDICT]
() (suf) (m-sl) (fam) (fem) (See ちゃん) (cute) suffix for familiar person [EDICT]
(他) (n-adv,n,adj-no) other (esp. people and abstract matters); (P) [EDICT]
(多) (n,pref) multi-; (P) [EDICT]
(田) (n) rice field; (P) [EDICT]
() (suf,adj-na) (See 高らか,清らか) (after an adjective stem, onomatopoeic-mimetic word, etc.) being ... [EDICT]
(等) (suf) (1) pluralizing suffix (often humble, derogatory or familiar); and others; et alios; and the like; and followers; (2) (See あちら,いくら) or so (rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.); (3) (See 清ら) (after the stem of an adjective) nominalizing suffix [EDICT]
(かず) จำนวน [LongdoJP]
(しばしば) (adv) (uk) (See 度々・たびたび) often; again and again; frequently; (P) [EDICT]
(かず) (n) number; amount; (P) [EDICT]
(すう) (pref) (1) several; a number of; (n) (2) number; numeral; figure; (3) destiny; fate; (4) law; (P) [EDICT]
(shǔ, ㄕㄨˇ) to count [CE-DICT]
(shù, ㄕㄨˋ) number; figure; to count; to calculate; several [CE-DICT]
(shuò, ㄕㄨㄛˋ) frequently; repeatedly [CE-DICT]
(ふん) (n) minute; (P) [EDICT]
(ぶ) (n) (1) (See 文・もん・2) one-tenth; one percent (one-tenth of a wari); 3 mm (one-tenth of a sun); 2.4 mm (one-tenth of a mon, a traditional unit used to measure shoe sizes); 0.375 grams (one-tenth of a monme); 0.1 degree (one-tenth of a do, used to measure body temperature on any temperature scale); (2) one-quarter of a ryou (obsolete unit of currency); (3) thickness; (4) advantageous circumstances [EDICT]
(ぶん) (n,n-suf,pref) (1) part; segment; share; ration; (2) rate; (3) (See 身分) degree; one's lot; one's status; relation; duty; kind; lot; (4) in proportion to; just as much as; (P) [EDICT]
(fēn, ㄈㄣ) to divide; to separate; to allocate; to distinguish (good and bad); part or subdivision; fraction; one tenth (of certain units); unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; minute [CE-DICT]
(fèn, ㄈㄣˋ) part [CE-DICT]
() (aux) (abbr) (arch) (See である) to be [EDICT]
() (n) (sl) detective [EDICT]
() (aux) (pol) (See だ・1) polite copula in Japanese; (P) [EDICT]
() (conj,int) (See それでは) then; well; so; well then; (P) [EDICT]
() (conj) (1) but; however; though; nevertheless; still; yet; even so; (prt) (2) even; (3) however; no matter how; even if; even though; (4) ... or something; (5) (as 〜でも〜でも) either ... or ...; neither ... nor ...; (pref) (6) (before an occupation, etc.) pseudo-; quack; in-name-only; (7) (before an occupation, etc.) (See でもしか) for lack of anything better to do; (P) [EDICT]
(出) (n,n-suf) (1) coming out; going out; outflow; efflux; rising (of the sun or moon); (2) attending (work); appearing (on stage); one's turn to go on; (3) start; beginning; (4) origins; background; person (or item) originating from ...; graduate of ...; native of ...; member of ... (lineage); (5) architectural member that projects outward; (6) highest point of the stern of a ship; (7) (uk) (usu. after the -masu stem of a verb as 〜出がある or 〜出がない, etc.) amount (comprising something); amount of time or effort required to do something; (P) [EDICT]
(たいりょう) (adj-na,n,adj-no) large quantity; massive (quantity); mass (e.g. mass production, mass transit, mass destruction); (P) [EDICT]
(dà liàng, ㄉㄚˋ ㄌㄧㄤˋ) great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous [CE-DICT]