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雪佛兰[Xuě fó lán, ㄒㄩㄝˇ ㄈㄛˊ ㄌㄢˊ,    /   ] Chevrolet [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Your Chevy's blue[CN] 你的雪佛兰是蓝色 A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
As in red Corvette.[CN] 他开着红色的雪佛兰 Episode #1.8 (1990)
There'd be a drawing next week, and I'd win either a Chevy Blazer, a diamond necklace or a trip to Italy or France.[CN] 下星期会举行摸彩 而我可能会赢得 雪佛兰休旅车 或是钻石项链 或者免费游意大利还是巴黎 Matchstick Men (2003)
I remember you used to drive that crappy, blue Chevy Nova.[CN] 我记得你以前是开那辆破旧的蓝色雪佛兰新星 Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
You get the '72 Chevy and the Amana side-by-side refrigerator-freezer.[CN] 你打中了72年的雪佛兰车... ...和阿马纳公司的电冰箱 Analyze This (1999)
I drive a blue Chevy Malibu if you-[CN] 我开蓝色雪佛兰越野车 Say Anything... (1989)
They drive Chevrolets, shop at Wal-Mart never miss an episode of Friends.[CN] 开着雪佛兰的车子 在便宜的商店购物 从不错过"六人行"影集 Dreamcatcher (2003)
Okay. Is he driving his Chevy?[CN] 他开的是他的雪佛兰吗? The Prowler (1951)
Then leave the building and find a Monte Carlo.[CN] 出去找一辆雪佛兰轿车 Ransom (1996)
Those fuckers do not see any difference between "n Nissan and a Camaro and Karla is a man.[CN] 那些不要脸看不到的"n之间的差额 日产和雪佛兰Camaro和其弟是一个男人。 Karla (2006)
"I wanna go home, Johnny, I wanna drive my Chevy!"[CN] 他一直叫我名字说我要回家 我要开雪佛兰车 First Blood (1982)
Another Chevy.[CN] 又一架雪佛兰在后面 For All Debts Public and Private (2002)
There's a 1933 Chevrolet.[CN] 有一辆1933制造的雪佛兰 The Prowler (1951)
In 600 block of Baker. On a Chevrolet.[CN] 在贝克街600号, 在雪佛兰车上 Dirty Harry (1971)
The 1957 Chevrolet. There's new designs...[CN] 1957年的雪佛兰 全新设计加上最新 Walk the Line (2005)
This so great '58 Chevy convertible! He was talkin' about his car, he said we'd get cruised till the tires fell off![CN] 还有58年分红色雪佛兰蓬车 First Blood (1982)
Corvette.[CN] 是雪佛兰 Akanahe (2013)
He drove a Corvette in The Magician, [CN] "墨西哥人"里开雪佛兰 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
Still got your Malibu?[CN] 你那辆雪佛兰还在吗? Pulp Fiction (1994)
Leo Johnson drives a red Corvette? - Yes.[CN] -里欧强生开红色雪佛兰吗? Episode #1.5 (1990)
Looks like a '57 Chevy I used to have![CN] 那是冲浪板没错 看起来像我以前的 旧雪佛兰车子 Point Break (1991)
Agent Barrows. He's in a silver Lumina about seven or eight cars back.[CN] Barrows探员 他开着一辆银色雪佛兰 在车队第7第8辆 U.S. Marshals (1998)
- Somebody with a red Corvette.[CN] -一个开着红色雪佛兰的人 Episode #1.8 (1990)
When you're sitting in your Chevy And your shorts are feeling heavy[CN] 「当你坐在雪佛兰车内 感到短裤很重 Parenthood (1989)
Yeah. There's a very wicked '55 Chevy looking for you.[CN] 55年雪佛兰要向你挑战 American Graffiti (1973)
'76 Chevy Nova?[CN] 76年的雪佛兰? Jeepers Creepers (2001)
Looks like a Chevy[CN] 像是雪佛兰 A Prairie Home Companion (2006)
He was driving a red Corvette.[CN] 他开着红色的雪佛兰 Episode #1.5 (1990)
IT'S GOT AIR.[CN] 她不喜欢雪佛兰? Nurse Betty (2000)
And the 1957 Bel Air g.s...[CN] 还有那辆1957年的雪佛兰G.S... Episode #1.5 (2007)
The same crappy, blue Chevy Nova. You think it's too late for me to study art?[CN] 还是那辆破旧的蓝色雪佛兰新星 我研究艺术是太迟了吧 Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
They see me here and it's "Suburban Bonnie and Clyde reunite...[CN] 他们见到我在这里,会认为这是 "雪佛兰邦妮和克莱德重聚 Mallrats (1995)
Car 2, what's the model of that Chevrolet?[CN] 2号车 是雪佛兰车什么型号的? Dirty Harry (1971)
- And he wonders why I drive a Chevy.[CN] 他以为我为什么开雪佛兰 Joy Ride (2001)
My best friend, Marquise of Chevrolet.[CN] 我最好的朋友 雪佛兰侯爵夫人 Downtown - Die nackten Puppen der Unterwelt (1975)
Yeah, I got a 327 Chevy in it. It's got six Strombergs.[CN] 当然 这是雪佛兰327引擎 相当有力 American Graffiti (1973)
This guy's got a dashmat for a '69 Nova he wants to sell and a car cover for any Dodge from '79 to '84.[CN] 这个人有69年份 雪佛兰的挡泥板要卖 还有79年到84年道奇车套 Joe Dirt (2001)
Car 2, the license number at 10-32 on that Chevrolet, Colorado plates.[CN] 2号车, 10 -32在那辆... 雪佛兰车里 车牌号是科罗拉多州的 Dirty Harry (1971)
My daddy proposed to my mom in the back of a '69 Chevy.[CN] 我的爸爸我的妈妈提出 在后面的'69雪佛兰。 2001 Maniacs (2005)
It was terrible. They had guns. It was a '64 Chevy, light blue.[CN] 他们有枪 是64年丰菱蓝色雪佛兰 More American Graffiti (1979)
The '67 Impala?[CN] 那辆67年雪佛兰? Red Sky at Morning (2007)
The car a burgundy Chevrolet Caprice, is the possible suspect car.[CN] 这辆车,这辆雪佛兰跑车 可能正是嫌犯所有 Murder at 1600 (1997)
What about the old Chevy?[CN] 那辆老雪佛兰如何? Point Break (1991)
- TAKE THE BLUE CORSICA.[CN] 开蓝色的雪佛兰去吧 Nurse Betty (2000)
Chevrolet guarantees that with a warranty.[CN] 雪佛兰有保固保证 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)
The Hemi's puttin' out about 425... and that Yenko will snap a speed on about five seconds flat.[CN] 那部道奇有450匹马力 雪佛兰加速到100公里只需5秒钟 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)
Black Suburban at 10 o'clock.[CN] 10点方向有辆黑色的Suburban 「注: Suburban 雪佛兰SUV的旗舰车型,具有三排车座」 Bad Boys II (2003)
Somebody around here must have a Chevy I can borrow.[CN] 我一定借得到雪佛兰车 The American President (1995)
There's a 1999 Chevrolet Malibu registered in his name.[CN] 他的名下有1999年产的雪佛兰美宜堡 In the Valley of Elah (2007)
- Either the Chevy Blazer, the Paris...[CN] 看是要雪佛兰休旅车 还是巴黎 Matchstick Men (2003)

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