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赠予[zèng yǔ, ㄗㄥˋ ㄩˇ,   /  ] to give a present; to accord (a favor); to grant [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But you fled and you turned your back on those gifts.[CN] 但你却逃跑了 视这些赠予为粪土 47 Ronin (2013)
"The more valued the gift, the more easily it was given.[CN] 礼物越是珍贵 越是容易被赠予 Dances with Wolves (1990)
And while I am grateful for the many gifts that have been given to me in my life, perhaps the greatest gift has been the support of my colleagues over this last year.[CN] 非常感谢 生命中我所获得的许多赠予 也许最好的赠予是这一年来 Something the Lord Made (2004)
Give them, I pray you to a lady more deserving of Your Majesty's affections.[CN] 恳请您 将此华饰 赠予应得陛下宠幸之人 His Majesty, the King (2007)
The other one is the "shadow." You let someone else have that.[CN] 剩下的那把称为影打 赠予他人 Rurouni Kenshin Part II: Kyoto Inferno (2014)
This auction's proceeds go to the HK Handicapped Association[CN] 今次的慈善拍卖所得的善款 将会捐赠予香港残废儿童协会 Once a Thief (1991)
Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away.[CN] 很不幸 邓布利多没有权利 将格兰芬多之剑赠予他人 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
And hence, your subjects, most humbly wish to bestow on you the title of... 'Akbar'![CN] 而且,因为您的英明决策 我们以崇敬之心,希望赠予您... "Akbar"的称号! Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
Miss Kobayashi named you as her sole heir.[CN] 夫人指定你是唯一遗产赠予人 Wasabi (2001)
Thank your good master for his gift ofthe honey and the eggs.[CN] 替我感谢你们家主人赠予的蜂蜜和鸡蛋 Viy (1967)
Please, enjoy this touching video tribute... to the fallen heroes of the Mt.[CN] 谨以这个感人的影像礼物... 赠予在不可能的大自然冒险赛 殒落的英雄们 Unstable Fables: Tortoise vs. Hare (2008)
Re-establishing him so in his rights[CN] 教会将把他的那一份 全数赠予西克斯图斯 Augustine of Hippo (1972)
Once here a Lutheran nobleman, Count Zinzendorf, headstrong, charismatic, rich, offered them his land and leadership for a new community.[CN] 当时住在这里的一位路德宗的贵族 亲岑多夫伯爵,倔强、活跃且富有, 他把自己的一片土地赠予他们, 并担任了这个新社区的领导。 Protestantism: The Evangelical Explosion (2009)
Florence Norris I present to you the Congressional Medal of Honor the nation's highest decoration.[CN] 佛罗伦斯... 谨以国会勋章赠予你 国家的最高荣誉象征 Mars Attacks! (1996)
This is B.B. King saying won't you please give... so that Don Simmons here and so many others... can become useful members of society.[CN] 我是B. B. 金 我说难道你不乐意赠予 Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
"I, Juanita Lupe Vega, bequeath my china pattern, stainless steel cutlery, and Ginsu knives to my favorite charity, the Church of Latter Day Angel.[CN] 我 胡安妮塔・卢佩・维嘉 把我的瓷器 不锈钢餐具 金厨刀具 赠予我最爱的慈善机构 末日天使教堂 Bad Ass (2012)
I can reward you with a long and fruitful life, but I must have your loyalty.[CN] 我可以赠予你长生不老 但你必须尽忠于我 Dracula (1979)
"T.S. From B.M."[CN] B·M赠予T·S Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
I do present you with this basket of gifts and merchandise.[CN] 我赠予你一篮小礼物和货物 Where the Heart Is (2000)
It would normally be left to the husband.[CN] 一般是由丈夫赠予 Bel Ami (2012)
I offer you the finest chilled refreshment known to the human race.[CN] 我赠予你人类最美味的冰凉醒脑饮品 Escape from Planet Earth (2013)
If you'll forgive me, sir... it is unusual for an estate to be left solely to a married woman.[CN] 先生 恕我直言 将遗产全部赠予一位已婚女子 很鲜见 Bel Ami (2012)
Finally, the Lasso of Truth bequeathed to us by the goddess Hestia sent here by Eros from Mount Olympus.[CN] 最后,真言套索, 由女神赫斯提赠予我们, 并由奥林匹斯山上的爱罗斯转交 Wonder Woman (2009)
I'll willingly give it, too.[CN] 我也会欣然赠予的 Love Is My Profession (1958)
They also thanked for the beautiful presents you sent.[CN] 他们也感谢您赠予的精美礼物 Conquest 1453 (2012)
The Duke of Brittany, he offered his daughter this magnificent abbey.[CN] 而布列塔尼公爵 他将这坐宏伟的修道院赠予了他的爱女 Un plan parfait (2012)
The gods go with you with the gifts I'm about to bestow.[CN] 神选定了你来接受我即将赠予的礼物 Wonder Woman (2009)
To help endow a law school.[CN] 去赠予帮助一所法律院校 Bordertown (1935)
A present from your navy.[CN] 是你们海军赠予的 From Russia with Love (1963)
I will give you the whole world.[CN] 我就把全世界都赠予你 Hope (2013)
Well, you know I can't grant wishes, so this will have to do.[CN] 好,你们知道我不能赠予愿望 所以不得不这么做 Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
I leave you my house, my jewelry, my wardrobe... "[CN] 则赠予房子 珠宝 衣橱... Bad Ass (2012)
Because your mother wanted him... to take care of you untill you are of age.[CN] 费先生是你母亲遗产的赠予人 成年前都将由他照顾你 Wasabi (2001)
"I bequeath, bestow and devise, free of all taxation[CN] 我免税遗赠予他 The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
But fate also gifts us moments of impossible grace...[CN] 但命运也会赠予我们不可思议的恩典... But fate also gifts us moments of impossible grace... Diamonds Are Forever (2015)
It's our unit's challenge coin for exemplary service on a mission.[CN] 这是我们部队的纪念币 赠予在任务中表现出色的人 Talismans (2014)
Three flowers he gave to me[CN] # 他赠予我的三朵花 # # Three flowers he gave to me # Far from the Madding Crowd (2015)
Here is the deed of gift. Please read it[CN] 这是赠予契约 请看看 Sandra (1965)
"The town council gave her a bench.[CN] "镇委员会赠予了她一把长椅 Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take (2015)
And these are the things that I've been given.[CN] 这些就是我被赠予的东西 Palermo or Wolfsburg (1980)
Sourpuss, I grant you something you are in need of most.[CN] 讨厌的家伙,我赠予你一样东西 你最需要的东西 Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
None of God's bounty ever needs go to waste.[CN] 上帝的赠予不应该被浪费 Summertime (2012)
And in his anger he has taken away his most precious gift to us![CN] 盛怒之下,主夺走了他给予人类最宝贵的赠予! Children of Men (2006)
We give you the title "All-Team Organizer"![CN] 我们赠予你"团队组织者"的称号 Winter Wrap Up (2010)
I've decided to include you in my will[CN] 决将家产约五亿元分赠予汝 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
I've decided to include you in my will[CN] 决将家产五亿元分赠予汝 The Five Billion Dollar Legacy (1970)
The Mukhya Pradesh government will grant 1 00, 000 rupees to Mr Natha and his family.[CN] Mukhya Pradesh政府 将赠予Natha先生及家人十万卢比 Peepli (Live) (2010)
We're here to honor his esteemed daughter with the presentation of our son, Prince Farad'N, heir to the throne of House Corrino.[CN] 我们这里向他珍重的 女儿表示敬意,用... 我们儿子赠予,法拉德王子... 科瑞诺家族王座的继承人 Episode #1.3 (2003)
Why? Right.[CN] 有请馨予将拍品赠予李先生 If You Are the One 2 (2010)


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