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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
诗词[shī cí, ㄕ ㄘˊ,   /  ] verse #15,385 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
"Having an evening of international philosophy, poetry, song and meditation tonight at my salon."[CN] 今晚我家会举行国际哲学 诗词 歌曲和冥想聚会 Funny Face (1957)
You don't need to come to a place like Lookout Point... and spout off cheeseball lines to be romantic.[CN] 不必背些诗词假装浪漫 American Pie (1999)
That was a perfect blend of poetry and meanness. Meanness?[CN] 诗词和恶意的完美结合 You've Got Mail (1998)
Words and poetry is what she loved.[CN] 她喜爱诗词,知书识礼 Autumn in New York (2000)
His speech is mingled with poetry ... and learned quotes.[CN] 出口文章, 闭口诗词 我说不过他,你跟他聊聊 Heung gong chat sup sam (1974)
Are you willing to study poems and songs with this fool at midnight in front of the willow?[CN] 那你愿不愿意跟一个傻瓜 今晚三更时分,柳树之前 一起研究诗词歌赋呢,你说? Flirting Scholar (1993)
- Pomes? - Poems.[CN] - 宋代河南地区诗词 Blue Car (2002)
They were powerful words, and they spoke to me.[CN] 这些强有力的诗词在对我说话 Dead Man (1995)
I have the same interest in jewellery as in politics, modern poetry, or women who need weird excitement:[CN] 我对珠宝、政治、现代诗词... 和寻求古怪刺激的女人都没兴趣 To Catch a Thief (1955)
The sonnet "To the Evening" is one of Foscolo's most inspired ones.[CN] 这是霍斯哥路著名的诗词"夜幕" The Best of Youth (2003)
and the poem is "Adam had 'em."[CN] 诗词是 "亚当也有跳蚤" and the poem is "Adam had 'em." When We Were Kings (1996)
What was it your poetry file had to say?[CN] 记忆库中有什么诗词可用的? Dreamcatcher (2003)


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