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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
皇后区[Huáng hòu qū, ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄏㄡˋ ㄑㄩ,    /   ] Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I live in Queens.[CN] 我就住在皇后区 The Usual Suspects (1995)
Sergeant Dickman, off duty, Queens! What is your name, rookie?[CN] 我是皇后区的迪曼警探, 你叫什么名字? Trapped in Paradise (1994)
This morning she told the entire borough of Queens that I had a hiatus hernia.[CN] 今天早上她告诉了 整个皇后区的人我得过裂疝 New York Stories (1989)
Two months ago, Mr.Hockney stole a truck carrying gun parts through Queens.[CN] 两个月前, 哈肯尼先生偷了... ...途经皇后区的装载枪械零件的货车 The Usual Suspects (1995)
Charlie lived happily in Queens, where he was born and had lived all of his life.[CN] 查理在皇后区过得很快乐,他也是 在那里出生,成长 It Could Happen to You (1994)
- What part of Queens do you want?[CN] - 你们要去皇后区的什么地方? Coming to America (1988)
One bedroom in Queens is not my idea of living.[CN] 在皇后区,一间卧室的住房可不是我的目标 It Could Happen to You (1994)
Subject graduated Bayside High School, Queens, 1978.[CN] 除高中毕业湾畔,皇后区,1978年。 Married to the Mob (1988)
Queens or here?[CN] 在皇后区还是在这干? Sea of Love (1989)
Put the N.Y.P.D. on him. I want you and Royce here now at Queens Hill Cemetery.[CN] 让纽约警方盯着他 你和Royce马上来皇后区希尔墓园 U.S. Marshals (1998)
- You know a better way to Queens?[CN] 还有其它路到皇后区? Men in Black (1997)
I came to America to find my bride. I came to Queens to find you.[CN] 我是来美国寻找妻子的 我来到了皇后区 找到了你 Coming to America (1988)
Many details are still unclear, but we can now confirm... that Special Agent Frank Barrows... was killed at Queens Hill Cemetery during a stakeout... to capture fugitive Mark Sheridan, the prime suspect in two murders... at the U.N. six months ago.[CN] 具体细节还不清楚 不过我们能肯定... ...特别探员Frank Barrows... ...今天在皇后区一墓园被... U.S. Marshals (1998)
This morning's raiding Queens follows leads foundatan earliermurdersite.[CN] 今天早上警方突击皇后区 发现该处稍早也发生谋杀案 The Bone Collector (1999)
He drank and he did drugs... and he had a wife he never saw living somewhere in Queens.[CN] 老婆住皇后区他从来不去探望? Sleepers (1996)
-Did she say Queens?[CN] 他是说皇后区吗? Conspiracy Theory (1997)
It's a policy guy from Queens.[CN] 他是皇后区的非法彩券商 The French Connection (1971)
That's easy. If there's one thing Queens got a lot of, it's common parts.[CN] 这倒容易 要说那种不起眼的地方 皇后区有的是 Coming to America (1988)
We've been to every bar in Queens.[CN] 我们可是把皇后区的酒吧都跑遍了 Coming to America (1988)
He used to run a full-time casino out of his house in Queens.[CN] 他曾在皇后区自己的房子里经营赌场 Boiler Room (2000)
Take us to Queens at once.[CN] 立刻带我们去皇后区 Coming to America (1988)
Branch was born in Queens, New York, and, as you can see, ...from the wheelchair, the victim of a hit man's bullet.[CN] 亚伦生于纽约皇后区 曾遭杀手狙击受伤 导致无法行走 Assassins (1995)
I can put you in Queens during the hijacking.[CN] 我能以在皇后区骑劫货车的罪名起诉你 The Usual Suspects (1995)
- We're coming into Queens now.[CN] - 刚到皇后区 U.S. Marshals (1998)
- No, I want Queens.[CN] - 不 我要去皇后区 Coming to America (1988)
These are the best women Queens has to offer. Pick one, and let's go home.[CN] 这些就是皇后区最好的女人了 挑一个然后回家 Coming to America (1988)
Do you want to go to Queens?[CN] 你们真想去皇后区? Coming to America (1988)
Do you mean after all these years of planning and dreaming and never getting out of Far Rockaway...?[CN] 你是说在所有这些年计划和梦想之后... 从未离开过法洛克卫(位于纽约皇后区)... Romance on the High Seas (1948)
And then I gotta go to fuckin' Queens.[CN] 然后我要去那该死的皇后区. Rounders (1998)
We get outta here, get some coffee, ride over to that soft seat in Queens.[CN] 我们离开, 喝杯咖啡, 去 皇后区那里玩. Rounders (1998)
Why hold it in Queens?[CN] 还有什么其他理由在皇后区? Men in Black (1997)
That's Queens, Dad.[CN] 爸, 你那里是皇后区 Wall Street (1987)
The music is playing in Queens?[CN] 我们往皇后区吗? Conspiracy Theory (1997)
That poor bastard in Queens?[CN] 那在皇后区的那个呢? Sea of Love (1989)
Sanitation workers discovered the dead body of another nurse in Queens.[CN] 今天凌晨清洁队员在皇后区的 垃圾堆发现另一名护士的尸体 Frequency (2000)
Where's Queens Hill Cemetery?[CN] 皇后区希尔墓园在哪里? U.S. Marshals (1998)
Back to Queens.[CN] 回皇后区 Coming to America (1988)
Not to mention Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens and the Bronx?[CN] 还不包括布鲁克林,斯塔滕岛,皇后区和布朗克斯? Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)
Queens![CN] 皇后区! Coming to America (1988)
Plainclothes cop, works narcotics in Queens.[CN] 史泰勒在皇后区干缉毒便衣 Sleepers (1996)
- Queens 1.[CN] -皇后区1号 The Wrong Man (1956)
- Abandoned in Queens.[CN] - 被丢弃在皇后区 The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
Charlie was married to Muriel. She hated Queens.[CN] 查理和穆丽儿结了婚,她讨厌皇后区 It Could Happen to You (1994)
You want to work in Queens?[CN] 你想去皇后区啊? Sea of Love (1989)
It was small-time - a pawnshop burglary in Queens.[CN] 在同一时间... ... 皇后区的当铺盗窃 The Naked City (1948)
A truck loaded with stripped gun parts got jacked outside of Queens.[CN] 一辆满载枪械部件的卡车 在皇后区外被劫持了 The Usual Suspects (1995)
Queens, New York.[CN] 纽约皇后区 Frequency (2000)
It's all of Manhattan.[CN] 我妈说是整个布鲁克林 外加部份曼哈顿和皇后区 The One with the Blackout (1994)
That's Queens. Look way, way down there.[CN] 那里是皇后区 往那边一直往下走 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)


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