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菲舍尔[fēi shě ěr, ㄈㄟ ㄕㄜˇ ㄦˇ,    /   ] Fisher (name) #68,338 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
David Fischer... and I'm your teacher.[CN] 菲舍尔... 我是你的老师 English Vinglish (2012)
Fish?[CN] 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
The boy's name is Antwone Fisher.[CN] 这孩子叫安东尼 -菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
- Eva Mae Fisher.[CN] 伊娃 梅 菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Scott Fischer and Rob Hall went as business rivals... each trying to get as many of their clients to the top as possible... and win the lion's share of the lucrative Everest market.[CN] 斯科特・菲舍尔和罗布・霍尔 作为一个商业对手... 每个试图获得尽可能多的利润,尽可能从 他们的客户带来的顶部? ... Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
- Look out for me, Fish.[CN] 看好我, 菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
My man Fish says he got himself a girlfriend.[CN] 我的朋友菲舍尔说 他有女朋友了. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Right, Fish?[CN] 对吗, 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
What's cracking, Fisher?[CN] 什么裂缝了, 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
In Reykjavik, Iceland today, Bobby Fischer failed to show up for his second game against Boris Spassky.[CN] 今天,在冰岛的雷克雅未克, 波比. 菲舍尔在对阵鲍里斯. Pawn Sacrifice (2014)
Yeah, Fish.[CN] 对, 菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Fish![CN] 菲舍尔! Antwone Fisher (2002)
Fish, you know you're my best friend, right?[CN] 菲舍尔, 你知道你是我最好的朋友, 对吗? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Debra Fischer and I have been working for several years, through this group called Transit Search.[CN] 几年来 我和黛布拉・菲舍尔一起工作 通过"横越"搜索 Seeing in the Dark (2007)
Hell, I'm worried about you, Fish.[CN] 该死的, 我为你担心, 菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
So the hangman, Mr Fischer said, "Listen, pardon him.[CN] 于是那个刽子手,菲舍尔先生说: The Last of the Unjust (2013)
Scott Fischer![CN] 斯科特・菲舍尔! Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
I mean, that's the Antwone Fisher story.[CN] 我是说, 这就是安东尼 -菲舍尔的故事. Antwone Fisher (2002)
I watched Bobby Fischer played ten games at the same time.[CN] 我正好看到博比・菲舍尔同时 进行十桌比赛 Righteous Kill (2008)
My name is Antwone Fisher.[CN] 我是安东尼 -菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
That's Antwone Quenton Fisher.[CN] 他是安东尼 -昆顿 -菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Bobby Fischer would be proud of that move.[CN] 鲍比・菲舍尔也会 为我这步棋感到骄傲的 (前世界国际象棋冠军) The Contract (2006)
- Hey, hold off, Fish.[CN] 嘿, 住嘴, 菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Petty Officer Fisher, you've been accused... of violating Article 128...[CN] 菲舍尔军士, 你被控告... 违反了第128条条款... Antwone Fisher (2002)
Antwone Fisher, ma'am.[CN] 安东尼 -菲舍尔, 太太. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Scott Fischer... and Rob Hall.[CN] 斯科特・菲舍尔... 和罗布厅。 Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
I knew that Fischer... and Hall had a slightly different view.[CN] 我知道,菲舍尔... ... 和霍尔 一个稍微不同的观点。 Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
That would be Sergeant Fischer and me.[CN] - 那谁是幸运的三号呢? - 那是菲舍尔军士和我. The Eye of Jupiter (2006)
I'm Seaman Fisher.[CN] 我是海员菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Scott Fischer and Rob Hall... led this expedition to the top of the world.[CN] 斯科特・菲舍尔和罗布・霍尔... 领导这次远征 世界的顶部。 Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
That would make you... a medical miracle, Seaman Fisher.[CN] 那会使你成为... 一次医学界的奇迹的, 水兵菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Petty Officer Berkley, did you make... any racial remarks to Petty Officer Fisher?[CN] 伯克利军士, 你对菲舍尔军士有过任何... 关于种族的评论吗? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Seaman Fisher.[CN] 海员菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)
That's Jess Fisher's sister, Eva Mae.[CN] 是杰西 -菲舍尔的 妹妹, 伊娃 -梅. Antwone Fisher (2002)
You looking for a discharge, Fisher?[CN] 你在寻求退伍吗, 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Who's Antwone Quenton Fisher, Eva?[CN] 安东尼 -昆顿 -菲舍尔是谁, 伊娃? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Listen, Seaman Fisher...[CN] 听好, 菲舍尔海员... Antwone Fisher (2002)
You mean Fish?[CN] 你指菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Hey, Fish![CN] 嘿, 菲舍尔! Antwone Fisher (2002)
Best of luck, Mr. Fisher.[CN] 祝你好运, 菲舍尔先生. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Petty Officer Fisher.[CN] 菲舍尔士官. Antwone Fisher (2002)
Where you from, Fisher?[CN] 嗯. 你是哪人, 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Scott Fischer was probably dead.[CN] 斯科特・菲舍尔可能会死。 Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
Higher on the mountain, Lopsang lowered an exhausted Scott Fischer... past Rob Hall and his friend and client Doug Hansen... who was so sick from the altitude that he could no longer move.[CN] 上了山,Lopsang 斯科特・菲舍尔降低疲劳... 过去罗布・霍尔和他 道格・汉森和客户端... 是生病在高海拔地区的 他可能再也无法动弹。 Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
What about you, Fish?[CN] 你呢, 菲舍尔? Antwone Fisher (2002)
Jess Fisher.[CN] 杰西 -菲舍尔. Antwone Fisher (2002)


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