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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -癫-
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Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, diān, ㄉㄧㄢ] crazy, insane; madness, mania
Radical: , Decomposition:   疒 [, ㄋㄜˋ]  颠 [diān, ㄉㄧㄢ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] sickness
Variants: , Rank: 2887
[, diān, ㄉㄧㄢ] crazy, insane; madness, mania
Radical: , Decomposition:   疒 [, ㄋㄜˋ]  顛 [diān, ㄉㄧㄢ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] sickness

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[diān, ㄉㄧㄢ, / ] convulsions; crazy #15,960 [Add to Longdo]
癫痫[diān xián, ㄉㄧㄢ ㄒㄧㄢˊ,   /  ] epilepsy #16,625 [Add to Longdo]
疯癫[fēng diān, ㄈㄥ ㄉㄧㄢ,   /  ] insane; crazy #29,846 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Been to 16 bars, the homeless shelter shantytown under the 'L', your house, where the fuck is he?[CN] 我去了16个酒吧 庇护所 地铁下面的贫民区 你家 疯癫Sheila家 他他妈在哪儿? Parenthood (2012)
Jung Tae-hun, you bastard![CN] 郑泰勋,你这个癫佬! Soar Into the Sun (2012)
I think it's epilepsy.[CN] 我看像是癫痫 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
As we predicted, his episodes are becoming frequent.[CN] 就像我们预料的 他的癫痫愈发频繁了 Imaginaerum (2012)
We give that to someone with liver problems, he could have seizures, or worse.[CN] 此药用于肝功能障碍患者 可能导致他癫痫发作 甚至更糟 Man of the House (2012)
He helped with archiving dotty's research materials...[CN] 他帮助与归档 疯疯癫癫的研究资料... A Birder's Guide to Everything (2013)
Epilepsy.[CN] 是癫痫 1939 Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
Get rid of this bastard now![CN] 现在就赶走这个癫佬吧! Soar Into the Sun (2012)
But, look, Becca told me all these stories about how crazy he gets when he drinks.[CN] Becca告诉我他和喝醉后有多疯癫 The Ride-Along (2012)
Syphilis and also called crazy.[CN] 我相信上帝说的: 梅毒是一种癫狂 My Awkward Sexual Adventure (2012)
Hey, do all your girlfriends have crazy relatives or just Sara?[CN] 嘿 你所有女朋友都有 疯疯癫癫的亲戚还是就莎拉有 Magic Magic (2013)
She's having a seizure. Come here.[CN] 她癫痫发作,来 The Devil Inside (2012)
Please don't give my mom a seizure. (Chuckles)[CN] 不给她 癫痫发作。 Breakup at a Wedding (2013)
So if it's in the brain why are their delusions always sexual?[CN] 那如果病的根源在于大脑 为什么她们的癫狂 总是会带有性欲色彩呢? Augustine (2012)
Any chance this was a seizure, a stroke, anything that might help explain this?[CN] 有没有可能是癫痫啊中风啊 或者其他能解释这个的疾病? Southern Comfort (2012)
You bastard![CN] 你这个癫佬! Soar Into the Sun (2012)
Bat-shit nuts.[CN] 是真正的疯癫。 Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)
- He's epileptic.[CN] - 他患有癫痫 Phantom (2013)
Here's the second signpost of my madness.[CN] 这里的第二个路标 我太疯癫。 Big Sur (2013)
We had a sick night, bitches. Heh-heh-heh.[CN] 一夜疯癫哈,贱人们,哈哈哈 The Hangover Part III (2013)
A dirty pervert![CN] 癫佬! Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
She went out in the storm just to deliver this to you.[CN] 大台风夜还疯疯癫癫 为了这个 Ripples of Desire (2012)
A psycho, lunatic, weirdo![CN] 黐线佬、癫佬、怪鸡 Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
I mean, at first I thought it was Johnathan Gilbert's journal... but it ended up being his granddaughter's... who apparently went just as crazy as he did.[CN] 一开始 我还以为这是 Jonathan Gilbert的日记 后来 发现是他孙女的 跟他一样 疯疯癫癫的 1912 (2012)
- Mrs. Ronce has lost her mind.[CN] 这位龙斯夫人早就疯疯癫癫了 The Day of the Crows (2012)
Got drops, got Coups, got trucks, got jeeps, all right, cause we gonna take a ride tonight[CN] 有滴剂,有妙计,有交易,有吉普 好的,因为们今晚要去疯癫 End of Watch (2012)
He was real big with, like, a... patchy beard and crazy bug eyes.[CN] 他块头很大 而且 胡子乱糟糟 眼神疯疯癫癫 Slack Water (2012)
My relationship with my cats has always been dotty.[CN] 我和我的猫的关系 一直疯疯癫癫。 Big Sur (2013)
And this is the crazy aunt I want to take on the road?[CN] 我要带上这个疯疯癫癫的大婶一起走吗? Blood Brother (2012)
Snapped tendons, seizures, brain damage.[CN] 跟腱断裂 癫痫 脑损伤 The East (2013)
- He's epileptic?[CN] - 他有癫痫? Phantom (2013)
It's only about delusions.[CN] 它只是源自于癫狂本身 Augustine (2012)
You're the dirty pervert. You horny nymphomaniac![CN] 你才是花癫妹、姣婆! Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
Epilepsy?[CN] 癫痫症? The Body (2012)
All I know is that these men crashed our party, and when we tried to remove them, they start acting crazy.[CN] 我唯一知道的 就是这些人毁了我们的 party 而当我们设法赶走他们的时候 他们开始疯疯癫癫的 The Three Stooges (2012)
I'm going out of my mind[CN] 就快发癫 Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
You're the dirty pervert! You horny nymphomaniac![CN] 花癫妹、姣婆! Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
Where's the stuff you confiscate?[CN] 你在哪里把癫痫发作?" Paulette (2012)
Assholes, holiness, traitors, crazies, idiots[CN] 有衰仔、有好仔、反骨仔、癫仔、蠢仔 All's Well, Ends Well 2012 (2012)
A psycho, lunatic, weirdo...[CN] 黐线佬、癫佬、狂人... Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
A psycho and a lunatic? Okay.[CN] 黐线佬、癫佬? Whatcha Wearin'? (2012)
She's still unconscious, but the seizures have stopped and we've got her stabilized. We're waiting for a doctor.[CN] 她还是昏迷不醒 但癫痫已经停止了 我们让她情况稳定下来了 Surprise, Motherfucker! (2012)
"I've heard the strange madness long growing in your soul.[CN] "我听见怪异的癫狂,在你灵魂中疯长" Kill Your Darlings (2013)
There is a mutt.[CN] 它才不是癫痢狗 杰夫是依"汤玛斯·杰弗逊"而命名... Tad, the Lost Explorer (2012)
Of course not! I thought you were insane and possibly dangerous.[CN] 当然不信 我以为你又疯癫又危险 Free Birds (2013)
Last night you went wild again.[CN] 你又疯疯癫癫的 Traffic Department (2012)
You're crazier than I am if you believe that.[CN] 你要那么想的话 就比我癫狂太多了 Purged Away with Blood (2012)
Dmitri Zubov is an epileptic who uses drugs and drink to medicate his neurological malady.[CN] 迪米特·朱波夫是一个用药物和酒 来治疗他的神经疾病的癫痫患者 Phantom (2013)
So the doctor says she had a focal seizure, which is common for her kind of brain tumor.[CN] 医生说她局灶性癫痫发作 在她的脑瘤来说是常见现象 Vanity's Bonfire (2012)
It's very well known that some epileptics do break their bones during a seizure.[CN] 癫痫患者发作时骨折 是众所皆知的事实 The Devil Inside (2012)


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