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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
研究科[けんきゅうか, kenkyuuka] (n) (post)graduate course [Add to Longdo]
大学院理学研究科[だいがくいんりがくけんきゅうか, daigakuinrigakukenkyuuka] (n) graduate school of sciences [Add to Longdo]

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Margaret Mead didn't become a great cultural anthropologist by staying in school.[CN] 玛格丽特·米德可不是窝在大学里... ... 就变成伟大的人文研究科学家的 The Way (2010)
Dr. Garrett Rossmore, esteemed colleague and research scientist.[JP] ギャレットロスモア博士 尊敬された同僚で 研究科学者 In Extremis (2013)
Dr. Garrett Rossmore, esteemed colleague and research scientist.[CN] Garrett Rossmore医生 受人尊重的同事和研究科学家 In Extremis (2013)
I'm a senior research scientist with the oak Ridge national laboratory in oak Ridge, Tennessee.[CN] 我是一个高级研究科学家 与橡树岭 国家实验室 在田纳西州橡树岭。 Prosecuting Casey Anthony (2013)
It's really an interesting question.[CN] 这真是个很有趣的问题。 如果你研究科学有足够长的时间... What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004)
It's dedicated to the furthering--[CN] 为解剖研究科学作出 Anatomy (2000)
Then, the Data and Research Department, conducting a full-scale demographic survey of the catchment area.[CN] 其次 数据研究科 Then, the Data and ResearchDepartment, 总结分析 conducting a full -scale The Compassionate Society (1981)
Since then, I've watched him rise from intern to resident to research scientist and finally, and best of all I think you'd agree, patent holder.[CN] 自那时起, 我看着他从实习医生 到住院医生到研究科学家... 终于成为个中翘楚 我想各位都会同意, 专利权持有者 Trapped (2002)
Well I could do without standing in some anaemic office in Whitehall, talking to a civil service pen pusher, when I should be exploring the most significant phenomenon... in the history of science.[CN] 但我不能忍受站在这贫血的办公室 跟一个就知道让人签字的人民公仆谈话 在我本应该去研究科学史上 Episode #1.1 (2007)
Although we are both scientists, I am a lot poorer![CN] 我们同是研究科学的,我比他就穷得多了 Armageddon (1997)
And then I started doing science... and I realized we were spinning around the sun... at 67, 000 miles an hour... held in place by gravity.[CN] 然后我开始研究科学... 发现我们是在以每小时67000英里的速度... 绕着太阳转... Martian Child (2007)
I studied certain sciences with passion.[CN] 我用激情研究科学 Daughter of Dracula (1972)
We were doing science.[CN] 我们在做研究科学 We were doing science. Cliffhanger (2015)
I am a man of science[CN] 我是研究科學的人 Vicky Donor (2012)


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