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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
野花[yě huā, ㄧㄝˇ ㄏㄨㄚ,  ] wild flower #33,031 [Add to Longdo]

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Well, some people think the grass is greener on the other side. Yeah?[CN] 有人觉得 野花总比家花香 The Boys of Sudworth Place (2014)
Never met a woman who didn't like wildflowers.[CN] 我还没见过不喜欢野花的女人 Mockingbird (2014)
Never met a woman who didn't like wildflowers.[JP] 野花が嫌いな女性に会ったことはありません Mockingbird (2014)
Your grandpa went behind the church and picked those wildflowers for me.[CN] 你外公就跑去教堂后面 给我采了这些野花 Vesuvius (2014)
"I remembered your article 'Flowers of the steppes'.[CN] "然后我记起您的文章'草原野花' Winter Sleep (2014)
Cody, on his birthday, he woke his mother up with a handful of wildflowers he picked in that field right out there.[CN] 科迪 在他生日的那天 用他在那摘的 一束野花把他妈妈给弄醒了 Skinwalker Ranch (2013)
Wildflowers, Texas style.[CN] 德克萨斯风的野花 Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
We're quite the roadside attraction![CN] 我们真像路边的野花 Leviathan (2014)
To wild flowers![CN] 野花 Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
WILD FLOWERS[CN] 野花 Wild Flowers (2000)
How many flowers have you plucked and thrown away leaving them to shave their heads in despair and become nuns?[CN] 就像是一朵野花一样 被你任意摘下,随意抛弃 极度悲伤之下,终于看破了红尘 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)
Those wildflowers-- they were supposed to be hydrangeas, but there was a mix-up at the florist's.[CN] 野花... 本来应该是绣球花的 但花店出了岔子 Vesuvius (2014)


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