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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
魔鬼[mó guǐ, ㄇㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄟˇ,  ] devil #9,410 [Add to Longdo]
魔鬼[yāo mó guǐ guài, ㄧㄠ ㄇㄛˊ ㄍㄨㄟˇ ㄍㄨㄞˋ,    ] demons and ghosts; ghoulies and bogeys; things that go bump in the night #53,265 [Add to Longdo]

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I can burn them.[CN] 我可以干掉最后一个魔鬼 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
My knowledge are not so extensive in the practical one with the Devil.[CN] 这样的魔鬼上来 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
We don't know what the demon wants.[CN] - 我们还不知道那魔鬼想要什么呢 Hunted (2007)
You suggest that we construct...[CN] 是从魔鬼巢穴中带来的吗? Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
On the nature of this hell.[CN] 在这个世界上还有魔鬼 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
- Dad, you know the demon.[CN] 爸 那个魔鬼 Hunted (2007)
These demons of feed of the souls of soldiers.[CN] 魔鬼的喉点小 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
The Blairistas believes that a dishonourable death, it does not leave them to enter in the paradise.[CN] 这儿是魔鬼的巢穴 也是杀人工厂 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
That's what the demon's doing.[CN] 也许这就是魔鬼想要的 Hunted (2007)
When the day to finish.[CN] 魔鬼会再来侵扰 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
In the deepening of the forest, of where it comes the demon.[CN] 你必须根除魔鬼的巢穴 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
The Devil is present here.[CN] 巨大的魔鬼在这里 Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)


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