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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
约会[yuē huì, ㄩㄝ ㄏㄨㄟˋ,   /  ] appointment; engagement #6,928 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And all the boys who wanted to go out with me...[CN] 想跟我约会的那些男孩 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
- General, may I remind you... of your appointment with the Führer?[CN] -我要提醒你... 你和元首的约会 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
# It's really great to have a date each night with you #[CN] 非常奇妙,与你每夜都能约会 One Hour with You (1932)
Oh, I have an appointment with Commander Kampfeldt.[CN] 我和卡姆菲尔德司令还有个约会 Night Train to Munich (1940)
You'd forgotten to dress.[CN] 你整夜未睡来准备约会 The Paradine Case (1947)
She gave it to me once when she had an appointment.[CN] 她某天有个约会,就给了我 I Wake Up Screaming (1941)
I presume that's why you left my mother and me, you had an appointment to meet him.[CN] 我看这就是你离开我的原因 -你跟他有个约会 Notorious (1946)
You knew your wife was meeting Brignon.[CN] 你知道你的妻子和 布里尼昂约会 Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Let's get out of here. I have a luncheon date and plenty to do before it.[CN] 走吧我有午餐约会及工作待办、 Foreign Correspondent (1940)
Out with his bit![CN] 和情人约会去了 The 39 Steps (1935)
And you probably didn't want to take me out at all the way I thought.[CN] 我知道你并不是 想和我约会 Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
I don't care what Pete said, I wish we were prowling in the woods today.[CN] 我想今天去林子 我希望蒂比忘了我们的约会 The Red House (1947)
Big Jim has his time all booked up.[CN] 吉姆总是有很多的约会 The Killers (1946)
She's going with some boyfriend of hers and asked us to come on a double date, as guests. -You told her we could go?[CN] 她要和一个男朋友约会, 要我们作陪,当客人。 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
I remember our first date.[CN] 我记着我们初次约会. When Strangers Marry (1944)
Dinner date with a young lady.[CN] 取消与小姐的晚餐约会 Foreign Correspondent (1940)
- I have an appointment.[CN] - 我有一个约会. The Great Dictator (1940)
- I think I've got a date.[CN] - 我有个约会 'G' Men (1935)
That morning I made a date with George for the next evening in my house... and I didn't call it off.[CN] 那天上午 我约了乔治第二天晚上幽会 我没有取消约会 Design for Living (1933)
If you call the hotel, you'll find you have no 7:00 appointment.[CN] 如果你打电话给旅馆 你就会知道在7点没有约会 Ninotchka (1939)
He and Tibby Renton are going steady.[CN] 他和蒂比兰顿在约会 The Red House (1947)
Is our date still on?[CN] 我们的约会仍然不变? 排练一完我就三陪 Is our date still on? This Gun for Hire (1942)
He dated her one night and she told me.[CN] 他和她约会了一次 然后她告诉我的 The Dark Mirror (1946)
- I got a date. - Same here.[CN] 我有约会 跟这一样 The Street with No Name (1948)
She said she'll break her engagement and come over later.[CN] 她说她愿意约会提前走 然后晚点过来 The Awful Truth (1937)
I'm delighted, gentlemen, but unfortunately I have an appointment.[CN] 我很高兴 先生们 可是我有个约会 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
It might be her tailor too. She goes out with anything.[CN] 也可能是她的裁缝 她约会的对象什么人都走 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
Going out?[CN] 我有个约会 Dédée d'Anvers (1948)
You never think of anything but topic "A," do you?[CN] 你脑子了除了男女约会,就没别的? The Palm Beach Story (1942)
What about your date with Tibby?[CN] 你跟蒂比的约会怎么办? The Red House (1947)
Well, I'm afraid I couldn't do that, I I have an appointment in town.[CN] 对不起 现在不行 我在城里有个约会 The Woman on the Beach (1947)
He doesn't know it yet, but I've got a date with your old friend, Big Jim Colfax.[CN] 他现在还不知道但是我和 你的老朋友吉姆. 科尔法有个约会 The Killers (1946)
It's not easy for me.[CN] -见不得人的约会 The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947)
You go out with me and I buy you a steak.[CN] 你答应和我约会的话 我会给你买牛排的 The Dark Mirror (1946)
We did have a date to go swimming Sunday anyway.[CN] 我们星期天游泳的约会还没定 The Red House (1947)
- I've got an appointment, 2.30 sharp.[CN] - 我忘了两点半还有个约会 Brighton Rock (1948)
I'm a little mixed up, but I sort of have an appointment in New York.[CN] 我有点糊涂了 但我在纽约有个约会 The Palm Beach Story (1942)
I don't like to be impolite, but I have an appointment.[CN] 我不想不礼貌 可是我有个约会 To Be or Not to Be (1942)
He had an engagement for diner with a girl called Teresa Collins.[CN] 她和一位叫Teresa Collins的姑娘 有个晚餐约会 The Dark Mirror (1946)
Well, it so happens that the couple I have working for me... had some important date or other.[CN] 还有说来也巧,替我工作的一对夫妇... 有个重要的约会还是其他什么 Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
Maybe Jerry's in Richmond, trying to date up someone else?[CN] 也许杰瑞正在里士满和别人约会 Moonrise (1948)
It's Friday. Do you have a date?[CN] 今晚是周末, 有约会吗? Blue Velvet (1986)
I had an appointment with Alfred.[CN] 我和阿尔佛雷德有个约会. Quai des Orfèvres (1947)
Don't forget we have a date after lunch.[CN] 别忘了午餐后我们的约会 Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
I have an appointment with Mr. Lermontov.[CN] 我和雷蒙妥夫先生有约会 The Red Shoes (1948)
Why are we meeting in secret places as if... as if we were hunted?[CN] 为什么我们要躲着约会,就好象... 在被通缉? Moonrise (1948)
Was I couldn't keep my date with you.[CN] 不能和你保持约会 Bordertown (1935)
A date?[CN] 约会? Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007)
Am I going to see you in New York?[CN] 我们在纽约会再见面吗 It Happened One Night (1934)
Had it ever occurred to you that I might like seeing you.[CN] 你从没想过 我可能想和你约会 The Dark Mirror (1946)


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